Chapter 4_Dream Or Reality

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Taehyung starts wandering around this pitch black world but its harder than he thought it would be, being the fact that he had no way of knowing where to go. He begins calling out to his guardian but there was no response.
Taehyung tries to walk forward but his body was heavier than before, which at that time made him really nervous. The whole idea of this made him think of this as a dream but why would he be in a dream. He knew this was reality but still the thought of all this happening seemed like a dream.
He knew magic and such does not exist, but he had no idea how to explain everything that’s been happening to him. He tries moving his arms but nothing.. Nothing seems to be moving.
Taehyung was about to try something when he suddenly hears a voice coming from afar. He knew who the voice belonged to but he was hoping this person would go away.

Mr.Wonder: Taehyung.. As I said.. This little place is called “The Magic Shop*.. Its suppose to be a secret but only a few has ever seen it..
Taehyung: What do you mean??
Mr.Wonder: Only a few.. But those few died right after that..
Taehyung: (panics).. Are you saying.. I’m going to... To... Die!!!
Mr.Wonder:... What (laughs).. No..

Taehyung looks at him as he seems to make no sense, the one thing he thought might be a dream seemed to become more and more like reality. The more he looks on at the events happening in front of him, the more he calls for his guardian in his mind but she doesn’t seem to respond to his calling.
Taehyung was at a point where he would give up, but he knew he had to escape from the clutches of this insane man yet he had no idea how.
A few hours passed and Mr.Wonder kept talking to Taehyung, explaining different types of things that could happen but Taehyung wasn’t paying much attention. The last words caught the attention of Taehyung yet he had no idea what that could actually mean..

Mr.Wonder: In the near future your time will run out while you do something worth while in your life.
Taehyung: (looks up).. What you mean.?? In the near future...
Mr.Wonder:... You'll find out real soon.. “Boy”..
The sudden light where Mr.Wonder appeared from suddenly goes out and Taehyung opens his eyes to realize he was standing at the spot he was all along. He looks left and right and notices he was all alone.
Taehyung began heading home but there was no road, in fact it was just some sand which was sucking him in. He knew this was similar to quick sand,

Taehyung POV
Quick Sand... Where the hell am I!!! What is this place.. I was at a dark place and now I’m here... Please.. Of please Guardian where are you (sobs)..

Guardian: I’m here...
Taehyung: (looks up while sobbing).. Where were you??
Guardian: I’ve been here all along, you were the one who stopped moving.. Why??
Taehyung: Mr.Wonder took me to a dark place...

The guardian looked at Taehyung with big eyes as she knew exactly what that dark place was. She took his hand and ran with him as fast as she could, luckily Taehyung was able to keep up. Taehyung was amazed that he was able to run even though the quick sand was busy pulling him in.
They reached a place filled with others and they each looked at her as she brought Taehyung towards the gates. She saw a few of her fellow guardian and they immediately knew what was going on.
Taehyung went through the gates and met a girl who looked very much like someone he’s seen before but he can’t remember where.
The head Guardian walked towards him and at that moment Taehyung looked beside him and saw his guardian taking off her helmet and total amazement came to mind as he sees the girl who he met a few days ago.

Taehyung: Its you..
Guardian: (smiles).. Hi Taehyung.. I’ve been tasked to protect you... My name is..
Taehyung: Tzuyu.....
Tzuyu: Yes.. I’ve been with you since the first day but...
Taehyung: But what???

Tzuyu looks at Taehyung then back at the lead guardian as she has huge concern for him, especially after hearing about the dark place.
The lead Guardian takes Tzuyu inside her chambers and asked for answer as to what might be the problem.
The two took a few hours before coming out again and all Taehyung saw was the worried expression both of them gave. Taehyung smiles and walks towards Tzuyu and asked what the problem might be but she couldn’t say anything.
Tzuyu looks at her lead Guardian and asked for help and she received it.

Lead Guardian: Kim Taehyung... Welcome to the Twice World.. I’m Nayeon. The leader of all the Guardians..
Taehyung: Umm.. Good to meet you (bows)..
Nayeon:... You wanted answers but I am not in the position to give it to you at this moment, however in due time you’ll be able to receive it..
Taehyung: Why does all this sound so serious.. Does it has something to do with what happened..??
Nayeon: What did this Mr.Wonder tell you..?
Taehyung: He said that the dark place was where only a few goes and that I’m lucky for some reason..
Nayeon: Can I.. (Reaches out her hands)..
Taehyung: What??
Tzuyu: She just wants to touch your hand..
Taehyung:  Oh.. (Reaches out his hands)..

Nayeon took his hands and began saying some phrases which for Taehyung was completely confusing. He stood still and looked at whatever might be happening to him. It wasn’t long when Nayeon let go and just stared at him.
Nayeon looked at Tzuyu and ordered her to call the rest.
A few minutes past and the room was filled with a total of 9 Guardians, each with their own unique abilities. They stood and just stared at Taehyung as Nayeon gave each of them strict orders to be by his side until the end.
Nayeon asked Taehyung to step outside for a few minutes while they discuss something important. Tzuyu who was the one walking with him gave him a sweet smile but deep down he knew this was different from the rest.
Taehyung stood and stood doing anything to keep himself busy, anything to keep his mind busy from what’s been happening the last few hours.
A few hours passed in his mind but to the others it was just minutes. Nayeon called Taehyung inside and they each had a item with them.

Taehyung: What is this?
Nayeon: This is a ring from me.. Keep it on you at all times..
Chaeyoung: Hi... I’m Chaeyoung.. This is a bracelet... Look well after it..
Dahyun: Dahyun is the name... A ring for you.. Keep it safe..
Momo:  I’m Momo.. I’ll give a earring but only the left side.. Always wear it..
Sana: I’ll give you the right side one. Here you go... I’m Sana by the way..
Jihyo: Hi.. I’m Jihyo.. This is the other bracelet.. Keep it safe.. (Smiles)..
Jeongyeon: I’ll give you these handmade gloves... Have it on you always.. The name is Jeongyeon..
Mina: Mina is my name.. I have many things but I’ll give you this ring.. Keep it safe..
Tzuyu: Finally its me.. I’ll give you this necklace.. Always have it with you..
Taehyung: Thank You all... But why you giving this to me...

Nayeon walks towards Taehyung and holds his hands tight so he would feel the warmth she had. The rest followed while grabbing his arms or shoulders. Taehyung who was way more confused than ever just went along with it as he had no idea why they were acting this way.
Taehyung smiled and each one of them let go. The rest left the room, everyone except Tzuyu and Nayeon. Nayeon who kept looking at him said a few words which Taehyung felt right through his body.
Taehyung looked at her and back at his hands and for some reason had no response to what she just said. He looked at Tzuyu and saw the tears in her eyes but he just smiled and winked at her.
Tzuyu looked at him and knew he would grow up to be one very strong individual.

Taehyung: You shouldn’t cry Tzuyu... I’m sure I’m not your first ..
Nayeon: (smiles)... Actually.. She’s the same age as you and she chose to be your Guardian..
Taehyung: (shocked but smiled).. Well I’ve got an awesome and beautiful Guardian..
Tzuyu: (blushes)...
Taehyung: Well what now...
Nayeon: For now... We will need to prepare..
Taehyung: Prepare for what??
Nayeon: I’ll see you in the near future Kim Taehyung...
Taehyung: Umm... (Smiles).. Okay..
Nayeon: You’ve got a few minutes Tzuyu...
Tzuyu: Understood..

Tzuyu looks on as Nayeon exits the room leaving her and Taehyung alone in the room. Taehyung was about to talk when Tzuyu walks towards him and hugs him. She leaves a really cool feeling inside of Taehyung, the kind that completely calms him down from whatever he was stressed about.
Taehyung who was shocked with the hug, puts his arms around her as well which got her totally surprised. She gives him a smile and whispers in his ear.
Taehyung just smiles at her words and closes his eyes.

Tzuyu: Just close your eyes and imagine yourself in your room.
Taehyung: umm... Okay..
Tzuyu: I will miss you Kim Taehyung...

Taehyung closes his eyes and reopens them to find himself in his room. He stood up and ran downstairs to see his dad sitting in the dining room reading a newspaper and his mom busy with the food.
The sudden noise of running gets the attention of his parents and tears entered his eyes as he couldn’t believe that he was safe in his home again.
Taehyung who was relieved began heading inside his room once again and found all was good again.

End Of Chapter 4

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