Chapter 18_Hurtful Victory

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Jungkook stood in disbelief as one of the two animals transformed into one of the guardians he has never really seen up close, other than those of illusions. He takes a few steps back as he tries to regain his composure yet its harder than it looks for him. Jungkook looks to the back and again sideways to make sure if this is a illusion still or if this is actually happening.

“This is real right.. Like you are really here..”.. Jungkook says while reaching his hands to the front.

As Jungkook tries to reach for Lisa she slaps his hands down and smiles as she looks to him. Jungkook confused as to why she did that came to realization that his hands were actually heading towards her chest. Jungkook shocked by this immediately goes on his knees and bows as he continuously ask for forgiveness. Lisa who watched this could not help herself but laugh at his sudden behaviour.

“Its okay Kookie.. Stand up..”.. Lisa says as she giggles..

Jungkook POV
Jungkook kept looking at Lisa while trying to figure out what exactly is happening yet she didn’t give any ideas to why she is there. Jungkook walks towards her and tried to talk but Lisa interrupted him and showed him towards the back.
As she led him to the back Jungkook looked around and came to realize that the dog was missing. He tried to look as he was dragged to the back yet no sign of the dog. Lisa kept pulling him until they reached what looked like an hidden door.
Jungkook stunned by this stopped and looked at the door and imagined all the stuff that could be in there..

Jungkook: I’ve seen stuff like this in movies.. There’s a door and later some creepy shit happens..
Lisa: You fought against way worse.. Yet you’re scared of some hidden door..
Jungkook: Yeah because I knew what I was going up against. But this time....*Jungkook waits a few seconds*.. Wait how do you know about this demon fighting stuff..
Lisa: *Lisa shocked by his question*.. Let’s get moving..
Jungkook: Yeah right...

Normal POV
Jungkook follows Lisa inside but each step seems to be more scary than the previous. Lisa and Jungkook comes closer to a light but just as they approach the door, Lisa suddenly stops and sees something ahead. Jungkook who seems to walk right into the back of Lisa, tries to figure out why she stopped but didn’t seem to know what that was until he looked down.

“Hey!!! The dog... Where the fudge did you go..”.. Jungkook points to the dog who was right in front of the door.

Lisa turns around and tells Jungkook to walk back but as she turns around she noticed another presence. Jungkook who sees the look on her face was too scared to turn around as he knew what that look meant. He took steps backwards but by each movement he could see Lisa's eyes would flinch.
He had no idea what Lisa meant by that but seemed to keep moving, that was until..

“Why are you doing this to him... Taehyung is the one you’re after”.. Lisa spoke

Jungkook POV
Jungkook stops in his tracks and immediately turns around. As he turned around he was now face to face with someone he never knew would do this to him. Jungkook still a bit shocked tried to speak out but the words was hard to come by. He turns to Lisa but he sees she was cautious with this individual.

“Why are you here... Madelyn!!??”.. Jungkook says while walking towards her.

Normal POV
The more Jungkook approach her the more fear crept inside his heart, not knowing that this is not the fear of his heart but that of Lisa's. He came closer and closer and just as he came a metre from he sees something he has never once seen on her face.
Madelyn who sees each and every movement of Jungkook could not help but give a smirk. Jungkook shocked by the fact that Madelyn is smirking, gave him a chill yet he knew he was not afraid of her, yet his body gave reactions he himself didn’t feel.
Jungkook took that chance to turn around and look at Lisa and it was at that moment that he saw something that made a bit of sense.

Jungkook: You.... You... How??
Lisa: You and I.. Are.. Not forever but he sent me and did it..
Jungkook: Are you saying...
Lisa: Yes.. Kookie.. You and I are connected which means...
Jungkook: If I get hurt... So do...
Lisa: Yes.. So do I...

Jungkook shocked by this suddenly news immediately stepped back to get away from Madelyn but it was too late as she was able to strike a blow to his stomach, yet there was no marks on him. Jungkook confused by this turned around to run away and it was at that moment that he realized the blood pouring from Lisa’s stomach.
Jungkook runs to her but so did Madelyn, the only difference was that she was faster. The two were inches away from Lisa when the dog suddenly sprung towards Madelyn. Jungkook grabbed Lisa and headed towards the door yet the dog stood behind.

“Lisa.  Hang on.. We will get you help... Hold On!!!”.. Jungkook says as he ran through the door.

As Jungkook got through the door he came to realize that the whole room was pitch black. He was about to grab his phone out of his pocket but he realized two things. The first was that he did not have his phone on him and the second being that he was no longer holding Lisa.

“LISA!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!.. HEY!! HEY!!!”..He screamed..

Jungkook began looking around yet he could not see a thing. He began to panic and throwing his arms around hoping to hit something at least yet there was nothing around him at all. Jungkook tried walking ahead but as he took a step to the side he came to realize that part of the floor was missing.
He decided to walk straight and was successful in doing so yet he had a bad feeling about this. Jungkook kept walking up to a point where he could have swore he heard voices yet he could not be so sure. He came close and closer and the voices became more clearer.
Jungkook finally reaching something that felt like a doorknob turned it and light was finally in reaching distance. Jungkook stepped out of the dark room but as he turned around he came to find something he wished he wouldn’t see.
Jungkook upon seeing this fell to his knees and tears started coming out his eyes. He tried to speak but there was nothing he could say.
Jungkook then remembered what was said just a few minutes ago.

[A few minutes ago]
Lisa: Jungkook.. You and i are connected..
Jungkook: Which means if I get hurt..
Lisa: Then so do I..
[Back to the present]

Jungkook turned around and was looking at the bloody body of Lisa laying on the floor. He tried to stand up and head to her but his body was heavy for some reason and he didn’t have the strength to stand up.
He tried his best to stand up but as he finally found the strength to stand on his two feet the door started closing and he could not move in time. He looked at Lisa's face as the door closes and all she could do was give him a smile as he looked on.

Jungkook POV
Jungkook who stood against the door started sobbing but that soon turned into a more serious cry as he started hitting the door as well as banging his head against it. Jungkook tried everything so the door can open again yet nothing could be done.
Jungkook was about to hit once again when he heard the bark of the dog. He turned around and noticed it was the same dog that was with them a few minutes ago.
Jungkook tried explaining to the dog of what happened to Lisa but his sobbing and such made it very difficult to understand. He ended up falling to the ground once again and the dog came to his side and tried to cheer him up but the pain Jungkook felt was too immense.
Jungkook laid his back towards the door and it didn’t take long for him to fall asleep. He was fast asleep and did not realize anything happening around him.

[45 minutes later]
Jungkook finally opening his eyes came to the realization that he was no longer at the spot he fell asleep at. He looked around and realized he was in a place he didn’t quite recognized. He stood up and found it rather strange that he could stand up without any problem.
Jungkook started to walk to the area that seemed like an open field and as he came closer he sees something that seemed familiar. He walks closer and sees it is the dog that was with him just a few minutes ago, yet something was different about it.
Jungkook stood still and that’s when he felt the presence of more people yet he didn’t know where they were. He tried looking around but it was only him and the dog.

“You would not see anyone here..”.. An unknown voice says..

Jungkook immediately turns to every corner he could yet he really did not see anyone around. He turned back to the dog and sees the she has some kind of smirk on her face. Jungkook stepped closer towards the dog and with each step he felt the presence of someone really incredible.
Jungkook looks around as he approached the dog. The presence of this individual was stronger than before yet Jungkook had no clue where it was coming from.

Unknown: There is no else here but us Kookie..
Jungkook: (Jungkook looks at the dog)... Please don’t tell me its you that’s talking..*points at the dog*..
Unknown: Why??.. Is it weird to talk to a dog...
Jungkook: Of course.. What type of question is that..
Unknown: So talking to a dog is weird.. But birds are okay..
Jungkook: Touche'...
Unknown: Anyway.. Just do what I tell you okay..
Jungkook: Okay..

Jungkook crouches low to the point where the dog was. The dog walks closer to Jungkook and starts talking.

[20mimutes later]
Jungkook started walking through the alley the dog told him to take yet it was more scary than he thought it would be. Jungkook finally reached a place that had some strange Aura around it but he was told to walk towards that area.
Jungkook took a few breaths and headed towards the house or rather shop. He came to a stop as the door was locked and he had no idea how to open it. Jungkook took a few minutes and then remembered.

[20 minutes ago]
Jungkook crouched down to the dog and got ready to hear what this dog had to say to him. The dog walked towards him and they began to talk. Jungkook felt weird talking to a dog and he knew if his fellow members could see this now then he would be the laughing stock.

Jungkook: Okay.  I’m listening..
Dog: I am many things.. But I had to take this form in order to help you.. In fact I was ordered to do this..
Jungkook: What do you mean.. What’s your name??
Dog: You might not know me.. But...

At that very moment the dog suddenly transforms yet it was not what Jungkook expected at all. He was stunned to see two girls coming from the dog. He took a few steps back yet he could still not hide his shocked expression.

Dog: I know this is surprising but we are Jisoo and Rose.. Fellow members of BlackPink and friends of Lisa..
Jungkook: Wait wait.. How does two girls come from one dog..
Jisoo: Dude that sounds weird..
Jungkook: Yeah I came to realize that now..*covers face*..
Rose: *giggles*.  Anyway.. We had to form one life form in order to be stronger..
Jisoo: Lisa was one strong individual yet she was cursed with sharing a body with you..
Jungkook: Meaning???
Rose: You cannot feel any pain.. Because all your pain gets sent to Lisa..
Jungkook: Are you saying....!!!!!
Jisoo: The room you were in.. The pitch black one.. Was suppose to kill you.. Yet the one who created it.. Didn’t know of the curse between you and Lisa..
Jungkook: So..
Rose: Before you think you are to blame.. You are not..

Jungkook looks at Rose as she says that but he could still not help but feel guilty of this. He tried to hold his tears yet a drop could be seen yet before it fell to the ground Rose caught it with her power and it floated in front if Jungkook.
Jisoo then walked closer and gave something to Jungkook but he had no idea what it was. It wasn’t long when Rose walked closer as well.
Jungkook was a bit worried at what is suppose to happen but it was just then that the two gave him a kiss on both his cheeks.
Jungkook shocked by this turned red and took a few steps back and tried to hide his smile but they already seen it.

Jungkook: What was that for??
Jisoo: Soon.. You’ll receive something..
Rose: You just have to wait.. You’ll see what is needed.. But..
Jungkook: But what???
Jisoo/Rose: Your real challenge is about to begin.. And the life of your most beloved hangs on what you and your friends can do.
Jungkook: What??
Jisoo: Jungkook.. Just be ready.. And take what you’ve experienced so far.. See you
Rose: Goodbye..

Jungkook looks up and back to the ground. He was about to say something when he noticed they were no longer standing in front of him.

[Back to the present]
Normal POV
Jungkook took out the key he had been given and tries to unlock the locked door but then he realized there was not just one but six locks on the door which he could not figure out what it meant, yet he decided to wait and see what this might all mean.

“Guess I’ll have to wait and see what happens..”.. He says while sitting on the stairs..

End of Chapter 18

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