Chapter 11_The Evil Within (pt1)

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The strange individual who took over Taehyung's mind and body identified himself to be V. He was more powerful than Taehyung yet he had no will to fight against his teammates. Jungkook who was way more shocked than the rest couldn’t move from his current spot but luckily Jimin was there otherwise he would have collapsed by now.
Jimin grabbed Jungkook and it wasn’t long when V stepped towards Jungkook but he meant no harm yet the rest couldn’t take the chance and hurried before him to try and protect Jungkook from this V fella.
V who couldn’t help or rather couldn’t stop smirking started walking around the whole area they were but for him this was all new.

V: You know to be around here is so new to me *laughing*..
Mika: Who and what are you exactly..
V: I just told you...
Kihyun: You only told us your name.. So what are you?
V: Well.. *turns around*.. If I told you, trust me you won’t believe me..*smirks*..
RM: Anyway... Where is the real Taehyung..
Suga: And how can we tell if you're faking or not..
V: A while ago ya'll figured out I’m not Taehyung so it would be easy for y’all.. But.. Taehyung is sleeping.. Or rather his soul is...
Jin: What??
V: Whenever his soul is tired.. I come out.. Giving him time to rest...*smiles*...

Jungkook and the rest still doubtful about this whole ideal, just look at each other as they began walking through this new alley. The whole group along with MX and Mika found this new alley to be rather familiar but still had no idea where they have seen it.
RM began picking up pace to be in front with Mika following his lead. The two leaders who kept talking while walking could feel the worry of the groups but they knew that this was not the ideal time to bring up that topic.
Everyone was walking forward, following RM and Mika but not V. V was walking way behind but no one caught on, that is until Jimin noticed Jungkook was all alone.
Jimin looked back and saw the distance V had between him and the rest and he immediately stopped, which allerted the rest.

Jimin: What’s your deal..??
V: This area is not safe..

RM and the rest looked at him with eyebrows up as he had something or rather he felt something the rest didn’t.

Jimin: What do you mean??
V: Have y’all notice each time we would take a step forward the walls would move along with us..
Wonho: You sound like you’re imagining things..
Shownu: I have to agree with Wonho...
RM: What would give you that idea..??
V: When Chan walked here.. His hands had burnt marks which tells me he was also bleeding...
Jungkook: Yeah and...???
V: We have been walking for about 20min.. Yet his blood *points at walls*.. Is still clear..

Normal POV
The rest of the group looks at the areas V shows and sees what he is saying seems to be the truth.  The whole idea of following this alley has gotten them in more trouble than they have thought.
Wonho and Shownu look at Mika as this was something they knew about, in fact the whole MX looked at their leader as if they knew what this meant.
RM saw this and looked at Mika in the kind of way that would say “ Tell me.. Don’t keep it to yourself”.. It didn’t take Mika long to start telling him and the rest of BTS opened their ears to hear whatever she had to say.

Mika: Do you remember the story I told you, about what we went through.. Well the guy said.. “ The only way to escape was to defeat the guy at his own game”..
Jungkook: Yea... And???
Suga: Which means we are in his control now...
Jimin: Meaning we are currently further away from beating him..
V: Seems y’all are more dumb than I thought..

Normal POV
V says those words and get a few angry responses from each member but for him he couldn’t help but smirk at the expressions each of them had. They were about to go up to him but RM and Jin stopped it before it would get totally out of hand.
Jin walked up to V and just gave him a look which he couldn’t avoid. V began walking forward but he knew something was odd, something that he himself couldn’t explain.
The reaction of V's face didn’t go unnotice.
Jungkook who was the first to see, walked up to him and just touched his shoulder as he asked him what was wrong but before V could answer him the walls began closing in.
BTS and MX began running to the front but they knew this wasn’t the best idea. Mika and RM who was leading had no ideas left but that all changed when V took lead and suddenly some hope was left.
V was the one who had an idea as to what this guy was playing at and right he was, just a few metres away was an exit and  they began picking up space as the walls was only a few metres from totally closing in on them.

V began running faster than he had ever before, and he just knew after this meant he would be in trouble with the whole changing soul thing and Taehyung was not 100% yet, but also something was telling him to do it.
V ran as fast as he could and as he ran looked behind him and luckily the rest was keeping up. He saw the exit or rather something that looked like an exit.
It wasn’t long when he finally reached it but the walls was closing faster than he thought, yet they were only a few metres away..

Normal POV
The whole team had a feeling they weren’t going to make it, but that all changed when a hand suddenly grabbed V's hand and pulled him towards the exit and just as he was pulled he grabbed RM's hand and so everyone grabbed each others and all were pulled towards the exit.
The two groups fell to the ground as they try to catch their breaths. V stood up and looked forward and saw someone he never knew he would ever see.
The rest stood up as well and saw a young girl standing in front of them, but neither one of them knew who she was yet V had seen her face somewhere before.
V was about to speak up when Jungkook stepped forward and asked her, her name.

Unknown Girl: Me.. *smiles*..
V: You look familiar.
Unknown Girl: Follow me....

Unknown Girl POV
The unknown girl grabs the hand of V and starts running towards a certain area, but the area is unknown to them. The rest just followed seeing as V knows this girl for some reason but still not clear where and how.
Jungkook picks up his pace and sees a tattoo this girl has on her hip and for some reason it remined him of someone he knows.
The girl sees the place from a distance and signals to them to start picking up their pace but she still had uncertainty to this whole idea but she also knew it was necessary at this moment.

Normal POV
The girl let’s go of V's hand and looks at them as she gives them a look that says “Follow me”.. The boys and Mika follows her and the inside of the building looked rather scary for them but they had to follow or else they would be more lost than before.
V was walking in front with Jungkook not far behind. The walking was going good when V suddenly stopped and held his head, the way he was acting caught the attention of the rest and all came to a stop when V looked up and just smiles.
Jungkook and Jimin walked towards him and touched each side of his shoulder and looked at him.

Jimin: Yo... V what’s up??
Jungkook: You good??
Taehyung:.. The running did a number on him... *smiles*..
Jimin/Jungkook: You’re back!!!

Jimin and Jungkook was so overjoyed as their best buddy was back to his old self. They knew this meant things was about to make more sense but seems they were wrong. Taehyung looked to the front and saw someone, someone he hoped he would never see again.
Jungkook and the rest saw his reaction and became worried. They walked closer to him and saw the anger and shock he had on his face.
Wonho and Kihyun followed by Hyungwon and Jooheon tried to walked closer but Taehyung held out his hand in signalling them to stop.
Taehyung looked up and was now face to face, eyes meeting with this mysterious girl. He was about to talk but stopped and just grind his teeth as he sees the smirk this girl had on her face and it just angered him even further.
The girl walked closer to him but each stepped she took, he would walk backwards.

Unknown Girl: What’s wrong Taehyung???
Taehyung: What do you want??
Unknown Girl: I’m just here to help you.. *worried expression followed by a smirk*..
Taehyung:......... *grinds teeth*...
Jimin: Yo Taehyung.. What’s wrong?
Taehyung: Just be careful around her..

Taehyung gives them a warning which they took but the idea of him being wary around this girl gave them a bit of a worry as he wasn’t one to be scared around a random girl, so they had to have encountered each other somewhere.
The girl looks at Taehyung and turned around as she led them towards a big door but she didn’t go any further than that. She stared at the door and gave a big sigh as she opens it.
As slow as the door opened, the whole team was ready for whatever was awaiting them. Taehyung who was in front was more prepared than the rest.

[Inside Taehyung's mind]
V: Hey... You can hear me right..
Taehyung: Yeah.. What’s up??
V: There is something I feel inside that room. The kind of feeling you felt years ago..
Taehyung: Like what exactly..
V: Just be ready for any surprise..
Taehyung: Understood..

Normal POV
Taehyung spoke to his inner self and that caught the attention of the rest as he was blocking the way forward. The boys began walking passed him and inside the room. Mika was not far behind with RM just beside her.
Taehyung who was now awake took his steps inside but stopped just in front of the door. He kept trying to get inside but nothing, he looked up at the rest and they didn’t notice his struggle.
Taehyung was about to shout but the door suddenly shut in his face, making him fall back from the sudden shock. Taehyung now on the floor looked up and saw a symbol on the roof but he didn’t understand it at all.

[Inside the room]
Jungkook and the rest walked slowly towards a room filled with food but they had no idea what happened to Taehyung as they were too focused on getting out of this whole house or whatever they may have walked into.
The girl who for some reason totally changed her mood looked at each of them and just the looked each of them gave her told her to be wary as these are trained men and woman ready for anything.
She gave them a piece of paper and showed them the way.
Jungkook took the paper and looked at her which caught the attention of Jimin and it was at that, that Jimin noticed Taehyung was not with them.
Jimin immediately alerted the rest and they all looked at the unknown girl for answers and she just stared at them, in a way that even got her by surprise. Jungkook who was more confused looked at her with a serious look.
He was enraged with anger that he grabbed her shirt and looked at her with a more intense stare and even she could not help but whimper at that look.

Jungkook: Where is he... Tell me NOW!!!
Unknown Girl: He was suppose to enter just as you all were... Wait.. The only way he was not able to enter was if he... *Shocked* No.. It can’t be..
RM: What are you going on about??

The rest looked at her with a certain concern expression. She looked back and towards the door as she tries to explain the whole situation.
RM took Jungkook's hand away from her and gave her space to explain.

Unknown Girl: The only way he couldn’t enter was if his energy was depleted or if...
Jungkook: If what??.. What type of cliffhanger sh*t is this??
Jin: Jungkook calm down...
RM: Tell us..
Unknown Girl: Is if he has no soul..

End of Chapter 11

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