Chapter 16_ The Worst Time (pt2)

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The Headmistress along with BTS looks at TaeTae as he says those words. The words neither one of them expected, well everyone except The Headmistress as she somehow felt the presence and power before. RM and Jin started walking towards the area but the Headmistress stops them right away.
The two boys look towards her and sees she is a bit hesitant to approach that specific area. She looks back at TaeTae and could see the fear in his eyes. She moves her head towards him and the sudden movement awakes TaeTae from his daydream.

“This ain’t good for either one of us Headmistress.. This means double trouble..”.. TaeTae says with a shaky voice.

The Headmistress instructs RM and Jin to get the team out of here as soon as they could. RM was hesitant at first but then again saw the look she had on her face and decided to do as she says.
The trio began running towards the area where the antidote were suppose to be located. They ran as fast as they could and the sudden sound of extra footprints got them slowing down a bit. Jungkook and Jimin looked behind them as they ran and saw the two extra's from TaeTae's team following them.

Jimin: Why are you two freaking following us..??
Jungkook: Yeah.. Anpanman and Sage I presume..
Sage: We are ordered to follow you..
J-Hope: We are not heading towards Taehyung you should know..
Anpanman: We know that.. You are headed towards the boss of this town.. Just know..
Suga: Know what??
Sage: This boss does not hesitate to kill those who intrude on his property..

RM and Jin hearing this slowed down a bit and Suga caught this immediately. He began running so he could stand next to them.

“We do this for Kookie.. We cannot get cold feet now.. We have been through far worse.. I mean check this supernatural sh*t out already.. “.. Suga says with a smirk..

RM and Jin each smiled at the words of Suga and immediately their pace quickened. The rest saw the determination of their two leaders and followed their lead. Sage and Anpanman could just see the confidence each member had and each could just smile at this.
RM and Jin finally saw something that looked like a abandoned building and slowed down, until they each stood still.

RM walked forward slowly to try and stand closer to the gate but something caught his attention and he immediately stepped back. Jin and the rest saw this and got curious..

“There seems to be a trigger for anyone that enters this space..”. He says with a worried look.

Normal POV
Jungkook and Jimin walked closer to get next to Jin who was a few feet away from RM. J-Hope and Suga followed them and each were now next to the leaders. Sage and Anpanman could just look at the teamwork of these boys.
They decide to take the long road, which is around and further away from the main gate. As BTS turn around they see the sudden shocked look on Sage and Anpanman’s face and knew there was something in front of them, which is not good news.
RM was the first to turn around but his expression caught the attention of the rest and they turned around as well.
As the boys along with Sage and Anpanman looked to the roof of the building, what they saw was something terrifying.

“Why does that look like the body of TaeTae....”.. Sage says with a shaky voice..

The rest of the group look carefully to see the resemblance but deep down they knew this was impossible seeing TaeTae was with them only a few minutes ago.
Sage and Anpanman tried to run away but sees the area around them were blocked off and BTS was nowhere to be seen. Sage who seems to be stronger than Anpanman suggested they find the rest but he who was Anpanman was way too scared at that moment to even think of finding a solution to their current problem.

[Back to BTS]

Normal POV
BTS stood still on their spot as the image of TaeTae hanging, was still a shock to them. Jimin who was closest to the back along with Jungkook decided to turn around as the sudden noise of Sage and Anpanman was way too quiet and it was at that moment where they realised they were nowhere to be seen.
Jimin signals to RM and the rest to turn around but the sudden sound of footprints was heard just a few metres to their right. J-Hope who was standing that side, took a quick look but no one could be seen. As J-Hope got ready to look back towards Suga who was standing next to him, he was surprised by the sudden appearance of someone he knew very well.
BTS immediately looked the way of J-Hope and saw what they he was looking at. The boys was now face to face with one they thought was gone.

“TAEHYUNG!!!!!”.. They all screamed in unison.. But something was off about him.

Jimin who was curious to see what happened to Taehyung decided to approach him, but Taehyung suddenly held out his arm as he showed them all to stop from approaching him. Jungkook found this weird as he was not one to push anyone away but this sudden change got not just him but all by surprise.
Taehyung looked towards the area or rather the building TaeTae was seen hanged but saw nothing but an empty space, in fact there was not even a building.

“You all are trapped in an illusion.. One that will only end when all of you have completed your challenges..”.. Taehyung said while looking at the skies.

RM looks up as well and the rest follows and sees nothing but blue skies and white clouds. Jungkook was about to talk when he suddenly realised the noise or rather breathing of everyone is gone.

[Jungkook Version]

Jungkook POV
Jungkook looks down immediately and sees he was standing alone, with no one around. The empty space he was in suddenly changed and he was in the one place he didn’t know he would be..

“Why am I back at school.. What is happening here... What is this...??”.. Jungkook kept questioning himself.

Jungkook walked towards his school gate and sees its locked. He tries his old tricks and it works and it wasn’t long when the school gates opened. He walks straight in and was immediately greeted by someone he never knew he would see again..

“Hi.. Kookie...*smiles*..”.. The mysterious person greets Jungkook.

Jungkook stood still in his place, not knowing how to move. He began releasing small amounts of tears while slowly approaching this person. He was but a few metres away when she finally took a few back. Jungkook stopped and just stared at her while saying..


[Jimin Version]

Jimin POV
Jimin looked down and sees he was standing all alone, the whole area was gone and he was in a place that looked abandoned. He decided to walk towards what seemed like a door but just like that he realised he just stepped in something muddy.
He looks down and sees a pool of blood, but he has no idea what or who’s it belongs to. He walks towards the door and sees with each walk, the amount of scratches and blood marks on the walls and just like that tears escaped his eyes. Jimin knew right away what this place was but deep down he was hoping it wasn’t that.
Jimin turned the door knob and entered the building and the horror he saw was that of a nightmare. Jimin knew he was strong but this is one memory he wished he would never again experience. As he entered the building the amount of bodies he saw was uncountable..

“Where were you Jimin... We... We... Needed.. Yuuuuu.......”.. A mysterious voice says...

Jimin falls down, butt first and crawls toward the nearest wall as he starts tearing up. He knew this was the one thing that he feared the most. He tries to stand up, but with each movement he would slip from the wetness.
A few minutes past and Jimin was still holding onto the wall and trying to walk away but this memory was getting to him and he was just a few minutes away from losing it all. He tried to stand up again and does so successfully but the tears did not stop there. Jimin now standing tall walked towards the hallway but as he approached it he saw something that scared the sh*t out of him..

“No.. You... You can’t.. YOU CAN’T!!!!!!...”.. Jimin screamed as he ran through the hallway..

[Suga Version]

Suga POV
Suga did not need to look back down to see the whole scene changing, he noticed it right away as the skies turned black and rain started falling. He smiles as he knew what’s happening but deep down he wished it was not what he thought it was. He eventually looks down and sees the empty street and him standing alone.
He walks down the streets to a cafe, but this specific cafe was empty or that’s what he thought.
Suga walks inside and grabs himself a plate along with some coffee, not yet noticing the presence of someone or something. He takes a seat next to the window and it was then that he drops his cup of coffee. He looks at the person standing right next to him through the windows reflection.

“How..??.. You were suppose to be.. To be..”.. Suga stutters the words while looking at the reflection.

Suga immediately turns around and sees there is no one else but him. He stands up and runs outside to the back door and still no one was seen. He knew something was completely off yet he had no idea what exactly is happening.
A few of the rain drops hit the rooftop and as Suga looks up to see why the noise is so unclear, it was then that he..

“Min Yoongi... *laughs*.. Its been years hasn’t it...”.. Someone says while laughing at each reaction he made..
Suga walks back a little to have a better view of this person but the rain falling kept his eyes closed for each single second. He walks more to the back but each step he could feel a puddle, but each puddle seems deeper than the previous.
Suga then turns around and it was then that he..

“This.. This.. Can’t be.. HOW IS THIS HAPPENING!!!”..

[J-Hope Version]

J-Hope POV
J-Hope stood still knowing well that something has happened yet he had no idea what. He also knew that panicking would only cause more issue for him and his teammates. He was about to talk but something kept him from uttering a word.
J-Hope who was unable to talk look down immediately as he knew this was a time to panic, but he saw he was standing all alone in what seemed to look like his old neighbourhood. He walks towards his front gate and tries to scream for someone to open but he had trouble saying words as each and every scream came out as silent.
He was now in a real panic and he had no idea what to do about it.

“You always had trouble talking.. Jerk!!.. Why would you suddenly be shocked..*laughs*..”.. A mysterious voice said out of nowhere but J-Hope seemed to have recognized it.

He turns around to be face to face with someone that slightly resembled him. He looks up and down and each look would bring tears to his eyes. J-Hope took steps away from his front gate and after a while he started turning around and ran away as fast as he could..
The one who stood behind him just smiled as J-Hope ran away from him.
J-Hope who just kept running with no destination finally stopped or rather was stopped when he ran into someone else, only difference is this person smiled as she lifted him up.

“It is good to see you again Hoseok *smiles*..”.. She greeted him and J-Hope could not help but smile as well..

[Jin Version]

Jin was standing nearest to RM who was at the front and felt the presence of each member disappearing, yet he knew deep down he could not do anything about it. He kept looking up as he got ready for whatever awaits him. A few minutes past and Jin found himself stuck in a busy restaurant and each of these people moving around him as if he was right beside them..

“SeokJin.. Either you do something or you get out of this place NOW!!!!”.. Someone who looked like the manager shouted ....

Jin looked confused as to how he could be there with them. He once again looks around and started walking or rather ran to the backdoor to get some fresh air as fast as he could. He reached the door but it was locked. He was about to pass out when someone gave him the key to the door.
Jin looked up and saw a very attractive young lady smiling at him. He returned the smile and proceeded to head outside. He finally reached the outside and the immediate fresh air gave him something to smile about.
Jin was ready to head back inside to start his task...but...

“You were always weak Jin.. That’s why you won’t fit well in this world..”.. A mysterious voice says ..

Jin looked to his left side and right there stood someone he never thought he would see again. Jin was still too shocked to say anything but deep down he knew he had to say something, in fact anything...

“You... How.. How.. Can you Here...”.. Jin says while approaching this mysterious individual..

[RM Version]

The one leader of BTS stood in front, ready to lead his brothers into battle but he felt each of their presence disappearing, one by one he could feel the fear of each member yet he could not do anything about it. He tried to move but this clouded mist kept his body from moving any further.
RM who was now out of ideas tried to move but it was just then and there that he passed out.
A few minutes past and he was finally able to move freely but he knew right away from the pressure of the air and the sound of the people, he was not at the place he thought of. He looked around , moving only his eyes from left to right to try and figure out where he was and it was right at that very moment he heard the words..

“Namjoon.. Get up.. You are one of the worst leaders ever...”.. Someone mysteriously says to him..

RM lifts himself up and was now face to face with someone he wished he would never see again. He stood up further and it was then that he recognized the one place he was hoping he would not be reminded of again.
He took a few steps back and decided to run the opposite direction but with each turn around this mysterious person would repeat the same words over and over.
RM stopped and knew right away what this was. He turned around and each side he moved he would see the same image.

“Here is no escape RM.. Not until you overcome your task..”.. A voice from somewhere could be heard.

RM looks up and proceeded to walk to what seemed like an abandoned house but this time he was allowed to walk freely without the image staying the same. He then walks but this person seems to follow him and all RM could do was smile..

Normal POV
Each BTS was now stuck in a world they all are familiar with, but each have their own task yet none knew what or how to accomplish it. The boys each looked at the skies, some outside the window while the rest who were standing outside, had the luxury of looking at it directly.
RM knew this was not just any task.. This was one where their worst nightmares come true..
RM who was just thinking of that and not saying it out loud was suddenly stunned and not just him but each BTS member could hear it too.

“Once you overcome this task.. You will be stronger and may proceed with your journey but if anyone of you fail.. YOU ALL FAIL..!!!!.”..The voice says..

BTS was suddenly shocked by this news that they each went...

BTS: *Looks up*.. WHAT!!!!!

End of Chapter 16

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