Chapter 20_ The Chase

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Jungkook and Suga sat down while waiting for the rest ,without knowing what exactly the others were going through. The rest were facing their own tough battles but the only difference was that the others were in more trouble than they anticipated.

[Meanwhile somewhere else]

“STOP COMING AFTER ME DAMN IT!!!! STOP!!”.. Someone ran while looking back and screaming...

This individual was running through what seemed like hallways yet the only difference was that there was no exit or even a room to hide in. The chase kept going and this individual was reaching his limit and tears came to reach the corner of his eyes as he felt he was about to fail this test..

“COME ON.. DON’T BE SCARED NOW..... JIMIN!!!”.. Someone yelled..

Jimin who was running away from whoever may be chasing him felt he was gonna die as these people were running faster and he was running slower and the whole idea of dying in this nightmare of a dream, didn’t sit well with him. He began slowing down and it was at that, that he turned around only to notice there was no one.
Jimin stopped in his tracks and turned around to get a closer look. He was about to lose consciousness when his arm moved to lean against the wall but he was still too tired to move any closer. He then decided to rest and wait for whatever or whoever might be following him but he was too scared to even think of what might be happening.

Jimin POV
Jimin closed his eyes and fell asleep. He knew this wasn’t a good idea but he had no other choice, he was out of breath and his body was getting too heavy. A few minutes has passed and Jimin was still fast asleep.
Jimin who was now snoring, didn’t or rather couldn’t notice the footsteps approaching him until the last minute. Jimin sprung up immediately when he smelled a strange yet strong smell, and he knew it could only be...

“BLOOD!!!.. WHY!!!”...

Jimin looked at the person standing in front of him but fear was still holding him back. He stood his ground but the individual could feel the fear coming from Jimin. He was about to take a step forward when Jimin decided to turn around and run away but the road was blocked.
Jimin turned back around and was a few inches from this individual.

“Jimin... I can promise you this...YOU WON’T SUCCEED IN YOUR DREAM *LAUGHS*”...

Jimin fell backwards, butt first as he was overwhelmed by fear. He stood up again and held his ground but once again this was too much for him and it wasn’t long before Jimin completely collapsed.
Jimin who fell head first and the blow was so heavy that blood started pouring from his head. The individual grabbed Jimin and started pulling him towards what seemed like an operating room. He was about to start operating on him when a sudden explosion erupted from what seemed like a room not far from where he was.
The individual stopped right there and rushed out the door. Jimin who was still knocked out kept laying there but he could still hear what was happening around him. He was about to open his eyes but it was heavier than he could have imagined.
The door started opening slowly and being unable to move, Jimin just hoped it wasn’t the same insane person, his hope and fear was so much that he even let a tear go.
The whole room was quiet and he could hear the footsteps of someone approaching and it was someone different, he wasn’t quite sure but just a feeling.

“You HAVE the strength to go on.. Remember this is just a dream.. It is yours.. YOU OWN IT!!!”...

The individual left that message right there and left. Jimin felt this wasn’t what he expected, he expected this person to help him but there was nothing of that.. Instead he was just told a riddle. He didn’t understand that completely but deep down he knew he had to stand up and start moving.
Jimin was about to open his eyes when fear once again took over, he heard the crazy person entering again and he knew he or she was about to continue the operation.
Jimin laid back down and just smiled, which caught the attention of this individual.

Unknown: Why are you smiling..
Jimin: Just thinking..
Unknown: *stops moving*... About what...
Jimin: *giggles*... You... How you are taking control of all this.. Knowing..
Unknown:.. Knowing your fear is overwhelming.. You’ll never escape from here... *laughs*..
Jimin: *laughs*.. I may die here. But at least I can die.. Knowing..*opens eyes*.. I died with a smile...
Unknown: You still have fear.. My dear Jimin...
Jimin: Well.. Fear.. Can.. Kiss.. My... *smirks*.. You know the rest...

Jimin falls back down after saying those last words. The individual starts the machines and began the operation. Jimin held onto the piece of cloth while enduring the operation, the needles and all the equipment used by this individual.
Jimin couldn’t take the pain anymore and completely collapsed. He could not feel any pain at all after the feeling of having needles and such entering his body that he felt he was dead.

“Goodnight my dear Jimin..*smiles*..”.. The individual says as the machines began getting louder..

(5 hours later)

Hours have passed and still no movement yet the noise was gone. Jimin who was laying on what seemed like a bed still had the ability to hear yet he had no more fear. He was a few minutes away from opening his eyes but he heard breathing close by.
Jimin knew he had to open his eyes sooner or later but they were heavier than he thought it would be. He was just gonna lay more and rest when he heard..

“You can open your eyes now.. I know you’re awake...”... The individual says..

Jimin knew who this voice belonged to and he didn’t want to be operated on again but something felt different. Jimin then opened his eyes and immediately realized something. He opened his eyes but his body was still too heavy to move.

Jimin: What did you do to me...??
Individual:..  I’m pretty sure you know...
Jimin: *He tries to move his head but remembered*.. My head...
Individual: What about it..??
Jimin: *moves but then realized*... You.. Did you...??
Individual: *laughs*...

Jimin realized that his injury was healed and was no longer hurting. He slowly lifted his body, followed by the turning of his head and what he saw was more shocking. Jimin's eyes was wide as he was now looking straight into the eyes of...

Jimin:.   JEONGYEON!!!!!!
Jeongyeon:.. Annyeong.... *waves*...
Jimin:.. Are you the crazy doctor....??
Jeongyeon:.. Oh please no... That guy is a nutjob...  Anyway.. Are your injuries okay.. Because you need to get out of here.
Jimin: Yeah.. I can move....
Jeongyeon: Good.. We need to hurry.. Before that nutjob comes back..

Jimin and Jeongyeon both got up and headed out the door but they knew this place was more secured than any other place. Jeongyeon grabbed Jimin by the hand and led him to what seemed like a underground tunnel but she as well as he knew it was a risky decision.
Jimin decided he need to be the man and lead her but she knew he was still unable to do such a job.
Jeongyeon once again took the lead and all Jimin could do was smile at this. Jimin then saw the look in her eyes and he knew what that meant.

“We are cornered right... Because you have suddenly began looking more fierce than usual...”.. Jimin said while looking at her..

Jeongyeon moved towards a side tunnel and told Jimin to go first while she looks for any other weapon. Jimin did as she told him and put his legs in first and as he does that he suddenly remembers what this meant. He immediately tries to move back out but was blocked by Jeongyeon.
She looks at him and a tear exits her eyes. She gives him a smile and says the next words..

“The exit should be very close by so follow it and don’t look back.. And remember these next few words.. YOU ARE THE OWNER OF YOUR MIND..  NO ONE ELSE..*smiles*”..

Jeongyeon gives Jimin a item and just like that pushes him forward. Jimin the slides through the tunnel way but he could still hear the screaming of Jeongyeon as she engaged in a fight between those evil beings. The noise soon subsided and he knew he was too far to hear anything new.
Jimin was a few inches out and just like that he saw the light. The moment his foot touched the ground, he continued to run. He ran and ran until he found what looked like an exit.
Jimin kept running until he was certain he was miles away, but he later realized he was safe when he saw the darkness was gone and the blue skies was visible again.
He slowed down and rested for a while but he then heard voices, voices that he recognized. He decided to follow them yet they were still a distance away.
It wasn’t long when he finally turned the corner and heard the voices he was hoping to hear...

Jungkook: You know Hyung.. You’re quite difficult to be around.. Especially alone..
Suga:.. That’s not my problem.. *laughs*.

Jimin smiled as he saw the two of his fellow brother arguing again. Jimin then started approaching them when the sudden tiredness caught up. He was about to fall over when Suga and Jungkook caught wind of him but they were too far away to catch him.
Jimin was a few inches away from falling on his head again when someone caught him. Jimin looked up and saw the eyes of someone he knew well.
Jungkook and Suga finally caught up and helped Jimin up.
Jungkook ran to get water while Suga and this other helped Jimin towards the stairs. The idea of finally resting was enough to get him to smile and speak again.

Suga: I would understand that one of you would come here... But. Both...
Jimin: I’m just as surprised..

Jungkook finally arrived after some time and handed water to Jimin and the other one..

Jungkook: So did you both fight the same enemy or what..
Jimin: No.. I fought on my own..
Suga: Then.. How did you arrive here at the exact same time as Jimin....
Jungkook: Yeah... Could you explain... Jin Hyung...
Jin: Well.. I have no idea..
Suga:... So what exactly did you go through..

Jimin looked up and the started explaining to the rest of what exactly happened. Jin and the rest was shocked to find out what Jimin went through. The team then smiled as they were happy he made it out alive..

“So you are like Frankenstein now..*laughs*.. Suga says while laughing..

The rest started laughing too and Jimin couldn’t help but laugh along with them. The team was happy and it was then that they looked at Jin

“Your Turn Jin Hyung... Tell us what you went through...”.. Jungkook asked..

Jin looked at them and stood up with hands in his pockets. He looked at the clouds while saying the words..

“It was actually harder than I imagined it would be... But yeah... Here goes... The dream of how I was defeated yet victorious...”..

End of Chapter 20

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