Chapter 21_ Victory In Sight

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The light surrounding Jin began changing as he found himself standing in what seemed like a busy kitchen yet each and everyone was bumping against him in a rude way. He turned around and could see the look of disgust coming from each and everyone in the kitchen. Jin began moving towards the backdoor to get some fresh air yet he was stopped by someone.
Jin who was now standing face to face with what seemed like the head chef could not help but give a confused look but all he got in return was a smirk from this individual. Jin tried to get loose but the more he struggled the stronger the grip got. Jin was about to get angry when someone else intervened.

“Let go of his arm...”.. Someone said while grabbing the shoulder of the Head Chef.

The Head Chef let go of Jin after some time and just kept smirking while turning around. Jin who let out some air finally gained his composure again and tried to thank the individual but there was no one around anymore. Jin once again looked around and the kitchen was busy again, yet this time the people were different and so was the uniform.
Jin walked around and tried to start cooking but he wasn’t one of the chefs this time. He walked around and came to what seemed like the door that leads to the main room but as he opens it, someone once again grabbed his arm but this time the grip was stronger.
Jin turned around and it was once again the same person but his role was different. The individual kept holding Jin’s arm and gripping it to an extent that even had Jin worried for a second or two.
Jin was getting ready to punch this individual but as before someone came..

“Let Go of his arm.. I won’t ask again..”...

The unknown person let go of his arm and turned around to walk away again. The individual who kept looking at Jin tried to say something else but decided against it. Jin was now completely confused as to what was happening but he didn’t know what to do.
He closed his eyes and thought of something more easy and so his wish was granted. Jin opened his eyes to find himself in what seemed like a caravan. He turned around and saw it was a small business and there was only one person standing there.
He tried to walk closer but his arm was once again held back. He tried to turn around to get a look at this person but unfortunately for him, this person’s face was covered in darkness. Jin who tried his best to picture a face for this individual, had difficulty doing so.
After what seemed like a hours, Jin finally let go and just gave up. He knew this was a test but he didn’t have the slightest idea of what was happening and how to solve it. He tried to think of something but it kept turning against him. He then got up from his seat and turned towards the door but there was none. He then sat back down and this time something heavy was holding him back down.
Jin tried to lift himself up but there was no way he could do so, he knew this meant that he failed the test but for some reason something inside him was still going. He closed his eyes once again and again he was taken to the first scene.
Jin opened his eyes to find himself in the busy kitchen again but this time he could not move around. He tried to move but nothing was happening. The head chef then told each and everyone to cook to their best extent and try their best and Jin could just look on to how this individual was giving instructions.
Jin who kept looking could not help but smile as he remembered how RM would give them instructions and how they would trust him. Jin thinking of that immediately looks up and noticed something.

“SIR!!! You have to tell that side to move forward while they stay back *points at another group*...”... Someone else said while smiling at the Head Chef..

The Head Chef smiled while doing as he was told. Jin who was confused as to why the Head Chef would be listening to a normal chef, kept looking and still he had no idea what was happening. The Head Chef kept doing as the other chef told him and he would give his own instructions as well.
Jin noticed the two worked well together no matter the status they had. Jin tried to lift himself up but still was unable to do so. Jin then closed his eyes and once again the whole scene changed and he was in another kitchen and yet again he saw the same chef. The one who was the Head Chef in his previous dream was just a normal chef here but something was different.

“ Sir... You should be able to tell them how to do this...and that as well..”.. Someone in the corner said..

Jin looked on as he saw the same pair he saw in the previous dream. He was once again struck by confusion as the both of them were normal chefs yet he was still calling the other “Sir”. Jin tried to stand up again but still he was unable. He kept looking as to try and figure out what he was suppose to do.
Jin who had no knowledge of what was happening closed his eyes for one last time and it brought him to the caravan once again. As he opened his eyes, he saw the one person standing in the kitchen alone which was a bit strange as he had no idea why there was two working together, but here is just one.

“Your eyes cannot see the full picture....”.. Someone said..

Jin turned his head towards the kitchen and sees the Chef looking straight at him. Jin who was completely shocked by this kept looking wide eyed at him. He sees the look on Jin's face and could just give the smirk he gave in the first dream.
He then waved his hands and Jin closed his eyes as he didn’t know what that was. Jin tried lifting himself up and he got up. He opened his eyes and tried to move around and finally he was freed.
The individual kept looking at Jin yet Jin was too busy looking for an exit.

Individual: You won’t find an exit in this dream..
Jin: I can try at least..
Individual: Why not try to figure this out..
Jin: *turns around*.. Figure what out..
Individual: *Looks out the window*.. I’m pretty sure you know..

Jin looks at the individual and out the window as well but there was just darkness around them. He tried to walk closer but was stopped by this individual.

Individual: Unless you figure this out.. You’ll be here forever..
Jin: FIGURE WHAT OUT!!!! *Stops for a minute*.. Wait you mean..
Individual:... *smirks*...

Jin looks at the individual as he figures something out that should have been obvious from the start. He walks closer and tries to get a better look at the person but nothing seems to help. The individual would just laugh at Jin's attempts.
Jin puts his hands to the back and tries to find the seat again and does so. He sits back down and closes his eyes but this time he goes way back to the beginning. He tries but something stopped him from doing so. He felt something was odd and as he opens his eyes, he then found himself in what seemed like a dark room.
As Jin walks to some area of the room a sudden image of himself appears. He was now looking at the reflection of himself but something was not right about this picture.

“Why is this picture looking like its given up on life.... The hell is this!!!”.. Jin says as he tries to touch it..

Jin was only a few metres away from it when the picture lifted its head and smirked at him. Jin who was totally caught off guard by this stumbled backwards and fell butt first on the floor. The more Jin looked confused, the more the picture’s smile widened. He was now in a daze and thoughts about how the picture seemed to enjoy the look he was giving.
Jin got up from the floor and took a few steps towards it again but also trying to remove the worried and confused look on his face. Jin who was now once again face to face with the picture, opened his mouth but before he could do that...

Reflection: Why so worried Jin...?? *laughs*..
Jin: What is this?? What’s going on here!!???
Reflection: What!!?? You’re confused again... Awww that’s too bad.. *laughs*..
Jin: Why are you playing with my mind!!??? STOP THIS!!!!!!!

Jin yelled more and more towards his reflection and even held his head as he was about minutes away from losing it. He walked towards the picture but was stopped by someone. Jin turned around and was face to face with the individual he met in his other dreams.
Jin then realized as he calms down that the entire room slowly started showing some light and the reflection of him was just smiling towards him. Jin looked back at the Individual and then points towards the picture but only got a look from the individual.
Jin who was about to lose it, suddenly got shocked as the individual points towards his heart area. Jin looked towards his heart and back at the individual, but before he could say anything he suddenly disappeared.
Jin turns around and sees something different from the reflection.

Reflection: *smiles*..
Jin: What was that...
Reflection: This whole dream was to test you... Well there is a different story to it as well..
Jin: What!??
Reflection: Unlike the others.. You don’t have fear... But you do have....

Jin looks up and was staring big eyed at the reflection as he says...

Jin: Self Doubt.....*takes steps backwards*..
Reflection: Your mission could have been accomplished long ago.. But your current leader needed Your guidance as well..
Jin: Wait.. So the other dreams... Where...
Reflection: Those were images of how well you and your leader would work and accomplished things..
Jin: If so.. Why did the Head Chef... Or rather Leader get demoted...

As Jin asked that question, the reflection just smiles and looks behind Jin. Jin who was confused as to why he was looking behind him, followed his eyes and did the same. Jin was shookt when he saw a imagery of what happened with the Head Chef and why he was demoted.
Jin was in total shock.

[Different Angle of the dream]
The Head Chef headed towards the office as he awaits instruction from the manager. He walks inside and got ready to hear just what he would be doing next.

Head Chef: Sir... What’s next on the menu??
Manager: I need you to do a very difficult job.. One that’s not going to be easy on you
Head Chef:.. I’m listening sir...
Manager: I need you to fire a certain chef...
Head Chef:.. I’m sorry sir but I don’t fire chefs that aren’t working on my team.. So I can’t...
Manager: He is on your side.. So..

The Head Chef got surprised by this sudden news and sat down as he tried his best to take in these instruction before he could respond. He took a huge breath and proceeded to listen to the manager.

Manager: The guy you need to fire is *gives a name*..
Head Chef:.. Wait.. Wait!!!! What did he do..
Manager: I don’t find him useful here.. He is unable to cook right and always gets in everyone’s way..
Head Chef:.. *laughs*... He may not be a good chef but he sure is a hard worker sir.. And he is my right hand man..
Manager: Sir *gives name*... If you cannot fire him. I have no other choice but to..
Head Chef:.  Demote me.. Fire me..  That’s your decision Sir. But I’m not about to fire someone who just isn’t suited for you..
Manager: You dare go against me.... YOU!!!!
Head Chef: You sit here in your office all comfy so you wouldn’t understand the amount of effort and insights he gives to the team.. So no I’m not about to fire him..

The Head Chef says his final words and headed towards the door as he knew what was about to happen next. He wasn’t outside for too long when he was called back inside and received the news that he will be stripped of his title of Head Chef.
He went back down towards the kitchen and what he saw shocked him completely. He walked in on his team standing with the bags and kits ready to leave along with him. He smiled and got his things and together they left.

[Back to the Jin's dream]

Normal POV

Jin looks at the scene and just smiles as he knew exactly what they were trying to tell him. He turns back to the reflection and smiles while turning towards the individual. Jin walks towards a empty space and just like that it opens up. The darkness disappears and a door appears. He wasn’t far when he decides to turn around and give them a final goodbye but they were already gone.
Jin was just metres outside when he heard the voices inside the room..

“Thank You for setting us free... Now its your turn to live up to your full potential “...

Jin just kept walking without looking back but he surely had a smirk on his face. He was now finally outside of the room and the blue skies was showing as well as a open gate. He walks outside and goes towards wherever his thoughts may lead him.
He was not far away when he suddenly sees movement coming from what seemed like a alleyway. He tried to head that way but the person was already gone. Jin then followed the other path and it was then that he saw Jungkook and Suga sitting on some stairs. He saw the face of Jungkook and knew that Suga was busy annoying him and he couldn’t help but smile at the two.
He came around the corner and that’s when he saw the same shadow he saw just a few minutes ago. He comes around and sees it belonged to Jimin. He walks faster to him as he could see Jimin was about to collapse.


Normal POV
Jin tells the story and the three boys could just smile as they knew that he finally realized his role in the group. Jin looked at them and could just smile as he knew they wanted to say something but held back as to enjoy the current mood.
Jimin stood up and just leaned against Jin as he whispers..

“I’m proud of you Hyung... *smiles*..”..

Jin looks back at the skies and just smiles at what he has accomplished..


Individual: Thanks for setting us free Jin...
Reflection: Now its time for you to live up to your full potential..
Individual: A gift from us to you..
Reflection: Once you leave.. Check your right pocket.. And goodluck on your journey..
Individual/Reflection: *Waves...*..


End of Chapter 21

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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