precious cargo

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I'm in a car
I'm in the dark
I am met by stars
Theres nothing to move me
Theres no light here outside your arms
I am overgrown
Like grass in a meadow
Like vines at the side of a old house
I dont know how to be around you
But I want to surround you
How can I be split in two
Over a love I never knew?
How do I get over
My feelings for you?
This is the hardest pill to swallow
The fear of being alone
When I'm sat beside my home
And I can be anyone I want to be with him
But I cant tell him how much I love him
Or he'll leave me alone
He'll leave me freezing cold
The feeling of losing control
When I am on the passenger side
Cos I cant steer
And God knows, I cant drive
I cant even make someone love me
How can you expect me
To want to control some stupid machinery?
What's that gonna get me?
Not your undying love for me
All I want is you to love me
Why is life working against me?
When it gave me this air to breathe?
These eyes to see?
I want to be a passenger
In a car
Where the driver cares enough to drive slowly
In effort not to hurt a bone on my body
But you drive so fast down these city streets
And even faster on the motorways
And my body hurts from trying to keep myself safe
I can no longer live this way
I want you to drive safe
But you enjoy hearing me scream your name
You enjoy hearing the pain in my voice
Everytime we're close to a wall
Everytime the cars close to the edge of a cliff
Everytime we're close to hitting something
You enjoy telling me that I'm being dramatic
And need to relax cos this is how it'll always be
You are with me
But you are not with me in the right way
You're too busy trying to kill me
With your reckless endangering energy
To realise that I want to breathe
In air that I dont have to hiccup to breathe
To realise that I dont want to be dizzy for an eternity
Where you're the one driving me

Notes by NailinthewallWhere stories live. Discover now