A whole new level

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As Lauren got on a call with someone I'm guessing was her crush, because of her series of unnatural laughter and the permanent blush on her face, I considered chilling out and waiting for her to be done at the reception hall, so I could get a whole lot of knowledge about this "the list", but it had only taken me forty five minutes of waiting impatiently to realize that the call was an endless one. The last straw had been her unusually loud laughter that had threatened to burst my eardrums. I lifted my lean structure off the couch I'd been seated on, murmured some incoherent curses, and rolled my suitcase into my residence hall. The hallway had been even more crowded  than I'd ever expected. I squeezed past kissing couples, arguing couples, hugging couples. Whatever you could think of. But then again I couldn't have expected more from a coed residence hall. I'd passed by numerous rooms in a bid to get to mine, but when I got to room 319, my legs came to a subconscious halt. That was Matt Miller's room. My crazy mind contemplated barging in to say " thank you" for all he'd done for me, Afterall, Lauren had said he did have a room to himself. Maybe he and I could take things to a whole new level in there, preferably on his extra large doubled sized bed I'm guessing he had. I face palmed my self for my negative thoughts and then made to twist the knob. The sound of a couple of male voices made me halt in my tracks. Instead, I pressed my ears against the metallic door as smoothly as possible. The first voice I hear belongs to him.
"I'm not in love with Jenna Moore, seriously dude, she's not my type". At the end of his sentence, I feared my heart had fallen right off my chest and broken into a gazillion pieces. I want to stay and here the rest of all he has to say, but  my heart
definitely can't bear the trauma. I slowly roll my suitcase past his room, hoping my eyes wouldn't give up on me and begin to shed tears. Unnecessary tears, if you ask me.
If there's any lesson I'd learned today, it's definitely that on days like this, no bad experience can startle you again, because you've seen the worst of it all, or in my case, heard the worst of it all.

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