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You woke up to Jeongsan wiggling around in the bed, trying to get comfortable. You got up and dressed into something more decent. You brushed your hair and teeth as well.

You're outfit plain and simple, that's pretty much what your closet consisted of. You couldn't exactly afford much more, barely enough for food and rent. You couldn't spare anything. Though your clothes didn't look like you gotten them from the local thrift shop for 4,000 won, that's what's great about thrifting. 

After dressing you walked out to the kitchen to find the sound of birds chirping through the open window, along with the sound of honking and traffic

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After dressing you walked out to the kitchen to find the sound of birds chirping through the open window, along with the sound of honking and traffic. It was a Monday morning so, people all around Seoul would be busy this early, heading to work. Unlike you, but soon hopefully somewhere would hire you. Or you would be screwed.

Looking through Pinterest looking at art, you wondered. Could you ever sell art? No, no, you weren't good enough, right? Well, just maybe you could get a few bucks though at least? Sell what art? You haven't worked on anything in a while. It would definitely be a hobby. You had nothing much to do anyway. And soon if you get the job it will only pay for rent, nothing more. Maybe it was an idea. Your thoughts soon cut off by Jeongsan sitting next to you.

"What's mommy doing?" He rubbed his eyes as he looked at your phone screen.

"Just looking at some drawings hun." You smiled to him.

"You could do that, mommy." He pointed to a drawing way to difficult for you.

"I don't know, baby. I'm not that good at drawing." You sighed.

"Yes you are." A rough voice answered back, looking at where it had come from. You saw Jungkook making his way into the kitchen and looking at your phone. His head on your shoulder looking over.

"You're better than that." He analyzed the screen and then looked back you, your faces ever so close. Making you squirm, too close, much too close.

Mommy! -jjkWhere stories live. Discover now