Chapter 14_The Unexpected

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Mr Wonder tells the story to the gang and each word mentioned gave each and everyone a huge surprise. RM and Jin who was more surprise than the rest stepped back while looking at the door, each of them with a scared look.. The banging of the door made by Taehyung suddenly went quiet as the story finished. Jungkook who was still staring at Mr Wonder kept looking but suddenly changed from looking at him to staring at the ground.
Mr Wonder then stepped back but before he could he..

“If you were unconscious, how could you know what happened??”.. Jimin asked while having a raised eyebrow

The rest of then looked at Mr Wonder wondering the same thing, but all they got was a smirk from him, the kind of a sneaky guy. RM who stepped back suddenly walks back to Jungkook's side and grabs his shoulder. Jin and J-Hope who knew what RM was trying to do each took a step forward but was blocked by another shadowed figure.
The boys now beyond confused looked at this shadowy figure and back at Mr Wonder but even he had a confused look. The trio tried to back down but each time they would do that the shadow would get bigger.

RM started thinking of ways to get out of the way but each movement he makes the shadow follows. He looks to his teammates but none of them had any way of getting out of this situation. RM then looks at the door and sees its halfway open but he remembered the door was locked, after the rampage of Taehyung

“Did any of you notice the door is open”.. RM says as he kept looking at the door.

Normal POV
The rest of the members looked towards the door and noticed it , which for them was odd as they themselves remembered the door being locked. Jungkook started heading towards the door slowly but immediately felt someone behind him.
He turns around and sees nothing but a shadow. The gang looks towards Mr Wonder and sees he is still stunned by this current situation.
Monsta X and Mika started thinking of ways to escape but each exit was sealed. Jooheon and I.M looked at each other and it was as if they could read each others minds.

“Ummm.. Guys where is Mr Wonder’s side kick”... Jooheon says while looking around the room.

Mr Wonder finally snapping out of his thoughts looked around the room looking for his right hand woman but no traces of her were found. He begins walking to a certain spot yet each step became heavier than the one before that.

“From the looks of it.. She was kidnapped and killed probably.. “.. Mr Wonder says as anger began to boil inside him.

Jin and J-Hope sees Jungkook struggling to cope with this current situation and tries to console him but too much pressure around the room. Suga and Jimin who were closest to the door looked at each other and immediately pushed open the door together.
The moment the door was opened wide enough the shadows disappeared and air was brought back to the room..
Suga began walking outside to look for Taehyung but he was nowhere to be seen. He tries to go deeper to the spot he was last seen but nothing, no trace of Taehyung.
Jimin tried to follow him but RM stopped him and showed him its time to move on. Jimin calls Suga as RM gave the orders to move out.
Suga looks back for a second and kept running forward, to where the rest are standing. Mr Wonder sees the boys gathering along with Mika and he could just smile as they remind him of his old friends.

“The journey you are about to go through is going to be a heart-breaking one.”.. Mr Wonder says as he looks to the gang..

BTS and Monsta X looks to Mr Wonder as he says those words, each member having a confused look on their faces. Jungkook steps forward and tries to get more out of Mr Wonder but even he could not give Jungkook the answers he seeks.
RM grabs Jungkook shoulders and tells him ..

“Its time to go Jungkook.. We will probably find Taehyung somewhere in the city..”.. RM looks at Jungkook as he says those words.

Jungkook walks back and got next to Jimin as all of them got ready to set out. The boys were just halfway through the door when a sudden explosion happens. They look behind them and sees Mr Wonder on the ground. RM and J-Hope were about to turn around and help him but he...

“Get out of here NOW!!!!.. HE IS COMING...”.. Mr Wonder screams..

RM leads the rest out of the building and into a nearby street but each member was scared of what could happen while they are facing the other way. As BTS were focused on getting away, Monsta X formed a circle around the boys in attempt to protect them from any harm

Jungkook: What could that be...??
RM: I don’t know but it scared the sh*t out of Mr Wonder...
Jimin: You don’t think it could be Taehyung or rather TaeTae that was released..
RM: That could be a possibility.. But why now.. I mean...
Jin: What if its just someone else... I mean Mr Wonder was scared of the shadows as well..
Jungkook: How did getting an antidote turn into this type of supernatural sh*t... I mean this was just bad guys but now we are facing demons and angels...
Mika: This is probably the other side of the story we didn’t yet realize.. I mean look at how Taehyung kept it quiet for so long..
Jimin: He lost his memory.. And  it appeared all of a sudden don’t you think that maybe..
Shownu: This town has something to do with his past life..
Kihyun: Perhaps this is where TaeTae was born... Which means....

The boys stopped running and turned to Kihyun as he says those words. Each member knowing what that could mean looked to the skies for answers but nothing was showing. Jungkook looked the longest and suddenly something or rather someone appears but he didn’t realize it yet.
Jungkook was about to head out with the rest but was stopped..

“This is the hometown of TaeTae... The place he first developed his powers “.. Someone says from the shadows..

Jungkook and the rest stopped and turned around to be face to face with someone they never knew they would meet. RM walks ahead of the rest but Mika follows him. They are staring at a hooded figure and could not help but notice the long hair which would mean..

“You’re a girl... But who are you and how would you know that..”.. RM says...

The hooded figure removed her hoodie but her face could not be seen as it was bright, too bright for either one of them to see. RM immediately tells her to put her hoodie back on and she does that. Mika steps forward to try and figure her out but she was too clever for that.

“Your journey will continue, but you will be without a certain member as his real fight is about to unfold”.. The hooded figure says..

The hooded figure then says her final say and headed back into the shadows. RM was about to ask but she was long gone. He looks back at the members and back at Mika as this whole situation has gotten more confusing as it was before.
Jimin walks towards Jungkook and sees he was stressed out but he knew he had to try and calm Jungkook down. Jimin suggested they rest somewhere and RM agreed.
The gang ran towards a nearby bridge and decided to rest under it while the others got something to eat.
RM stands up from the spot and decided to head to the river, but still his mind was too busy working overtime as things began to get even worse for them. RM who was standing alone could just stare to the water then to the skies as he realizes his skills seems to not be enough for this current situation but he was interrupted..

“This was unexpected for everyone, but as a leader you have to be strong for you team.. I mean if a leader stresses, just imagine how the rest of the group would feel..”... Mika says as she walks towards RM..

RM turns around and sees her walking towards him, but he just sighs and goes back to looking at the skies.
Jin and the rest of the groups sat on the grass as they thought of ways to get over this whole situation. Jungkook who was standing and probably thinking the most decided to walk somewhere else but was stopped when Suga and J-Hope arrived with the food.
RM and Mika turned back and headed towards the rest but RM could see the look on Suga's face and it was not one he often sees.

“What happened Suga??.. You have a certain expression on your face..”.. RM says with a concerned look..

Suga looks at them and began explaining what happened on their little walk..

[A few minutes back]

Normal POV
Suga and J-Hope walked towards what seemed to be an abandoned Cafe, but Suga kept having a strange feeling inside his stomach. He looked towards J-Hope to make sure if he felt it too and he saw the caution look he had on his face.
J-Hope turned his head towards Suga and the two knew exactly what the other was thinking. The two ran towards the opposite side of the cafe and saw nothing out of the ordinary except for the fact that the whole area was deserted. The two got ready to walk to the inside of the cafe when they heard voices.

“You better be ready when he comes out.. Do you understand me..”.. A unknown voice said..

Suga immediately looks towards J-Hope and knew he heard it too, but neither knew who this voice belongs to. The two walked slowly back, that is until..

“Well if it isn’t Suga and J-Hope... Nice to meet you two..”.. The unknown voice said..

Suga and J-Hope looks shocked from this and decided to run but was immediately stopped when the person standing in front of them was none other than...

“Tae... Tae... Taehyung....”.. Suga quietly says...

The figure knows as Taehyung steps forward and smiles as Suga and J-Hope got up from their hiding spot. Taehyung walks closer and at that very moment the two boys notice something different from him, something that means danger.
Taehyung walks around them, eyeing their every movement which in a way got Suga and J-Hope very worried.

Suga: Why are you doing this Taehyung...
Taehyung: Do you wanna know something Suga.. *laughs*..
Suga: What??.. *angry tone*..
Taehyung: You probably know about TaeTae and V and all that supernatural stuff right..
J-Hope: Wait... No way.. *shocked expression*..
Taehyung: That’s right J-Hope.. I’m not Taehyung.. I’m in fact TaeTae..
Suga: WHAT!!!!! *Steps back with J-Hope*.. How did you ...
Taehyung: Not really “THE TAETAE”... I’m more of the empty cell of TaeTae.. But I’ll become myself soon..
J-Hope: Are you saying..
TaeTae: “He”.. Will be released soon.. *smirks followed by laughter*...

As TaeTae says his final words, a sudden explosion happens. Suga and J-Hope turns around to see where it came from but no smoke or anything could be seen. The two turn around to see TaeTae has disappeared.
Suga looks at J-Hope and grabs his wrist as they ran inside the Cafe, grabbed anything they could find and hurried out of there. The two ran towards where the rest were and immediately saw them in a far distance..
Suga heads straight to the group and immediately RM saw the look on Suga's face.

[Back to Present]

Normal POV
Suga tells the story and the shock on each of the members faces could be seen, in fact it was clear as daylight. Suga heads towards Jungkook who was more shocked than the rest and just tried to support him but he had a look of concern on his face that worried each of the members.
Kihyun who decided to stand up, headed towards Mika and whispered in her ear but Jungkook caught that immediately..

“Why don’t you share with the group Kihyun.. “.. Jungkook said in a less annoyed tone.

RM seeing what’s about to happen heads straight towards Mika in an attempt to look for answers but she gave him a look. The kind of look that would say “Now is not the time”.. But RM insisted on letting her tell him, exactly what they were whispering about.
Upon hearing this, the rest of Monsta X stood up and headed towards Mika and it wasn’t long when BTS responded to that.

RM: Why did you whisper instead of saying it out loud..
Kihyun: Some things are better left quiet..
Jin: And yet your team stood up the moment RM asked Mika a question.
Shownu: What are you implying Jin..
Jin: What I’m saying is...
RM: Jin... Let it go... Its better they don’t tell us..
Suga: After hearing about TaeTae close to coming back... Monsta X is probably running scared..

Suga says those words and immediately the rest of BTS turns to him and back to Monsta X and they saw the faces of each member. Mika stepped forward and gave RM a look, the kind of look that said “ I’m sorry “..
RM took a deep breath and smiles as he exhales.

“I understand.. We will handle this on our own..”.. RM says as Monsta X packed their things and left..

RM looked at the boys and just tried to give them hope but each of them already knew that things aren’t as easy as they thought. Jungkook who was quiet for a while stepped forward and smiled as he looked at each of them.
Jungkook: I just wanna thank each of your for coming with me on this journey..
Jimin: I see where this is going..
Suga: So obvious... Look Kookie.. Just because they left doesn’t mean we will too..
Jungkook: But....
RM: Our mission is to get the antidote.. Let’s hurry before our situation gets worse..
Jin; Where were we last.. I mean we were so focused on Taehyung that we totally lost all information regarding the antidote..
J-Hope: I remembered something MX once said about someone named..
RM: Sage... Yes... We have to find her..

RM and the boys turn around to get going on their journey but was stopped by a figure. This unknown being looked at each member, moving her eyes from top to bottom, searching for anything but could not find what she was looking for.
The boys got in their fighting stance but Jungkook stepped forward, and no matter how much RM and Jin tried to stop him he just kept moving forward.
Jungkook now a few metres away from this being just smiled, which caught the members attention..

Unknown: Well..
RM: Who are you..??
Unknown: I go by many names.. But you can call me...
Jungkook: I have a feeling of who you could be..*smiles*
Unknown: Well tell me more....
Suga: Jungkook.. What do you mean..???
Jungkook: Because the story Mr Wonder told us... He said..

Jungkook looks at this girl whose name is still unknown and just smiled as he scanned her from top to bottom..

“He said something about there being a Demon Prince which is V and the Headmaster of the Guardians.. “ ... Jungkook says as he takes steps back..

The rest looked at Jungkook in a confused look, some even tried to talk to him but none could get through to him. Jimin then took a few steps forward and the rest followed and it was then that each of them felt the immense force.
RM looked up and so did the rest..

“This woman.. Is *THE HEADMASTER OF THE GUARDIANS*..Jungkook says as he smiles..

End Of Chapter 14

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