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This may be triggering. Mentions acts of an eating disorder. You have been warned❗️

The day went on. Jungkook never came back. It was already time to put Jeongsan to bed now. Maybe he worked long hours, who knows?

"Where's Jungkook?" Jeongsan asked as you tucked him in.

"Work, baby."

"He works a lot." You simply nodded as you plugged in Jeongsan's night light into the wall. You wouldn't be in bed for a few hours. You had a few things to work on and may have been a bit worried about Jungkook coming home. You waved to your son as you left your shared bedroom and went to the living room to study on your laptop.

(Scenes ahead may be triggering‼️)

You couldn't afford college and you were laid off a few days ago. Your company could no longer afford an average artist. Yes. And artist. In both with pencils and paints not to mention your love for photography. But you just weren't good enough. You knew you wouldn't get anywhere with this. You had no chance compared to everyone else. Your parents didn't believe in you either.

Scrolling through your laptop, you had to find somewhere. Just to pay rent. The fastest thing available was a fast food restaurant. It's all you could do. You couldn't afford courses to improve your art. You were a bum. You didn't want to owe thousands of dollars either. So you applied to the fast food place.

Your thoughts wondered while doing so. You were only in your early 20s and already had an almost 3 year old child. You closed your laptop as tears filled your eyes. Going back to what it was like 4 years ago. No. You couldn't think about it. Not now. It was the past. You're happy now.

Leaving the room and filling a glass with water. Drinking it. The liquid smoothly flowing down your throat. Calming your nerves. Hunger now dying down as water filled your stomach. You didn't eat after Jungkook told you to. You just don't feel like it. Your body still big and bulky. It wouldn't hurt to lose a few pounds.

A noise fell from the front door waking you from your thoughts. He was home. You put the glass into the sink before grabbing your phone and laptop from the living room.

"Hey, um. Y/n." You looked in his direction to find his eyebrow bloody and his cheek bruised.

"Do you have any medical supplies I could use?" You ran up to him ignoring his question and grabbing his face. Turning his chin back and forth looking at the wounds.

Mommy! -jjkWhere stories live. Discover now