Chapter 19_Friendly Reminder

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Jungkook sat on the stairs waiting for any kind of sigh, yet nothing was happening, that was until he heard footsteps. He being startled by this immediately turned his head towards the sound and saw a familiar face. He stood up from his spot and smiled at the person who was approaching him.
Jungkook's smile grew more and more as he saw his other teammate walking towards him.

“Suga Hyung.. Good to see you here..”.. Jungkook said..

Suga walked towards Jungkook but seemed to be exhausted by something. He was only a few inches when he felt like falling over yet Jungkook caught him in time and took him to the stairs. The two sat down and Jungkook could see that Suga might have gone through something difficult, seeing as he had a very tired looking face.
Suga looked up and back to Jungkook as he could just smiled at the youngest member.

“Geez.. This whole quest is tiresome.. And to think we are far from accomplishing it..”.. Suga says while looking at the skies..

Jungkook got up and headed towards what looked like an old cafe. He walked inside being extra careful yet quick as well. He saw what looked like water and immediately took a few bottles and ran back to where Suga was. Jungkook gave a bottle to Suga and he was surprised at how fast Suga drank that bottle.
Jungkook looked back towards the area Suga came from and back towards him and he could not help but wonder what exactly happened to Suga to be looking this tired.
Suga on the other hand looked at Jungkook and saw something in him has changed yet he had no idea what it could be.

“Hyung..  Could you perhaps tell me why you look so exhausted...”.. Jungkook says while looking at him..

Suga saw the look in Jungkook's eyes and could not help but tell him, about his journey..

[2Days Ago]
Suga POV
Suga looked around him and saw that the area has changed completely and he was standing in what looked like his old neighbourhood. He walked towards an area he thought would be a reminder but for some reason he could not find anything. He kept walking to different places but it was as if he was stuck in a maze.
Suga then tried to calm down and think but this time he felt something he never knew he would feel, especially considering that he was trained to endure any and all hardship. Suga looked at the skies and just the corner of his eye he saw what looked like sweat. He wiped it off and looked at his hand and saw that it was indeed wet, which could mean he was sweating.
He got up from his spot and looked around and just like that the tiredness was gone.  Suga then started walking again, towards an opening but he felt more and more tired with each step and he had no idea how to explain it.
He was a few metres away from what seemed like an exit but he saw something dark right behind him and just like that he turned around but before he could see what it was.. He collapsed.

Normal POV
Suga opened his eyes slightly but he still couldn’t move yet he could see the road moving and it then clicked that someone was carrying him. He tried to look up but he didn’t have the energy to move.. Yet stubborn as he may be he tried to move and it was then that..

“Do not move or else you’ll die..”.. Someone spoke up..

He heard these words again and turned his head towards the floor area and closed his eyes as he fell back asleep.

(2 hours later)

Suga felt what seemed like a foot touching his leg and tried to shrug it off but something or someone kept kicking harder than before. Suga was not one to wake up that easy so he just went back to sleep, that was until..

“WAKE THE HELL UP!!!!!!”....

Suga immediately lifted his head and looked at where this sound was coming from. He turned his head and was now face to face with what seemed like a girl but he had trouble making out who she was. He tried to get closer but she just pushed him back.
Suga confused to her actions looked at her with an raised brow and it was then that he realized that..

Unknown: Yeah.. You were about as close as...
Suga: Geez.. Sorry... *giggles*..
Unknown: Well.. Yoongi.. Its been a while..
Suga: Excuse me.. But who are you exactly...
Unknown: *looks to the skies*.. Oh.. You probably don’t recognize me with my face showing right.. But I’m also disappointed that you don’t recognized my voice..
Suga: Nah.. I had an idea.. But the one who has the same voice as you. Died a few years ago... So..*looks at the ground and back to the girl*..
Unknown: Yeah that’s right Yoongi.. You’re in a dream world...

Suga POV
Suga upon hearing that immediately moves back and kept looking at the girl while tears escaped his eyes. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing as well as seeing. He lifted himself up while keeping his distance yet each and every part of his body wanted to move in and hug her but he didn’t know what to do exactly.

“Are you gonna keep your distance forever or what...”.. The Unknown says..

Suga moves sideways to try and figure more out yet he was still shookt with what’s currently happening. Suga decided to move closer but he took smaller steps to try and move back quick when something bad happens. He was just a few metres away when she moved in fast and hugged him. She held him and it wasn’t long when he moved his arms around her body as well.
Suga then showed tears of joy as he hugged her tightly while trying his best to hold back his desire to kiss her as well. Suga moved back and released her and so did she.

Suga: *wipes tears*.. I know this is a dream.. But what exactly is happening..
Unknown: This whole scenery is your deepest and darkest fear..
Suga: So its what we are afraid of but don’t wanna admit..
Unknown: Exactly...  But you went through many things and your only fear is that..
Suga: I don’t know where I belong..
Unknown : Exactly.. So I’m here to remind you.. That..*hears a sudden sound*.. Hold that.. Let’s move..

Normal POV
Suga and the girl started running in an different direction than what they came from and before they could completely exit the way, she looked at him and stops. Suga who was pulled by her stopped as well and as they both looked at each other, he tried to talk but she stopped him and whispered in his ear and as she moved closer gives him an item to hold on him.
She pulled away and smiled while pointing in a direction he should run. He looks back and sees her smile and he couldn’t help but smile as well. He was a few metres away when he turned around and just like that she did the same..

“By the way.. My name is Dahyun... *smiles*..”.. She smiles while waving..

Suga looks on as Dahyun ran a different direction.. He kept looking and then decided to turn around and start running to the direction she told him to go. He was only  getting more and more nervous as he started feeling numb again but as he was about to collapse he suddenly remembers the words she whispered to him..

“The way you need to go.. Is the way you are destined to be.. You are trapped in a world you’re afraid off.. A world which is holding you back.. But just close your eyes and you’ll find where you belong”..

Suga kept running while thinking of those words.. Each word kept going through his mind but he had no knowledge of where he belongs and what that meant but he just kept moving and then he slowed down as he felt the tiredness winning ... He was at his limit..

“SUGA HYUNG!!! HOY....”...

Suga looks up and he was now looking straight at someone he never knew he would find.. He was now looking into the eyes of none other than Jungkook..
Suga then looked up to the skies and remembered the words again...

“Just Close your eyes.. And you’ll find where you belong..”... Remembering those words.. Suga suddenly found his strength and walked up straight towards Jungkook and made it just in time as Jungkook gave him a bottle of water..

[Present Day]
Suga looks at Jungkook as he drinks the water but deep down he felt a bit of concern as he knew something yet wasn’t sure about it. He then stood up and walked to the edge of the stairs and once again looked at Jungkook.

“ If this whole dream is about us overcoming our fears and nightmares then I don’t think the others are gonna have it as easy as we did”.. Suga says while looking towards the ground and then once again to Jungkook...

Jungkook who is just as concerned as Suga decided to sit down on the stairs and wait for the rest but it was rather an uneasy feeling, the type where both of them knew something was wrong yet couldn’t exactly explain what.
Suga then put his hands in his pockets and then felt something and it was at that, that Jungkook stood up and walked towards him..

Jungkook: You got one too..
Suga: *looks at Jungkook*.. Too.. What you mean.  The hell is this...
Jungkook: *points to the door*... Its a key for that door yet we need five more to actually open it..
Suga: What is inside that building....
Jungkook: I don’t know..
Suga: What if its some creepy ass monster demon type sh*t..
Jungkook: *took few steps back*.. Did you really have to say that..
Suga: Sorry.. Couldn’t help it *laughs*..

Jungkook then walked towards the door with Suga not far behind and then the both of them turned around and looked at each building and each street..

*Guess we have to wait here for the rest to come...*.. Jungkook says as he sat down once again..
Suga could not help but look at the young Jungkook while he said that. He then decided to sit next to him while they wait for the others but deep down they were worried about what might happen..

End of Chapter 19

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