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~~~~~TWWalking into his grandmother's was a breath of fresh air and vanilla

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Walking into his grandmother's was a breath of fresh air and vanilla. No people filled the seats though, you wondered why. You all sat at a table waiting for his grandmother, she seemed to be in the kitchen by the sound of the clattering.

"Grandma?" Jungkook called out to her with a smile. You could tell how much he adored her just by the way he called out to her, his voice soft and full of love.

"Coming love!" You assumed she knew that you all were coming by her reply.

She came out of the kitchen with a cute apron on with flour covering it.

"What can I get you, folks?" Asking in a serious matter.

"Just kidding! It's nice to see you again Y/n, and your little one." She smiled kindly. Jeongsan getting embarrassed just by seeing the woman, hiding behind you a little.

"It's nice to see you too." You smiled. She lightly frowned looking at your body, you couldn't tell quite why.

"You know what to give us grandma." Jungkook smiled before she went back into the kitchen area. The thought of eating sickened you but you couldn't be rude. Maybe just a few bites.

"You know, my grandma raised me actually. My mom passed when I was around nine. She's taken care of me until I graduated."This surprised you a bit. Of course, he had told you his mother passed but not at an exact age. You could never understand his pain growing up. Losing a parent.

"Jungkook I'm so sorry. You were so young." Tears gathered lightly in your eyes.

"No, no it's okay. I'm happy I was old enough to remember her. My grandma was the best supporter." He smiled as if what he had been through had passed, you could tell it still hurt him.

You could hear the kitchen door opening and her coming back with plates of food. Bread like things, pancakes, cakes, all carbs. You couldn't bear it.

"Here you are!" She smiled brightly setting down the food, leaving you all to eat.

"Please eat for me." Jungkook looked at you, his eyes begging. He knew this would be too much for you, yet he took you here anyway. You shook looking at the food.

"I can't." Your eyes filling with tears. It was too much. You can't do it today. Too many carbs, too much food, you couldn't bear to eat it.

"Please." He frowned.

"I need a bathroom." Your eyes searching for the damn bathroom in this place. Getting up and finding it yourself leaving Jungkook and Jeongsan dumbfounded. Jeongsan ever so confused as to why his mother was sad about eating.

You hid in the bathroom, crying. Face by the toilet.

"I could throw it up after right?" You thought.

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