Another Alternate Ending

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Wally woke up to a pounding headache, before opening his eyes. He closed them with a literal hiss at the bright lights.
A chuckle from his left was heard before he felt someone squeeze his hand. "When they said you acted like a literal cat, I didn't know if I should believe them or not. You can open your eyes now Kid." 

Slowly he opened his eyes, turning his head to meet his uncle's gaze.
Barry sucked in a breath, "your eyes."
He turned away with embarrassment before turning back towards him. The slits already back to their normal circular shape.

They sat in silence before one of them broke the silence, "Are you disappointed?"
Barry looked over in surprise, Wally having looked down at his lap. "No, Kid. Of course not. Granted, I wish things did end a bit differently, but I could never be disappointed in you."
"But I'm a v-villain," Sniffling a few times he brought his hand up to wipe at his nose.

Barry ran and came back with a box of tissues, Wally giving a silent 'thank you.' 
"Wally... We want to help you. Be there for you from now on. The team is dying to see you, but if you want to go back under the radar then that's fine too. Just, please... Don't go and disappear again."

A loud noise coming from the hallway interrupted them. Barry raced over, opening the door and seeing a very interesting sight. Stood outside his door was his ex-team and the Odd Group.

Isaac and Conner stood nose to nose, staring the other down. Artemis and Willow were screaming at each other at the top of their lungs. Jaxon was eating popcorn with Robin, who was leaning against a crutch, while Alex continued reading her book. M'gann and Nicole were trying to get Conner and Isaac to back up from each other. While Kaldur was left to deal with Willow and Artemis who went from screaming to throwing punches.

Batman stood in front of the Flash, scowl set on his face.
"I tried to get them to stop, but Jaxon threw popcorn and booed at me." He turned to Wally, "stop them."
Wally chuckled before grabbing at his stomach, Barry ran over, supporting him as he got up.

"Kid, he didn't mean get up! You need to rest. You haven't eaten solid food in a while."
Wally chose to ignore him, limping to the door, while resting most of his weight on Barry.
Making it to the door, they watched the scene before them, before Wally took a deep breath in.
"STOP!" Everyone stopped and looked at the big cat eyes that Wally had on display. "Please.."

The team and Barry were shocked by how big Wally's pupils have gotten. The others, being used to this, rushed to Wally's side.

"Dude! How are you even alive-"

"Should you even be up?"

"Wally! We're so glad you're ok!"

"You fucking idiot-"

Wally was so confused by the bombard of questions he was getting slightly dizzy. Glancing at Isaac the other gave him a gentle smile, which he gladly returned. Movement out of the corner of his eye caused him to look over and he was met with bright blue eyes. 

"... Hi," he mumbled silently.
Robin looked at him with sad eyes, "hi... You should get back to bed."
Wally chuckled, holding his arm out that wasn't wrapped around his uncle, and falling on top of his Little Bird.

Robin easily supported his weight, even with him being on a crutch himself, helping his Uncle carry him back to his bed. Getting comfortable on the bed he gently scooted over, looking at Robin expectantly, if not a bit scared of being rejected again. 
Robin instantly got the hint and crawled in beside him. 

"Just like old times?" Wally mumbled, wrapping his arms around the smaller hero.
"Just like old times."
Glancing at the door Wally was met with Isaac's sad yet supporting smile, "we'll be out here."
Before Wally could say anything else, Flash had done left the room and Isaac shut the door.

Letting out a sad sigh he turned and nuzzled into Dick's hair.
The other chuckled a bit, speaking no louder than a whisper, "you like him, don't you?"
"I do," he started, "but we both knew it wasn't going to work out. I love someone else. I'll always love them."

"Love?" he whispered, looking up at Wally. "Love?" He repeated more clearly, "how? How could you possibly say you love me after everything that I did to you?"
"What do you mean?"
"I hurt you! I yelled at you. Called you names and so many other things. I wasn't supportive of you until you were gone. I'm the reason why you went missing! You probably wouldn't have been in that alley if-" "Stop." "-I hadn't said anything. And you were-you were-" "Dick, Stop."

Stopping he looked up and was met with tear-filled eyes, his own probably matching. 
"It was not your fault. I kept things from you that I shouldn't have until it came out in the wrong way. I should have-I should have been able to s-stop them."

"Wally, you were in pain-"
"That's no excuse!"
"Let me take the bla-"
"But it was my faul-"
"Don't you dare."

Dick got close enough that their noses were touching at the last sentence. "It was my fault ok? You did nothing wrong. You were just trying to be yourself.. And I was nothing but a hypocrite... But you probably done knew that huh KitKat?"

Wally let out a noise that sounded like a laugh and a sob, "yea... I did, Little Bird."
He chuckled alongside him, "I can't believe I didn't know it was you. Worst detective ever."
"Well, you most certainly aren't the best. That's Batman's title."

They sat there chuckling for a bit, leaning against each other again, before Dick was the first to sober up.
"You said that you loved me?"
Wally paused before answering, "well not directly... But yea... I do."
"Wally," he struggled to form the right words, "I don't think I love you... Well, I do. You're my best friend after all. But I'm not in love with you."

He felt Wally tense beside him before looking away.
He clutched at the other's shirt, "Wally look at me." When he didn't Dick took matters into his own hands and gently turned the others face to look at him.

Wally had tears streaming down his face. "I'm fine," he choked out, "I'll be fine."
"Oh Wally," he started peppering the other's face in kisses, making sure to kiss away all the tears away before planting a kiss on each eye. "Will you let me finish?"

When Wally nodded, a slight blush on his face, Dick continued, "I'm not in love with you. But that doesn't mean I can't be one day." Wally finally looked up at him, "I mean, not every couple instantly starts out loving each other right? It's a slow process... That is... If you want to date?"

A stunned silence passed between them which Dick took as a rejection.
"I'll understand if you say no-"
"-especially since everyt-wait what?"
Wally started laughing, "I would love to date you!... I mean.. That'd be nice." 

Wally blushed a bit at Dick's staring, "can I kiss you?"
Wally, shocked, felt his eyes go into slits. "What was that Little Bird?" 
Dick, instantly taking notice of Wally's demeanor change, gulped. "Can I... Can I kiss you?"

Luckily Wally had really good hearing, or he might have missed that. 
"Yes," it was a breathy whisper, but Dick had no trouble hearing before slowly reaching forward, Wally meeting him halfway. 

A content sigh left the ginger, his hands wrapped around Dick's waist almost possessively. Dick had placed his hands against Wally's chest. 
Changing positions, he gripped Wally's neck, using it as leverage to hoist himself over Wally's lap.

Now straddling him, Dick couldn't help the gasp that escaped his lips when gently brushing up against Wally.
Wally had gripped Dick even tighter that the other couldn't even move without touching some part of him. Delving his tongue into Dick's mouth, it brought joy to him over the tiny gasp that escaped his lips.

Wally's hands were up under Dick's shirt, while Dick was tugging on Wally's hair, getting little mewls out from the ginger. 
Dick moved forward slightly, experimentally, but when Wally gave a pained gasp he moved back as far as he could. 

"I'm sorry," he gasped out, breathing heavily. 
"It's ok," Wally grunted, holding his stomach, before looking up with a gentle smile. "Maybe we should take it slow?"
Giving a sigh of relief, Dick shook his head. Smiling at each other, Wally gently moved Dick back to his side, cuddling the Little Bird close. 

Dick watched at Wally's eyes slowly slid closed, but not until Wally turned and gave him a kiss. Grinning to himself he let sleep take over, never letting go of his KitKat. 

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