Chapter 7_Secrets (Pt2)

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Taehyung stood still looking at his guardian who went away when he was still a young teenager. The two who still couldn’t believe they were apart for so long just stared at each other with each having a smile on their faces. Taehyung who looked at her walked towards her and just gave her a hug to show how happy he is to see her again
The two hugged each other and that was when Tzuyu felt the presence of something with immense power. She looked at Taehyung with concern and yet he had no idea what that was. She took his hand and asked him to follow her yet he had no idea what made her change so suddenly.
He took her hand and followed her to wherever she might take him. It wasn’t long when they arrived at a place he dreaded seeing. He was now face to face with the one place he hoped to forget “The Magic Shop”.
Taehyung stood outside the gates and got more and more nervous from the memory that came back all of a sudden. He turned around and looked at Tzuyu who was worried herself yet she gave him a look that said “Trust Me”.
Taehyung looked at her and back at the gate as he entered the yard or rather tried to, but for some reason the gate resisted his presence. Tzuyu looked at him in manner of concern.

Tzuyu: What’s wrong?
Taehyung: I cannot enter... There seems to be something keeping me out..
Tzuyu: Like a barrier..
Taehyung: Yeah something like that... What’s going on...??
Tzuyu: I was afraid of that...
Taehyung: Why..??.. What’s happening to me?
Tzuyu: The truth is....

Tzuyu tries to tell Taehyung the truth but the moment she tried to speak her voice suddenly went quiet. Taehyung looks at her but she was speaking , he was just not able to understand and hear anything.
Taehyung turned around and headed back to the stand where he and Tzuyu first met. The whole time he was walking away something to rather someone kept his eyes on them. Tzuyu who was walking behind Taehyung could feel the presence of someone but didn’t want to alert Taehyung at a time like this.
The two walked to a nearby tree and just stayed there together, talking and enjoying each others company. Tzuyu talked about her time away from him, yet she felt lonely being away from the one she was suppose to protect. She kept on talking while small tears escaped her eyes and Taehyung couldn’t help but wipe it off.
Taehyung who was smiling at how his Guardian seems to cry for being apart from him, just didn’t know that they were suppose to feel that way.
Taehyung looked at the skies and began telling her of their adventures and how they are fighting to help the youngest member in the group with his task or rather mission.

Tzuyu: So you’re helping Jungkook right..
Taehyung: (looks at her quickly).. You know him??
Tzuyu: Each of us Guardians have someone we protect and well.. Jungkook just happens to be in the protection of Blackpink..
Taehyung: Wait... You know them too..
(Tzuyu looks at Taehyung)
Tzuyu: What do you mean too???
Taehyung: Well we went on our current mission to find the antidote when we suddenly heard sounds and kind of fell asleep and well in our dreams they appeared and one of them walked to Jungkook and told him and us to wake up.
Tzuyu: How did the one look??
Taehyung: The one girl had blond hair but we couldn’t really see their faces.. Only their bodies...
Tzuyu: Bodies aye..(smirk)..
Taehyung: Not like that (laughs)..
Tzuyu: Joking (laughs)... The one who approached him was Lisa.. She was the one tasked with protecting Jungkook and the others are called Jennie, Jisoo and Rose..
Taehyung: So why couldn’t we see their faces..
Tzuyu: Only Jungkook can see their faces as it is his Guardians.. Just like only you can see mine..

Taehyung POV
So that must mean Jungkook knew who those girls were, maybe he knows of the Guardians and all those things yet he didn’t say anything... Maybe he’s scared we wouldn’t believe him.. I mean they wouldn’t believe me either (laughs).. But I’m still confused about many things and I can see Tzuyu is as well..

Tzuyu: You should know.. There’s a reason we met again..
Taehyung: What do you mean?
Tzuyu: I wish I could tell you but for some reason I’ve noticed whenever I try to tell you..
Taehyung: Yeah.. For some reason I cannot hear anything.. Why?
Tzuyu: I wish I could tell you but even if I try it will end up the same..

Taehyung and Tzuyu looked at each other but just bit by bit as neither one knows how to explain their current situation. Tzuyu then stands up and just walks to a nearby stand or rather the one she used to work, the exact same one she met Taehyung.
Taehyung who just stares at her every movement couldn’t help but smile as he was so happy to see her again but his memories became a bit fuzzy the more he looks at her. Taehyung didn’t look long when all of a sudden the town began fading away.
Tzuyu sees this and Immediately looks at Taehyung as she could sense the same presence she felt the moment she hugged him. The two looked at each other with such an intense feeling and being his guardian Tzuyu knew she had to figure something out really fast or else Taehyung would be in serious trouble.
Tzuyu walks towards him and hugs him once again and he does the same, but all that ends as Taehyung hears a voice he has always hoped he wouldn’t.

Unknown: Its been a while Kim Taehyung..
Taehyung:... (Growls)... Mr.Wonder..
Tzuyu: (walks in front of Taehyung)... Step back Taehyung..
Taehyung: What??. I’m the one who should...
Tzuyu: I’m your guardian.. Don’t forget..
Mr.Wonder: Geez.. Anyway Taehyung.. I see..(stops talking)...

Mr.Wonder POV
What is this immense presence coming from Taehyung... What is this boy... He couldn’t be... No!!!.. There’s no way..

Taehyung was about to ask Mr.Wonder some questions when he suddenly disappeared from his sight. Tzuyu did the same right after that which Taehyung had no idea why. He looks around and the town was completely gone, and the darkness which he encountered the moment he entered this town was back but with more of an darkness aura in it
Taehyung looks around but it was way dark and no way of telling where he was or where is he walking. He began hoping there might be a light but no such thing appeared.
He was only a few meters from something that looked like...

Jungkook: Hey!!! Taehyung...!!!
RM: He’s waking up... Guys...

At that exact moment Taehyung opens his eyes and meets his team right in front of him. He looks carefully at each of them and couldn’t help but smile as he could see the relief on their faces, all except RM who for some reason had a bit of a concern look.
Taehyung lifts himself up and was now in a sitting position. Jimin and Suga helped him up and they were just overjoyed of him waking up.
Jackson and BamBam who stood close by the door just stared at this but they knew something the rest of the group didn’t and they also knew they couldn’t tell them anything.
Jungkook who’s closest to Taehyung just hugs him as he is relief his best friend is awake and looking better than before.

Jungkook: I’m super happy you’re awake.. You worried us..
Jimin: Yeah man... Geez..
Taehyung: (laughs).. Yeah sorry.. But umm...
J-Hope: What??
Taehyung: If y’all give me time to rest just about 30mins.. We can then head out and get that antidote..
Jungkook: But...
Taehyung: Our mission was to get it.. And we intend to complete it right.. (Smiles)..
Jin: Yes.. Let’s give Taehyung a break...
(Everyone steps out except Jackson and RM)..
Jackson: Kim Taehyung... There’s something you need to understand..
RM: On your back there’s a...
Taehyung: Mark... (Glances at them).. Yeah I know.. And I also know the other part..
RM: What do you mean??..
Taehyung: I only recently found out something.. So yeah..
Jackson: You also know there’s...
Taehyung: Nothing anyone can do to help me.. Yeah I know..(smirks)..

Taehyung and the two leaders speaks to him about something rather important but neither of them knew of the rest of the groups standing by the door, eavesdropping on them. The idea of Taehyung knowing something which Jackson and RM was keeping a secret has gotten them all in a real daze.
They knew this was something very important, something that had to do with Taehyung’s past, the past they heard from Jimin.
Jimin who was just as close to Taehyung as Jungkook had no idea what they were talking about and figured Taehyung had something hidden, something he couldn’t even tell Jimin.
The two leaders stepped out and saw the groups sitting in the living room, waiting for them to discuss a strategy of some sort.
Jackson walks to the one chair and starts explaining of possible threats in the area they had to go. RM and Suga who was leading the front had the most difficult job and that was where they had to have the most accurate of strategies.
Jungkook and Jimin who was walking in the back had to always be on alert as they had to protect the rest from the back, which had them thinking of a way to overcome the enemies sneak attack.
J-Hope and Jin was the ones walking in the middle, the most difficult of jobs seeing as they had to support the back and the front whenever something might happen and they knew they had to be on the most alert.
Taehyung who was waiting in the other room could still hear everything that was said but that ended the moment Youngjae stepped inside the room.
Taehyung looked at him with a serious look and it was returned. Youngjae looked at him as if he would kill him on the spot but he knew better.

Taehyung: What??
Youngjae: Darkness... Is one of the hardest things to overcome..
Taehyung: (looks up).. Why are you telling me this..
Youngjae: Because you need to understand it.. And from where I’m standing.. It’s quite obvious you don’t know anything.
Taehyung: You seem quite confident that I don’t know anything.
Youngjae: Are you saying you do??
Taehyung: Am I obligated to answer you..
Youngjae: (Gets angry).. Why you little!!!
Jackson: Youngjae... That’s enough!!!

Youngjae looks at Jackson and back at Taehyung with anger coming from his eyes all the way down to his fist. Taehyung who for some reason could feel the anger Youngjae was just releasing just stayed there thinking for himself.
Jackson walked out last, but he kept looking at Taehyung as he walks out. Taehyung who’s still sitting down just looks up at the roof and takes a few deep breaths as he gets up from the bed.
He walks towards the door and for some reason he feels completely different than before and he had no idea why he would feel this way. He grabs all the items the Guardians have given him and just like that he becomes himself again.
He knew where he was and what happened, but he was still thinking of his behaviour towards Youngjae. He can’t believe he acted the way he did.

Taehyung POV
Why did I behave that way.. What’s happening to me... First I’m myself and then I’m not.. Does it have something to do with what Nayeon and Tzuyu said a few years back or what.. Am I losing it??.. Am I... Am I... (Grabs head).. What is happening..

Taehyung: What’s happening to me..
Unknown: You’re changing..
Taehyung: (looks around the room).. What.?.. Who are you??
Unknown: For now you don’t need to know.. (Evil laugh).. Just know little Taehyung.. You’re changing..
Taehyung:.. Into what...
Unknown: You already know the answer to that..

End of Chapter 7

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