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Wally finally arrived at the cave an hour later. The moment he stepped through it was all quiet. He looks up and notices everyone staring.
"Kid!" Screams Flash, rushing over and enveloping him in a hug. "Where have you been? The team said you slept at the cave, but you weren't here. You even left your phone here!"

"Sorry Uncle B," Says Wally, hugging back. "I was out, didn't realize the time."
"For 8 hours?" Questioned the one and only Batman.
"For 8 hours. The Zeta beam says you left at 2 in the morning. Care to explain why?" Batman stalked forward, a menacing glare on his face.

Wally had the decency to look embarrassed, scratching the back of his neck, "I was hungry. I wanted food from Paris. I ended up meeting up with a friend who lives there now."
"Well, you're an hour late. So since you weren't here, you'll verse the team." Commands Black Canary, crossing her arms with a glare when Wally groaned.

The team gets in position, Wally in the middle. The Justice League was sitting by, watching. They waited for the go signal and one by one they attacked.

Wally effectively blocked and dodged all of their attacks if not a bit more fluidly than he used to.
The first one down was Miss Martian, then Superboy who got angry that he knocked M'gann down and started attacking very sloppy. Next down was Aqualad, who Wally simply tripped.

The last two were the hardest. Artemis was standing in plain sight, an arrow drawn and with a smirk on her face. The Boy Wonder was nowhere to be seen.
A second went by and Artemis released the arrow, all to soon the most disturbing cackle went through the place.

Wally froze, slowing down his surroundings. He grabbed the arrow midair, noticing it was one of her foam arrows, throwing it back at her.
He watched the shocked face slowly dawn on her, before the arrow hit.

He felt more than heard the boy wonder approach from above. He turned around in time to get a face full of feet. Wally fell hard, Robin done having got back up and pinning him in the end.

All was silent, but the two panting boys.
Then, "why don't you ever fight like that when we're on a mission?" Artemis asked snobbishly, with the help of Superman and Green Arrow she was out of her foam trap in no time.

"Well... I've been recently getting like.. Umm.. Gymnastic practice from my friend in Paris?" Wally asked, rather than stated.
"Who?" Asked Robin, getting off of him.
"Huh?" He counteracted, slowly getting up himself.
"Who's your friend?" Batman asked this time.

"Jink. Her name is Jinx." Wally stated, staring directly into his eyes.
"The villain?" Interrupted Artemis.
"Reformed villain, thanks to me," He said, puffing his chest out with pride.
"A villain!?" Screeched Flash, eyes wide open in shock.

"You met her before! But of course, her looks were different thanks to this charm necklace we made.. But you know her as Jenny Rose." Finished Wally.
"... The girl you use to date when you were 13?" Flash asked.
"Dated!?" Interrupted Artemis with the most biggest grin on her face.

"Artemis," Wally warned.
"Haha was she the reason you..?" She asked with a knowing smirk.
"... Yes," He glared at her, "and yes, she knows."
"Enough. The thing that still stands is that you were involved with a villain." Batman states.

"So were you!" Yelled Wally, "and she's reformed. Anything you want to know about her just ask. She'll tell you anything because she's worked hard to get where she is now. You will not ruin that for her."
"OK," With those final words Batman left.
"What?" Said Wally to no one in particular.

*Time skip*

Many hours later Wally finally arrived home.
No, house.
He refuses to call it home.
He opened the door hoping his parents were asleep, but the moment the door shut, a beer bottle was thrown at his head.

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