New Lover?

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Wally and Dick were currently playing video games in Dick's room. That was until Wally started getting restless.
"I'm bored~!" Sang Wally, lying halfway off the bed.
"Hello Bored, I'm Dick." Said person spoke up.
"You are a dick!" He exclaimed to the brunette.
They both looked at each other before laughing at the very not so inside joke.

Wally couldn't help but blush a bit, for Dick did have a cute laugh.
"Dude? Are you ok? Your face is red," he asks with concern.
"Ye-yea dude. Just ran out of breath from laughing," Wally brushed it off like it was nothing. "But seriously, I really am bored. Why won't Bats let you on patrol? I know it's not because of me."

He gets an uncomfortable look on his face, "it's nothing dude. Hey! Wanna try and make Alfred's famous cookies!"
"Dude, you have the recipe!?" Screamed Wally excitedly.
"Shh, before he hears you and yes I do," he finishes with a smirk.
"Dude let's go!" Screamed Wally, grabbing Dick's hand and running off. Now it would be a lie if I were to say Wally didn't blush a good bit along the way.
"Wally! Slow down!" Dick screamed, trying to keep up with Wally's fast pace.
"No! Cookies are on the line here Dick! Cookies!" He screamed back before coming to an abrupt stop.
"We're here," he exclaimed, "now let's get this party started!"

*Time Skip*

"Dude, are you sure we're supposed to put that much salt in these?"
"That's what the recipe says!"


"Ok, now you're just pulling my leg."
"I'm not!"
"But cheese?"
"It says it's what makes it gooey!"
"That doesn't make any sense!"


"But the recipe says!"
"The recipe is wrong!"
"... Dude.. You basically just said Alfred was wrong."
"Oh god. Please don't tell him I said that."


"Ok. They're done!" Exclaimed Wally, flour all over him from head to toe.
"Taste it," suggested Dick with batter all over head to toe.
"Why me?" He whined.
"Cause you literally eat anything." Dick deadpans.
"That may be true. And these do look like his cookies, but that recipe was pretty sketchy don't ya think?" He asked while reaching for a cookie.
"Of course it was sketchy. That's why you're trying one." States Dick like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"You're a Dick."
"So I've been told," Wally sighs before hesitantly taking a bite.

He chews slowly before, "Oh my God, dude these are the best things ever!" He exclaimed.
"What? No way!" Dick exclaimed taking one for himself.
"Way! Try one!" Wally suggests.

He slowly takes a bite, chewing it, before running to the trash can and spitting out the rest of the cookie.
"That was awful!" He cried in agony.
Wally laughs in the background.
"You should've seen your face!"
"How can you eat that?" He asks with disgust.
"Oh, I can't and I won't. I agree that was awful." Wally explains with a straight face.

"Dude.." Starts Dick, "I think we just been duped by Alfred."
"Hmm, totally!" Exclaims Wally with a fork sticking out of his mouth and a triple chocolate cake in his hand.
"Wally...?" Questions Dick hesitantly.
"Yea?" He asks.
"Isn't that the cake Bruce told us not to get into?" He asks slowly.
".... Maybe," he speaks back just as slow.

They stare at each other, Wally slowly taking another bite.
"But it's so good!"
What they didn't know was Alfred standing in the shadows, watching with a fond smile and a final chuckle before walking off.

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