Chapter 12_ The Nightmare pt 1

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The day starts out as usual for those who have been living in the neighborhood known as Seoul or rather a small part of it. The one person who wakes up early as usual heads towards his door as a sudden ring could be heard from his front yard doorbell, he might think it’s the doorbell but something tells him its not.
The mysterious man heads on and sees the door could be halfway open yet he remembered closing it. He was about to head outside when he heard the breathing of someone he knew well.

“I should have guessed”; says the house owner..

The house owner turns around and sees no one yet he could feel the presence of the one he thought of. It wasn’t long when he heard the words he knew was gonna be said.
“Wakey Wakey TaeTae”; said the mysterious voice..

House Owner: Mr Wonder... Yeah thought so...
Mr: Wonder: Its been a while TaeTae... What you been up to...

TaeTae POV
TaeTae turns to the area he knew Mr.Wonder would be and as usual he was right.. He begins to walk to the spot while closing the door.
“What are you doing here Wonder”; TaeTae says in an angry tone.. “You knew from the beginning I didn’t wanna see you so why the hell would you show up here”; the anger in TaeTae’s voice could be heard from far away.

Normal POV
Mr. Wonder walks out from the Shadows and sees the look TaeTae is giving him but he hopes it would go away, because the darkness in his eyes was as clear as daylight.
“I suggest you calm down TaeTae or else”; Mr Wonder says, as he tries to calm down TaeTae
The two look at each other, yet none showed signs of giving up, but deep down Mr Wonder knew he had more fear in his eyes as that of TaeTae. TaeTae began walking to the spot Mr. Wonder was standing but each movement, he left behind a vicious scent which made Mr. Wonder shiver in fear yet he hid it pretty well.
“No matter how hard you try Wonder, I can feel your fear.. Now once again.. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!”; TaeTae yelled in anger.
TaeTae began losing patience with the appearance of Mr.Wonder and thought of killing him right on the spot but at that very moment, he walks out the Shadows..

Mr.Wonder: Your anger has gotten worse TaeTae..
TaeTae: It was fine until you appeared..
Mr. Wonder:.. I’m here to...
TaeTae:.. (Shocked with a bit of sarcasm look).. Y’all are scared I become the vicious person I was 10 years ago...
Mr.Wonder: (exhales).. You can’t blame us right.. Whenever your anger gets this bad, you lose control..
TaeTae: Just tell the council to leave me alone.. (Stares)

TaeTae walks away after saying that but still no movement from Mr. Wonder was made, which made TaeTae angry in some way but he knew he had to calm down or else things will get out of control.

“I won’t tell you again..”.. TaeTae growls as he says those words.

It wasn’t long when the words and anger of TaeTae finally got to Mr.Wonder, and he moves along to wherever his wings might take him. Mr Wonder slowly took flight through a shadowy portal but he still had doubts about leaving TaeTae by himself. He was about to leave completely when suddenly a burst of darkness dragged him down.
Mr Wonder was  pinned down with something of immense power but he was still unsure where it came from. He looked up to see a figure standing beside him but this unknown individual was someone he has never seen before.
The room began getting darkner by the second as as things were at its end..

“Get up you damn fool!!!!.. “ TaeTae screamed as he pulled Mr Wonder up from the ground.

Mr Wonder stood up with a shocked expression on his face, but TaeTae was more surprised by this sudden look upon his face.
TaeTae: (Eyebrow up).. Explain.. What were you doing on my floor??..
Mr.Wonder: (looks around with a shocked face)... What was that just now??
TaeTae: What are you talking about... I came down here after I heard you fall down on the floor.. So out with it.. What happened....???
Mr. Wonder: I felt a strange presence.. Just after you left.. But..
TaeTae: What???
Mr.Wonder: It was too strong to handle and.... An Unknown individual stood next to me... Yet I didn’t recognize him..

TaeTae POV
TaeTae began moving to the side of Mr.Wonder as he tries to lift him up but just as he touched him he suddenly felt something odd about him, something he has never felt before.
TaeTae let go of Mr Wonder and stood a distance from him, yet the strange presence or rather the odd feeling did not go away.

“Hey!!.. Why do you have some strange yet strong essence coming from your body”.. TaeTae says in a questionable yet worried tone..

Normal POV
Mr Wonder immediately looks at TaeTae as he says those words and he panics on the spot which made his whole body feel warm in a way he could not control himself.
TaeTae Knew what was gonna happen and he immediately grabs Mr Wonder and tries to calm him down but as the heat got worse a sudden light appeared and the look on TaeTae was clear that he knew what was about to happen..

“Just great... The freaking council..” TaeTae says in annoyed tone..

TaeTae stood still and as he knew it, they both were taken to a new place. The two of them arrived at a place where they wished they wouldn’t end up or rather just TaeTae wished it. The two looked around and a sudden surprise happened. TaeTae remembered that Mr Wonder was in pain and looked at him Immediately but lucky for him, Mr Wonder calmed down but his body was burnt badly.
TaeTae tried to grab him but all was okay as two shadows could be seen beside him and he knew right away who they were..

“Nayeon and Jennie... Just great...” TaeTae says that in a unsatisfied tone

He looks up and showed them that he had no intentions of staying but he could not go back home as they were keeping him there, which he was confused as he knew deep down he was not allowed to be here in this realm.
TaeTae looks at Nayeon while smiling but she was not that happy to see him, neither was Jennie but they were ordered to bring the two of them back to the councils chambers.

TaeTae: And what can I do for your lovely ladies.. (Sarcastic voice)
Nayeon: You’re as annoying as ever...
Jennie: Just pick up Mr Wonder and let’s get going....
TaeTae: If I remembered correctly.. Angels are suppose to carry other angels.. Or wait.. No its not Anegls.. Its Guardians.. (He says sarcastically)
Jennie: You haven’t changed TaeTae... Just Pick Him Up dammit...
TaeTae: Argghhh.... (Grabs Mr Wonder)

TaeTae POV
TaeTae grabs Mr Wonder and starts walking towards where these two girls told him to go but each step got heavier for him, and he knew why yet he couldn’t tell the two in front of him. Jennie was about to talk to TaeTae when she noticed the sweat on his forehead but she didn’t wanna alarm anyone around them as she knew TaeTae was hated in their realm.
Jennie kept walking forward but she signaled Nayeon to look behind her towards TaeTae, and at that moment she noticed it too..

“ You two see I’m sweating like crazy here, yet you ignore it... Gawd... You two are a bunch of...”.. TaeTae says in a angry tone

Normal POV
TaeTae kept walking but faster than before as he could feel his strength getting weaker but the second. Nayeon and Jennie sees this strange behavior and tries to take Mr Wonder from him but for some reason the look he gave them scared them to an extent that they stopped walking.
TaeTae walked further with Mr Wonder on his shoulders but even though the chambers door was in sight he could feel himself collapsing .
He was at the verge of passing out when suddenly Jennie and Nayeon was at his side, yet they were still of young age so carrying him and Mr Wonder would be a big challenge for the both of them.

“ Just take Wonder... I’ll be there in a few minutes “ TaeTae says that as he collapse from exhaustion..

Jennie and Nayeon look on but they had to do something, but neither one knew what exactly. Jennie who knew Nayeon was worried at that moment seeing as she was the next leader of Guardians, and failing this test would place a big problem on her leadership skills.

“Ill take TaeTae... You two take Mr Wonder “... A mysterious voice was suddenly heard from a distance.

Nayeon and Jennie look on as a figure appeared from a distance and they seem to get their smiles back as their current leader appears from the chambers door.
TaeTae who was still sleeping or rather unconscious kept laying there but he could still feel someone approaching and the more this individual came forward, the more he got annoyed.

“Just great... The last person I wanna see..”.. TaeTae says as he slowly opens his eyes..

Unknown: Its been a while TaeTae...
TaeTae: I wished it could be longer...
Unknown: Still mad about the fact that I almost killed you..
TaeTae: (soft laugh, followed by coughing).. You were nowhere near that...
Unknown: Are you sure about that...?? Because if I wasn’t then you wouldn’t have ran away..
TaeTae: I was kicked out... You jackass... By the council who saw I was stronger than them..
Unknown:.. (Smiles turns to anger)... Okay.. That’s enough...
TaeTae: (Smirks).. Seems I hit a nerve...

TaeTae POV
TaeTae sees from the corner of his eyes the feet of the person he wished he wouldn’t see but as fate has it, he was there. TaeTae felt the grip of the person as he was lifted from the ground but he knew it wasn’t that of help, it was of pure hatred.
TaeTae moved up and was on his feet but walking was harder than he imagined, even with the help of this unknown individual.
“Even though I don’t wanna see your face, I’m glad you are helping me Jay”.. TaeTae said in a annoyed yet thankful tone..

TaeTae looks in the eyes of the man known as Jay and could see his annoyed expression. He looked further and could feel the pain getting more and more intense the closer they approached the doorway.

Normal POV
The trio reached the door and as they looked up, it suddenly opened and they were welcomed inside .. All except TaeTae. The moment Jay pulled him inside he was thrown outside with one heavy push.
TaeTae stands up from the push and looks at the door and sees the looks of pure shock from all three, and at that moment he knew that they themselves had no idea what was happening.
Jay walks towards him and shock came to him as he tried to touch TaeTae again. Jennie and Nayeon who were surprised by what happened looked on as Jay struggled to touch him.

“Thats enough Jay...  Take Wonder inside... He needs immediate attention.. “..TaeTae says in a concerned tone.

TaeTae stood outside while the rest took Mr Wonder inside but deep down he knew something was odd about all of this. He began walking around but each step felt heavier than the previous one. He looked up and as he did that he saw something strange, something that should not be there.
TaeTae then looked down and back at the sky, and each time he would look at the area around him but each time it would change, which for him was odd, odd unless..

“You all are some real sons of ... Argghhh...”.. TaeTae screams from his lungs..

The scream was so loud that he could feel the presence of many Guardians around him, the stronger ones was right at the doorway and seemed to be ready for battle.
TaeTae turned around and looked at each of them as anger came to him. He looked at them and sees Nayeon and Jennie standing beside the leader of the pact. TaeTae could not do anything else but smile as he felt the hurt of those close to him.
He was about to lose himself when suddenly strong chains was suddenly formed around his body, making him unable to move. TaeTae looks to his sides and sees the ones who he trust once standing with the chains in their hands.

“I was living peacefully... WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DO THIS!!!!”.. TaeTae yells in anger.. The type of anger that triggered something inside him.

TaeTae POV
TaeTae stood on one spot as his body began feeling hot, the type of hotness Mr Wonder felt could not compare to this heat. He felt like his whole body was burning and he had no control over it. As the heat got worse the screams began and those even got Nayeon and Jennie to step back.
TaeTae was on the verge of turning into the person he was 10 years ago, but deep down he was trying his best not to go back again but this anger was too much for someone like him to handle.

Jennie: I think we should call headmaster..
Nayeon: Go.. Hurry...!!!.. This is getting worse... We.. We..
Jennie: ..(runs inside)..

Jennie runs as fast as she could inside to the councils chambers but she had to dodge as she heads inside, as TaeTae's immense powers were affecting the ground as well as the walls.
She comes to the room and sees a certain individual standing with the headmaster but she didn’t recognize him at all. He looks to her and walks towards her, but each time he gets closer she shivers as she could feel the evil inside of him.
Jennie stood still and let him pass her, but her shivering body wouldn’t go unnoticed, especially to this individual. He passed her and began walking towards the door she just came from.
Jennie who finally got heself back together walked to the Headmaster and bowed as she was about to tell her about the situation outside, but before she could do that the headmaster stopped her and looked to the skies as she smiled, but a tear escaped her eyes.

[Back to the Battlefield]
Normal POV
TaeTae kept unleashing his Immense powers, the hatred of each growl could be felt by the Guardians and each one had the look of fear and neither could move. TaeTae was doing his best to fight back but this anger was overpowering him and just as he gave his last breath his body finally stopped burning and he fell to his knees.
TaeTae who was on his knees a few minutes ago stood up, with his head down..

“Finally... Argghhh... I’m OUT!!!”.. Taetae exhales while saying those words..

The Guardian around him each looked surprise as they recognise the voice, the voice of the most powerful demon in all of existence. TaeTae looked up and his red eyes and the black rings around his eyes could be seen and the hope of all the guardians went away as they knew they were about to die.
TaeTae walks towards the doorway but it was blocked by Guardian yet they didn’t last long as he moved his fingers and they burnt to ashes.. TaeTae laughed as the Guardians died on the spot yet his laughter subsided as he felt the presence of a very powerful individual.

“Interesting... Seems you Guardians used your brains this time”.. TaeTae laughs as he looks on

The individual that TaeTae felt came closer and closer and even the Guardians started to feel its immense powers but this one is of pure evil, just like TaeTae but a little more kinder, in a way.
They looked on as a Blond Haired individual walked out of the doorway with a strong essence, one that even got TaeTae interested. TaeTae looked on as he walked out the doorway but he was hiding something, something that got TaeTae curious.

TaeTae: You seem to be an interesting fella..
Unknown: (laughs).. Same goes for you..
Taetae: What’s your name?...
Unknown: You first...
Taetae: I asked first.. (Angry tone)..
Unknown: (smirks)... I’m the one who came to destroy your TaeTae..
Taetae: You know my name.... Who the hell are you!!!!

Taetae looks on as something of this individual got him curious, its like something he has felt before yet he has no idea where.. He walks forward and so does this individual, each giving of some vicious aura. The kind of Aura that has the Guardians each fleeing to different directions.
Nayeon stepped back and at that very moment Jennie walked out and grabs Nayeon as she takes her safely inside the Chambers.
Nayeon looks at Jennie and sees the worried expression she has but deep down she could feel the calm heart of her, which got her confused.
She looks at Jennie from top to bottom and gives her signs of wanting to know answers..

[Playback to Jennie and the Headmaster]
Jennie: Please Headmaster tell me...
Headmaster: The boy your just saw... He will save us all.. But there is a price to pay..
Jennie: What kind of price...
Headmaster: One in the near future ( looks at Jennie as she cries)
Jennie: Headmaster (shocked expression)..

[Back To The Battlefield]

TaeTae and the unknown individual looked at each other and each giving a smirky smile. Taetae was about to attack when this individual stepped back, but while doing so he grabbed each guardian and threw them inside the chambers.

Unknown: This will be a battle between me and you..
TaeTae: Are you sure about that...
Unknown: Let’s do this..
Taetae: Wait... This Aura... Its the same as...
Unknown: What.. (Laughs)..
Taetae: It can’t be... You are...

[Jennie and Headmaster]
Jennie: Who is that boy...
Headmaster: He is the second strongest... He is the younger brother of TaeTae... His name is..
Taetae/Headmaster: V

End Of Chapter 12

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