Chapter 15_ The Worst Time (Pt1)

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Jungkook stood still while telling the boys who the one in front of them was. RM and the rest were more shocked by the fact that Jungkook knew right away who she was. Jungkook began walking closer towards her but the force was too strong to handle and he was slightly pushed back.
RM and Jin caught him before he could fall. The two looked at him while making sure he was okay. Jimin who stood at the back ran forward in attempt to help Jungkook but he was already standing straight.

“Why are you here now... And how??.. I mean shouldn’t you have died yet..??”.. Jimin said

The Headmaster looked at him with a smirk on her face. She began walking towards them but then she remembered about the difference in strength. She stood still and decided to explain to them the story but the sudden smell of smoke made them change tactic. RM looks up and sees the smoke rising from nearby and Suga and J-Hope knew right away where that was coming from.

“That looks like the direction of the cafe.. The same spot we met TaeTae..”.. Suga explained.

RM stood still while listening to Suga explain where he might think it comes from. RM then looks to the group and all knew what he was thinking. They headed in the opposite direction and the headmaster was no far behind.

“You know about the current situation right Headmaster..”.. RM explains while running.

The Headmaster looks at him and just nods her head. RM knew the look on her face while looking at her. He began running slower and gives the lead to J-Hope and Jin, while he talks to the Headmaster. Jungkook and Jimin who were running in the left and right side sees this and decides to give RM the space he needs to talk to her..

RM: Do you know of what we are dealing with..
Headmaster: Yes.. About the antidote right.. Well i can’t tell you where it is.. But I can tell you this much..
RM: Any information about the whereabouts of this antidote would be helpful..
Headmaster: The one holding the item.. He however ... Well how should I put this...
Jungkook: Why does it sound troublesome..
Jimin: Yeah.. Sounds like we are in deep sh*t here...
Headmaster:.. He was once one of the Guardians.. But escaped the moment TaeTae lost control..

Normal POV
The moment that was said everyone immediately stopped.  RM who was surprised took the group into what looked like a tunnel. The Headmaster followed and so did the rest.
RM walks around not being able to think clearly, especially seeing as they are facing someone of that quality. Jin walks towards him to try and calm him down, but deep down he himself knew this new info is the most difficult of all.
Jungkook walks to the Headmaster in a way of looking for answers.

“ I don’t want to sound rude, but can you please tell us more about this.. “.. Jungkook asked while looking at her with pleading eyes..

The Headmaster looks at Jungkook and smiles as she gives him a nod, in approval. The rest of the boys gather around as they get ready to hear the story.

[3000 Years Ago... Just after the fight with TaeTae]

Normal POV
The Headmaster heads to the window in search of fresh air and Nayeon and Jennie follows her. Jennie who was closer smiled at the Headmaster while feeling her tummy who happens to have the unborn Taehyung inside it.
Nayeon who was just behind her looked on as Jennie enjoys playing with the gang, but deep down they knew this peace was going way too smoothly.

“Headmaster.. When are you due..??”.. Nayeon asked with a concerned look..

The Headmaster turns around and looks at Nayeon with a smile but deep down Nayeon knew this was not a real one. The amount of force in it could be seen by both Nayeon and Jennie. Jennie stands up from her spot and follows the river.
Nayeon stayed behind and looked for answers as things weren’t really going as she expected. They knew the Headmaster was faking her whole happiness, especially her smile..

Headmaster: I’m due in one week.. But I want you two to do something for me..
Jennie: What...??
Nayeon: What would that be Headmaster..
Headmaster: By the way I’m Headmistress not a Headmaster.. *giggles*..
Nayeon/Jennie: We are so sorry Headmistress..
Headmistress: I have assembled a few Guardians to assist you two on your next journey.. In the near future..
Nayeon: Okay.. Who might they be..
Jennie: Yes..
Headmistress: For Jennie is have assembled..  The Guardians of War.. Lisa, Jisoo and Rose.... I am placing them in your care Jennie seeing as in the future the battle between demons and  Angels are set to happen..
Jennie: Yes Mam...
Headmistress: And for Nayeon. Seeing as you are destined to become the next Headmistress... I place the 8 Guardians of Love, Courage and War in your care.. They are Mina, Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Momo, Sana, Jihyo, Jeongyeon.. But I have a request on the last one..
Nayeon: Those girls are still very young Headmistress.. They are..
Headmistress: Around your age yes.. Now listen the last one.. I want you to place Tzuyu.. The Guardian of Love and War in the hands of my unborn baby Taehyung..

Nayeon upon hearing that she wants Tzuyu to look after Taehyung, suddenly shows a surprised look on her face. Jennie who was still standing there was just as shocked as Nayeon upon hearing this. The two looked for answers and got it immediately.

“Tzuyu and Taehyung are destined to...”.. Headmistress says but was cut off by a sudden shake on the ground.

Nayeon and Jennie looks to the gates and sees nothing is wrong, but the ground is shaking. The two calls for the Guardians and immediately they were surrounded by their follow Guardians. They look to the Headmistress and sees she smiles as she looks around her.
Jennie tried to ask but she just smiled and said..

“The two Prince’s of the Demon Realm have died, and the Demon King wants revenge..”.. The Headmistress says as she looks to her fellow Guardians..

Jennie and Nayeon got in a fighting stance to fight off the Demon Kings army but the Headmistress stepped forward and handed Nayeon a ball.

“ In exactly 10 days.. Place that inside a human and leave.. But make sure to always protect that ball and my son”.. The Headmistress says as she sends Nayeon and Jennie along with her Guardians to another realm.

Nayeon and Jennie who was suddenly surrounded by darkness looks on as they were out of the Angel Realm. Jennie knew what it meant and tears surrounded her eyes, and the rest did the same. Nayeon stepped forward and took lead as she knew they had to move forward.
Jennie and Nayeon instructed their fellow Guardians to train hard and to be ready for the upcoming battle.

[Back to the Present]

Normal POV
The boys stood looking at The Headmistress as she tells them the story of her death. Jin walks to comfort her but immediately remembers the distance he has to keep from her. Jungkook looked towards her but stops what he was going to ask, yet Suga saw it.
Suga walks towards Jungkook and smiles while moving his head in saying “ Ask her”..
Jungkook walks a little closer to the Headmistress and gets ready to ask.

Jungkook: May I ask something..
Headmistress: You most certainly may..
Jungkook: You said you sent Jennie and the rest to protect Taehyung.. Then why did they instead protect me..*looks up*..
Headmistress: They tried to guide you in the right direction..
Jungkook: Meaning..
Headmistress: This whole journey was to get TaeTae released.. But seeing as you and Taehyung are close.. They used that opportunity to do what has currently happened..
Jungkook: Are you saying... I’m the reason Taehyung might die..
Headmistress: No.. That was his destiny.. But you are going to have to continue where Taehyung left off..

The Headmistress says those last words and decided to head on back. Jungkook and the rest look on as she turns around to walk away but J-Hope and Suga immediately felt a presence. Suga runs towards the Headmistress and even though he knew he was going to be hurt, grabs her and pushes her away.
RM and Jin runs towards Suga and the Headmistress while Jimin and J-Hope protect Jungkook.

“The hell was that.. Why did you do that Suga”.. RM says while lifting them both up..

Suga looks to the ground and back to RM. He points towards the area that seems to have a hole in it. RM does look and so does Jin and both were stunned to see, something that looks like an small yet deadly arrow.
Jungkook and the rest walked towards them and sees what they all see. The Headmistress walks towards the arrow and grabs it and immediately laughs as she remembers the shape of the metal.
She looks at the boys and lifts her head as she says..

“ I am surprised you were able to find me.... TaeTae”.. The Headmistress says while turning around.

The boys turn their heads towards her but sees no one, then they follow her eyes towards the roof and sees what she sees. The one member they thought had gone and did something bad was now standing on top of the roof, with a evil and deadly smirk.
Taehyung or rather TaeTae as the Headmistress has called looks towards his fellow teammates and just laughs as each had their own shocked expressions.

“Don’t be fooled by his current image.. This is just a cell of the real TaeTae.. And Taehyung is not nearby..” The Headmistress says as she looks at the shocked boys.

RM stood still but decided to walk forward towards The Headmistress, until he was standing side by side. He was later followed by Jin and Suga.. And it was not long before the rest joined them. The boys stood alongside each other as they got ready for battle.
Jungkook who was not in least bit scared stood strong with a smirk on his face caught TaeTae by surprise but he had to hold his composer.

Jungkook: So you are the empty cell.. What are you doing here..
TaeTae: I felt the presence of the Headmistress and decided to say “Hello”..
Headmistress: You are not fooling anyone.. You thought this current powers was that of Taehyung.. Which is why you rushed over here so fast..
TaeTae: Clever as always I see..
RM: You will not harm Taehyung...
TaeTae: It is in his destiny to die Leader of BTS... He has no outcome here..
Jimin: We will change destiny...
TaeTae: Strong words.. But you all are just human.. You can’t change destiny..

The mention of the word human got all the members quiet as each of them realized that’s the one problem they cannot change. The Headmistress steps forward to confront TaeTae but immediately changed her mind as two other individuals came out behind him.
RM who sees this knew they were in big trouble as he recognizes one of them but the other is not clear to him or any of the other members.
The Headmistress sees the look on each members face and asked them.

“Does these two individuals look familiar to you..??”.. She says while glancing behind her.

RM steps towards her and nods his head as he does recognizes the guy. He looks behind him as he signals the boys to get ready for battle, but TaeTae saw through his plan. TaeTae jumps down towards the ground and the distance he was from the top even caught BTS of guard.
TaeTae took a few steps forward but stops when he sees the smile on the Headmistress face. He being cautious when it comes to her stops and signals the other two to come down but they were not as immortal as he was.
The two individuals took the stairs and after a few minutes were finally down alongside TaeTae. The two groups look on as a battle is about to unfold but The Headmistress knew this was going to end in a blood bath.
The Headmistress looks to RM and signals him to run but all he does was smile. The Headmistress confused about his smile looks behind her and sees each and every member is smiling as well.

“Running from these punks ain’t the way we roll.. Headmistress.. We will fight alongside you...”.. RM says with a smile.

RM says that and could hear the approval from each of the members. He steps forward and got ready to charge but a sudden explosion and an immense burst of power caught each and everyone of them off guard. TaeTae thinking this might be the presence of his other half smiles but that is quickly changed into that of pure shock as this was not even the least bit of his true self powers.
The Headmistress seeing this and especially the look on TaeTae's face makes her doubt what she was currently thinking about.

“This burst of power and anger behind it, could only belong to one individual..”.. The Headmistress says but before she could finish it..

“The Demon King..!!!! SH*T!!!!”.. TaeTae says as he looks to the direction of the noise.

End of Chapter 15


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