Chapter 3_The Magic Shop

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The day was like none other, sunny with no clouds, the kind of day a youngster would enjoy. Taehyung who was just 12 at the time walked towards the town on an errand for his parents. He knew he had to be fast or else he would get scolded by them for being late and he didn’t want that to happen, especially when he just got permission to hang out with his crush the day after tomorrow.
Taehyung walked towards the supermarket when all of a sudden someone called him from afar. He didn’t know who this guy was but for some reason this person seemed to know him. He walked towards Taehyung as if he knew him from somewhere, but Taehyung was taught to run once this type of situations appeared.
He got ready to turn around and run but for some reason his body didn’t wanna move. Taehyung looked around for help but no one was around. He knew he was in a type of situation where he could not escape from. The presence of this person was so immense that he didn’t have a choice but to stay and listen to what this person has to say.
The unknown individual walked closer and closer to Taehyung, up to a point where he stood face to face with Taehyung or to be more clear he stood just a few inches away from him.

Unknown: Hello young man..
Taehyung: Hello sir..
Unknown: (looks angry)... Don’t call me sir!!!..
Taehyung: (sobs)... What should I call you then...
Unknown: (holds his chin)... Maybe call me Mr. Wonder..
Taehyung: Okay Mr. Wonder..
Mr.Wonder: (stares at Taehyung).. Are you scared boy..?
Taehyung: (cries)... Ye... Yes.. Si.... Mr.Wonder..
Mr. Wonder: in two days or rather easier for you to understand in this moment.. Come to that place (points at the shop)... The day after tomorrow.. And don’t be late..
Taehyung: Yes... (Sobs)...

Taehyung stood on his spot and as he looks down on the ground the whole scene suddenly went back to normal. He found himself staring at the ground but something changed, people started walking past him, whispering and saying things that for him sounded like he was back.
Taehyung looked up and saw that everything is back to normal, he was standing on the same spot he was before all that scary things happened. He looked in the direction he was told to be at, but there was nothing but a grocery stand.
Taehyung began moving to get to the market as soon as possible. He knew he had to get the things for dinner or else his parents especially his dad would be furious. It wasn’t long when he bumped into someone who was a bit different than the rest of the people around him.
A young girl who seem to be around the same age as him smiled at him as he passes her. Taehyung looked back at her and she couldn’t help but look at him herself.
The two stared at each other but that all changed when Taehyung suddenly saw blood coming from her head and running down her face. He rushed to her side but bumped into another man instead.
The man looked at Taehyung in a very worried way, but he had no idea what was wrong. Taehyung apologized to the man and walked away again.

Taehyung POV
What was that just now... Why was she bleeding and why did she run away.. What is happening to me.. (Sobs).. Who was that man.? ... What is happening.. (Cries)..
Did what that man tell me have anything to do with what’s happening here now or what.. It may have something to do... But I don’t know..(wipes tears)... I.. Don’t know..

Taehyung was about to stand up and head towards his spot, or rather the spot he needs to go and buy the groceries. He heads and sees the same girl who bled a few minutes ago at the stand helping people who buys the items they want.
He looks at her in disbelief but she couldn’t help but giggle at the look he’s giving her. She walks towards him and grabs his hand, as she leads him to her side of the stand. She looks him in the eyes and wipes his tears with her hand as he sobs more than before.
She gives him a look of concern but still she had no idea why he was crying in the first place.

Girl: Hey... Stop crying its... Okay... What’s your name??
Taehyung: (wipes tears).. My name is Taehyung...
Girl: Hi Taehyung.... (Smiles).. I’m Tzuyu.. Nice to meet you..
Taehyung:, (smiles).. Hi Tzuyu.. Umm... (Takes paper out of his bag)... This umm...
Tzuyu: Oh you need these items.. Just wait...(smiles)..
Taehyung: (smiles).. Thank You....

Taehyung looks at Tzuyu with a beautiful smile as she starts gathering the items he has listed on the piece of paper. He didn’t look at her the whole time as he didn’t want it to seem weird or anything but he soon realized or rather noticed something from her head.
He saw the little thin red line going down her head and he knew it was blood. He walks towards her and moves her hair away from her head which in return makes her blush but he just had to know what this was.
He tries to wipe it away but there was nothing. Tzuyu looks at him while smiling as she noticed his face was just inches away from hers.

Tzuyu: Is something wrong Taehyung?
Taehyung: Why... Ummm... I could have sworn there was blood..
Tzuyu: Blood??? What do you mean??
Taehyung: I could have sworn I saw.. I... Ummm... I...

Taehyung removes his hand from her head and put his hand in his pocket as he takes out the money. He gives it to her and takes the bag as he goes on his way. Taehyung looks back at her as he waves but with a concern on his face.
Tzuyu just smiles as she waves back at him, and right that moment he sees the line of blood once again..
Taehyung who was totally scared out of mind now from all these events walked home to get this groceries to his parents but he was not the same person he was when he first walked to the stands.
It wasn’t long when he reached home and went inside the gates, and the things that surrounded him was terrifying as everywhere he looked was small traces of blood and he had no idea what that might be. Taehyung walks inside the house hoping these blood spots had nothing to do with his parents, and lucky for him they were safe.
Taehyung’s mom takes the bag and give him a sweet as she tells him to go wash up, and take a rest. He goes upstairs and got into the bathroom to wash his hands. He took about 10 minutes washing his hands not knowing why he was standing and looking into the mirror but he just knew there was something totally unexplainable.

Taehyung POV
The whole day went great but why did all this happen right after I met that man... Why was there so much blood in my dreams.. Was I even dreaming or what.... What is happening to me.. Why am I having these type of thoughts..
I saw a beautiful or should I rather say an extremely attractive young girl that.. That .. (Blushes)... I just can’t believe she was bleeding from her head, the one place that’s dangerous to bleed from. I have to get out of this whole situation and tell my mom and dad about this..

Taehyung turned the water off and dried his hands. He immediately went to his bed and got ready to sleep but his mom called him just before he could do that.
Taehyung heads down to the kitchen to go and see what his mom would like, but his dad was already there looking scared which brought more worry to Taehyung. He begun heading towards the kitchen where his mom was.
As he enters the kitchen his mom looks at him with a small amount of tears coming from her eyes. She looks at him and showed him the bag he brought her.
Taehyung who was confused as to what’s happening heads towards the bag and all he saw was blood , lots of it. He walks back and screams as loud as he could from the sudden shock. He looks at his mom as her tears turned into that of blood and his dad's worried look turned into that of a smirk.
Taehyung who was now in a total confusion looks at his dad, and wonder why he was smiling while his mom was bleeding and it all came true when all of a sudden Taehyung felt an immense presence from behind. Taehyung who suddenly began shivering turned around slowly but saw no one behind him.

Unknown: Two days already passed boy... You’re late..
Taehyung: Late... (Shivers).. Late for what..??
Unknown: You better have not forgotten..

Taehyung who was lost for those few minutes finally remembered where he had to go. He took his bag and headed towards the spot he was told to be. He arrived at the spot but could not see anyone there, and he knew that meant even more suffering will come.
Taehyung headed to a building right next to the stand hoping to see Tzuyu but she was nowhere to be seen. He looked around the whole place but no one was around that is until...

Taehyung: What... What.... (Breaths heavily)...
Unknown: Its been a while.. Glad you came..
Taehyung: (turns around)... Mr. Wonder..
Mr.Wonder: Yes... You’re late.. So how was it...
Taehyung: What... You mean (shocked)...
Mr.Wonder: Yes boy... That’s what I’m capable of doing..
Taehyung: What... Is... Happening...
Mr.Wonder: You'll be off the hook this time.. But next time you won’t be this lucky..
Taehyung: What do you mean??
Mr.Wonder: Head into that place... (Points to a house)..
Taehyung: What why...
Mr. Wonder: You’ll find out real soon...

Taehyung looks at the house and back at Mr.Wonder but before he could say anything else he disappeared before his every eyes. Taehyung started heading towards the house with an really scared feeling, the kind that would give anyone an heart attack.
Taehyung who was still young and had no idea why this is even happening to him, headed to the place he was told to go but for him the place seems to go further and further away no matter how many times he stepped.
A few metres away he finally gets to the house but for him its still a mystery. The kind of mystery that he has been walking for 20 minutes yet he was still no where near the actual house, for him it felt like an illusion but he wasn’t one to believe in such tricks.
Taehyung walked closer as he took small breaths to calm himself, and it seemed to be working. He heads into the yard but for some reason the whole place turned into that of a workplace right in front of his very eyes.
He began walking in and the gate magically opens, which stunned Taehyung to his bones. He heads inside and as he reaches the door of the house he knocks but its doesn’t open. He began turning around as to walk away but as he turns around he sees an familiar face.

Taehyung: What are you doing here..???
Unknown: (smiles)... I’m your guardian and I’m asking you to get away from here..
Taehyung: Why??.. I was told by a guy calling himself Mr.Wonder....
Unknown: Remember Taehyung.... This place is filled with horror.. Something that creeps and looks for your deepest fear..
Taehyung: (shocked).... Wait... Earlier you said you’re my guardian.. Ain’t guardians normally spirits that protect you..
Unknown: (giggles).. I’m only here because you’re calling for me.. I’m only your guardian.. And as one please heed my warning.. Do not enter this building...
Taehyung looks at the building and back at the individual or rather the spirit who warns him of the danger. He begins walking backwards towards the gate and heads back home but as he exits the gates he had a feeling he couldn’t ignore, the same feeling he had back at the home.
He turns around and looks at the house once again and sees the same guy who told him to go to that house. He sees none other than Mr.Wonder.
Mr.Wonder looks at Taehyung and gives him a stern look as he warns him of what would happen to him once he leaves this place.
Taehyung who’s still looking at Mr.Wonder sees a sudden picture of how his fellow friends are bleeding out and he had no way of saving them.
Taehyung opens his eyes even further as everything suddenly goes blank and dark. He walks around yet nothing is visible. He tries to open his eyes but soon realizes it’s open all along, but a sudden light appears and the face of Mr.Wonder appears.
Mr.Wonder gives him one final look as he says.

Mr.Wonder: Kim Taehyung.. (Smirks).. Welcome to “The Magic Shop”...

End Of Chapter 3

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