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Application: Accepted
You are accepted to start working on December 16th at 8:P.M.
You will be working the first 6 weeks on the night shift, our apologies. The morning shift is full until an opening or until January 10th. Thank you.

Waking up to this. You have a job. A small, not so great, job. Night shift too. Who will watch Jeongsan? You don't Jungkook well enough yet. Daycare? But could you really afford that right now? You haven't even started yet.

Closing your laptop and getting a drink of water from the kitchen, you hoped you could find a cheap daycare of some sort.

"Watcha doing?" Jungkook greeted you as he walked out into the kitchen still in baggy sweatpants and a black t-shirt. His morning voice still groggy and deep.

"Thinking." Your eyes wondered from his large form as he walked towards you.

"Bout what?"

"Rent." You didn't want to get into all that quite yet.

"I'll pay this month. Found a job?" You thought for a moment, you might actually need him to pay this month after all. You don't have the money.

"I did. I start soon." You sipped your water quietly thinking about how this would all work out. Babysitting.

"That's good." He smiled.

"Yeah, I guess so. It's just not the best."

"You have to start somewhere." He always looked at the positive sides of things. Why couldn't you be that way?

"Yeah you're right."

"Hey, I'm going to go take a shower. You should make me breakfast?" He pleaded with eyes and gave a small pout towards you. Kinda cute.

"Okay." You drew out the word with a sigh yet a smile still plastered in your face. What could you make? Searching the fridge finding the eggs, carrots, and some greens you thought, 비빔밥? Minus the meat, because you didn't have any. You searched the pantry to get some quick rice to have with it.

You started with the rice and made sure to have enough for Jungkook since he is a growing man and needs more than you. As the rice cooked you washed the assorted vegetables before setting them in a hot pan to soften a bit. You seasoned lightly and added sauces as it finished, then set it aside. You sliced the carrots into long rectangles, adding them to the warm pan, just to soften lightly. You added the veggies to 3 separate bowls. Afterwords you fried 3 eggs to add to each of the bowls and cleaned up your little mess.

Mommy! -jjkWhere stories live. Discover now