New Acquaintance

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The team was walking around Gotham mall, going in and out of stores, and thanks to the girls were stacked down with bags filled with who knows what. They were just about to head into another store when Wally's stomach decided to make itself known.

"Guys! I'm hungry!" He complained, much to Artemis dismay.
"Gosh Baywatch, when are you not hungry?" She growled with a glare.
"Hey! Serious metabolism remember?" He chastised.

"How about we stop for something to eat? Besides, my arms are getting kinda sore from all these bags," Robin suggested.
Pointing in a random direction M'gann spoke up, "I agree. Me and Conner saw a Restaurant right around this corner."

Deciding that was the best option, they headed that way. Each person carrying at least two or more bags.
Along the way, Wally got distracted by something shiny reflecting in his eyes. Stopping, he turned, and right across from him was a little jewelry store.

He slowly made his way to the window, like he was in a trance, looking through. There was said to be a cat-themed diamond necklace here. Granting the wearer eternal life or good fortune.
He didn't notice his eyes going to slits when he saw the diamond, nor did he notice someone coming up behind him.

"Beautiful isn't it?" A sultry voice said,
"It sure is," He said in a daze.
He was finally able to snap himself out of his daze and study the person next to him.

It was a female, with a short black pixie cut. She had a tight brown tank top on with a black crop top leather jacket. Her pants were black and so tight they left nothing to the imagination. She had on long black heeled leather boots. Beautiful green eyes and to top it all off blood-red lipstick. She was.. Stunning, to say the least.

He realized she was studying him too, especially his eyes. He quickly looked away, focusing on turning his eyes back to normal. When he felt the tingling go away he finally looked at her again, shocked to see her still staring.

"Umm.. Hi?" He said, nervously chuckling at the end.
"Hello," She said with a flirtatious smirk, "where are my manners? Names Selina Kyle."
"Wally West," He said looking down with a blush. He may be a flirt but never has he ever had a female's attention this long, or a female this hot.
He may be gay, but he's not blind. 

"Hmph, you're adorable." She said with a more devious smirk, "I could just eat you up."
His eyes widen before he starts stuttering, "um-uh I should-um get going. My-my friends are probably waiting for me."

She laughs and winks, "relax. I'm not a cougar. That's more of Pamela's style. But I suggest you be careful here in Gotham. Imagine if I wasn't this nice."
"Heh, yea..."
"Hurry up to your friends, they'r-"
"Actually... I wanna look around for a bit... Care to join me?" He asks with a nervous smile on his face.
"... Sure, kid. You don't seem so bad." Selina says with a smile, ruffling his hair as she went by.


The team was currently waiting for Wally at the restaurant, but he was nowhere in sight.
"Where is he? He was just behind us," Robin said exasperated, huffing a bit.
"Who cares. More food for us, plus you don't have to worry about the bill being too high now." Artemis explained.
"Yea, but this is Gotham. Wally won't survive out there alone. Maybe we should go looking for him." Robin suggested, a hint of nervousness creeping into his voice.
"Let us see what is taking him so long," Kaldur advised.

One by one they all went searching for their resident speedster.
They searched in every video game store, restaurant, arcades, everywhere they thought he would be. They finally ended up at the exact spot they lost him at.

"Where could he be? I hope he's ok." M'gann hoped with a bit of fear in her eyes.
"Maybe he finally found himself a girl..?" Artemis hesitated, with a bit of an edge to her voice.
Robin shook his head, "Wally wouldn't just ditch us like that... Would he?" 
"Obviously," Conner said, pointing to the jewelry store across from them where Wally was with a much older woman. Both of them smiling and laughing like they were long lost best friends.

Artemis was fuming, "BAYWATCH!" Wally yelped, turning around with a scared look in his eyes. "What do you think you're doing!?!! Especially with this tramp!?-" "Excuse me!?" "-We were worried sick! Yet you're here with what looks like a stripper!" By the end of her rant, she had almost everyone staring.

"Now Artemis, it's not like that. She-she does not look like a stripper! She's actually really nice and gosh Artemis you're so embarrassing. You don't even know her. You're causing a huge scene for no reason!" Wally said/yelled.
"No reason! No reason!?" Artemis shrieked, "You disappeared without a word. We were all worried and yet you're here with some woman that's way too old for you."

"Perhaps we should go somewhere more private and discuss this." Kaldur rationalized.
"I believe that would be a good idea." Selina said, turning to Wally, "here's my number. Hopefully, I'll see you again Kitten." She kisses his forehead and saunters off, not even glancing back.
"You're unbelievable!" Screeched Artemis, storming off in the opposite direction.

"Look I'm sorry for scaring you all like that, but seriously, this is overdoing it." Said Wally with frustration in his voice.
"Wally, just yesterday you were spliced, but then comes out perfectly fine with no symptoms. We're all still on edge and worried about you. So no, the way Artemis reacted was perfectly fine, minus the words to that one woman.. Who was that anyway?" Questioned Robin.

"Someone I'll never see again. Look I really am sorry. I saw something and I bumped into her. We started talking about random stuff. Well, I was talking and she was just commenting here and there... Heh, I really am sorry. I've been saying that a lot lately." Finished Wally rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"It's ok Wally. Just please tell us next time," Said M'gann with disappointment in her voice.
"Don't do it again," Grunted Conner.
"I believe you should apologize to Artemis, my friend." Suggested Kaldur. He sighed, done heading into her direction with the team following behind.

When he reached over to Artemis she was slumped on a bench, glaring at nothing in particular.
He sat down beside her with the team keeping their distance.
They just sat there for a couple of minutes, not saying a word, which was an accomplishment in Wally's book. Eventually, the team decided to give them some privacy.

"Artemis.. I-"
Artemis cut him off, "Don't. Just don't Wally."
Arty.. I really am sorry for worrying you." Wally started.
"It's not that." She said, looking away.
"Then what is it?" Asked Wally with confusion.
"I-I like you.." It was barely a whisper, but Wally heard her.
All he could do was sit and stare.

"I know you don't like me like that. I know how you hate me and want me gone, but damn it Wally it hurts when you're always flirting with other girls, but yet you never with me.. Am I that bad?" Finished Artemis with insecurity in her voice that Wally's never heard before.

"Artemis... It's not that I don't like you. I do, just not in that type of light," he started.
"No Artemis, listen. I'm only gonna tell you this. No one knows. Not even Robin, not even Batman," He said dropping to a whisper.
"What is it?" She whispered with him.
"I... I'm.. I'm gay Artemis. And I may or may not have a crush on Robin." He finished with a squeak.

Artemis sat there for a couple of seconds before bursting out into a fit of laughter.
Wally's ears burned red, "I knew I should've just left it."
"No, no. That's not it. It's just. Haha. I kinda figured something was going on, whether it'd be on your side or his. I didn't know, but wow. You're gay. Who would've known." She finished with a slight chuckle.

"What do you mean 'figured something'?!" Screamed Wally, earning odd looks from people around them.
"Well.. I mean you two are always around each other. There's no space between you two whatsoever. You two know everything about each other. Might I go on?" She finishes counting off her fingers.

"Does anyone else think somethings going on or anything?" Asked Wally with fear.
She thought it over before responding, "hmm, not that I know of."
He breathed a sigh of relief, before the panic set in.
"You won't tell anyone, will you?" He rushed out.

"No Baywatch, that's your business. In fact, I'll even help you win over the Boy Wonder's heart!" Artemis exclaimed, a devious smirk in place.
"R-really?" He questioned, not noticing the smile.
"Really." She states. 

They sat in comfortable silence, Wally thinking about everything that has happened before Artemis punched him on the shoulder.
"Ow!" He yelped, rubbing his shoulder, "what was that for?!"
"For practically leading me on."
He gaped at her for a bit, "that was an accident!"
"Whatever Baywatch. Let's just go find the team." 

She saunters off, Wally following behind her, grumbling the entire way about blonde harpy's and their powerful punches.

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