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Coming home to sleeping boys, cute. You admired them. Maybe it was the fact that you liked him or maybe because your back hurt too much from sleeping on the couch, but you laid next to Jungkook, him being in the middle of you and your son. Comfortable.


You woke up due to moving around, Jungkook's leg was around your hip and his arm was around your waist, you couldn't move or look back to see if he was actually awake or not. By the light snoring, you took it as a no. Your face flushed as he pulled you closer, your shirt lifted up from his hand moving.

"Kook?" You whispered lightly, to no avail.

"Jungkook?" Whispering a bit louder.

He was too cute. Cuddling in his sleep? He acts all though and bad, but he's really just so soft. Everyday confuses you with his duality.

"Kook?" You tapped his arm and talked a bit louder. He grunted and held tighter.

"Are you up?" You asked.

"I am now." He grumbled, not looking to move anytime soon.

"Let me go." Your ears red now with the way he knowingly cuddled you.

"Don't wanna." His rough morning voice answered.

"Too bad, I wanna make breakfast."

"No, not today." He was determined.

"Why not?"

"I want to cuddle you. Also, we're going to my grandmother's for breakfast." Gripping your hip to keep you from moving.

"You could've informed me." You scoffed.

"Be a good girl." You could hear his smirk, scoffing you tried pushing him off.

"This is harassment."

"You like it." You looked back to see him smiling.

"Did you just justify your harassment?"

"I did."

"Bad boy." You lightly slapped him.

"Kinky, I like it." He purred.

"My son is literally sleeping right next to us."

"He can watch." He smirked.

"You're such a freak!" You smacked him playfully.

"You like me like this." He smiled as you hit him.

"Now let me go, I need to get ready then."

"Okayyyyy." He drew out his words before letting you go for a second before flipping you to fully face him.

"Give me a kiss first." He puckered up.

"No, you're bad." You went to get up but he pushed you back down.

"Please." He pouted, his doe eyes could kill.

You pecked him before getting up and going to the bathroom taking a towel with you. Warming up the water. Getting in and lathering your body in the vanilla body wash. Finish up quicky before taking the towel around your body.

You forgot about your clothes again. Well shit.

You came out naked with the towel covering what it could. Noticing Jungkook still in the room, on his phone in your bed, Jeongsan still sleeping.

"Damn." He put his phone down and stared at you.

"Once again, harassment." You pointed out before going to look for an outfit in your closet.

"Am I not allowed to look?" He came up from behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"You can look, but no touching." You took his arms off your waist and winked.

"Not fair." He whined.

"I need to get ready." You glared at him.

"Are you insinuating something was going to happen? Dirty girl." He smirked.

"Shut up." You slapped him away and found something to dress in. Going to the bathroom and dressing quickly.

Walking out to see Jeongsan rubbing his eyes, and Jungkook sitting with him on the bed.

"Want to go see my grandma?" Jungkook asks him.

"She was scary." He pouted, you giggled at his comment.

"She won't be scary this time, I promise." Jungkook and Jeongsan intertwined pinkies and tapped thumbs, making this a 'true' promise.

"Let's get you ready that Jeongsan." You smiled before picking out an outfit for him. Denim pants and a white tee.

He got dressed as Jungkook left to go dress as well. You applied light makeup, just to cover your shaven in cheekbones and bags under your eyes.

After you and Jeongsan were both ready you came to meet Jungkook in the kitchen noticing how he wore the same outfit as your son. Denim jeans and a white tee.

"Did you really just copy my son?" You giggled.

"W-what? No. Let's j-just go." He stuttered along as if he didn't want to match. Cute.

You adjusted Jeongsan's seat into Jungkook's car before strapping him in and sitting up front with Jungkook. The car a little less smelly today and more of cologne and vanilla scents. Smelled of Jungkook.

The drive was short, around fifteen minutes. Listening to IU songs on the way there.

hi. your author is a failure. im behind in school STILL. and my mom likes to degrade me everyday about how worthless i am🤪 i babysit everyday from around 9 am to 11pm, because she doesn't want to watch him, or is too tired from working. i watch by brother from when he wakes to when he sleeps. it's just been a lot, im really sorry for everything. all the hold up, and just this story in general. im trying, i really am. ill try to get back on track soon. i know none of this is an excuse but idk what to say. im sorry.

Mommy! -jjkWhere stories live. Discover now