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Back in Paris, a young Jenny Rose was getting ready to start her day when an anonymous figure casted a dark shadow around her.
She quickly turned around gaining a defensive position. When she saw who it was she gasped, but then narrowed her eyes. Not once getting out of her position.

"What are you doing here?" She growled
"To ask some questions," Batman spoke, walking out of the shadows.
She looks him over, then after considering him not to be a threat, dropped the defensive position and situated herself on her counter.
"About?" She drawled out.
"Wally West," She stiffened at the name, "or as you also know him as Kid Flash."

She stared at him for a bit, "what makes you think I know him? Also, should you really be throwing secret identities around like that?" She asked smirking.
"Because he told me himself, Jinx. Now if you don't tell me what I want to know, I'm pretty sure you'll have tons of fun in prison." He finished with a glare. Jinx wasn't bothered at all.

*snort* "I'll have you know, I've been excused for all my crimes. But sure, fire away B-Man." She finished with a smirk.
He growled, "was Kid Flash here yesterday?"
"What?" She sputtered.
"Was. He. Here. Yesterday?" He repeated with narrowed eyes.

She stared for a second, "yea, he was here. Why are you asking?"
"What were you two doing?" He asked with distrust in his voice.
"Ya know the usual, eat, hang out, whoop his butt in training. He really needs to get the hang of gymnastics soon. But it's funny watching him fall on his face." She giggled at past memories, recalling what they usually do when he visits.
When she looked up, he was gone.
She waited a few minutes before pulling out her phone.

Rosebud: why did Batman of all people come and ask me if you were here yesterday and what we were doing?

Fleet Feet: Batman was there!? What did you say!?

Rosebud: yea and what we usually do when you're over. Now, care to tell me why Batman was curious about your whereabouts? Or more importantly where you were yesterday?

Fleet Feet: maybe the next time I visit Jinxie, a lot of stuff has happened lately

Rosebud: are you ok?

Fleet Feet: ... I don't know yet

Jinx didn't respond afterwards.
"Oh, Wally... I hope you're alright," She whispered to no one, "maybe I can just visit?" She finishes with a smirk.
And with that final thought, she started to pack, but she needed money first.. Time to start saving up from work.

*With Wally*

Wally was walking through Gotham, hoodie pulled over his head to avoid attention. His abnormal red hair always seems to do that.
He didn't have to worry about Dick, it was a school day so he was most likely there.
Bruce was the one he needed to look out for. He ran just fast enough to avoid being spotted on the radar, but it's Batman of all people.

He wore dark-colored clothes instead of his bright ones.
Drawing little attention he started a slight jog, just now noticing how awful the neighborhood looked. But isn't that the whole city of Gotham like?
He finally makes it to the apartment building he recalled Selina living in. It wasn't too bad, but it wasn't the best. That's when he remembered he didn't know her apartment number. He walks in and up to the front desk.

"Excuse me," the desk lady looked up, "can you please tell me which room Selina Kyle is in?" He asked politely.
"Of course sweetie, are you a family member?" She asked with such a sweet and upbeat personality.
"Umm.. Just a friend," He replied, scratching the base of his neck, a nervous habit he needed to break.
"Alright.. She is in room 72 on the 4th floor." She said.
He set off, heading to the elevator, "thank you!" He called over his shoulder.

He made it to the 4th floor, counting the rooms as he went by. "67, 68, 69, 70, 71... 72!" He slowly reached out to knock when he was roughly pushed out of the way.
"Watch it, kid," Said a rough voice.
When he looked up he got the shock of his life.

Standing in front of him was Penguin and his henchmen.
"I suggest you leave before I kill you," Penguin said, pointing his cane in his face. With a gulp, Wally nodded, stood up, and ran the other way.
Once he was out of sight, he slowly changed his form. Wouldn't want to run in there like Kid Flash. 

His tail flickered behind him, his ears picking up the sound of a fight going on.
A gun loading.
He didn't think, he just reacted. Reaching the room in record speed he reached the door. Once assessing the situation, he charged.

Fighting tooth and nail, literally, over anyone who was trying to hurt her.
Once all the men were down it was just them and Penguin. The poor man shaking in his boots. "Now Selina, my good friend, you-ou know I d-didn't mean anything by tr-trying to k-ki-kill you. R-right?" He stuttered.

Wally hissed at what the man said, and pounced at him. The man making a chocking noise, falling to the ground.
"If I ever see your face again around here, I'll cut your throat open with my own teeth," He growled, showing just how sharp his teeth were.

The man whimpered but agreed. Wally let go of him, and the man got up heading to the door. Before he left though he turned around, "this isn't the last you've seen of me!"
Wally hissed, running at him. Cobblepot screamed like a little girl, running down the hall as fast as his little waddle would let him. 

When Wally turned around Selina was smiling at him.
"What?" He asked with a blush.
"I knew you'd be back," Was all she said, "now hurry up and take these bodies to the police Flash Boy."
"Kid Fla-wait what?" He gasped in shock.
"Hmph, oops. I was gonna let you tell me on your terms, but since we're here." She gave him a what was suppose to be a pitying look, but came out more of a condescending look.
"How did you..?" He couldn't even finish, the thought of a villain knowing who he was, it was terrifying.
The Rogues don't count back at home.

She chuckled, "when you were passed out in my guest bed," She pulled out his comm. He didn't even notice it was gone. "I was studying it for a bit until I noticed the JL symbol on it.
You look a bit young to be a Justice Leaguer so I assumed you're one of the sidekicks.. The red hair gave away which one." She finished with a smirk.

He sighed, reaching his hand out, "please, I'll do anything. Just don't te-"
He was interrupted by her laughing.
She was full out laughing at him. "Please! I'm not going to blackmail you. If I wanted to, I would've done it by now. I mean.. I've known the Bats and Birds secret identity for years. The best part is they don't know mine." She put a finger to her lips in a shushing manner. "Now chop chop before these men wake up." He sighed but ran them all out to the police.
Hopefully, no one saw him.

When he came back she was packing her stuff. "Care to help Kitten? This place isn't safe anymore." She asked.
"Uh, sure?" He packed all of her things in record time and had most of the briefcases in his arms. "Where to?" He questioned.
"To my other apartment," She said like it was completely ok with having more than one apartment. "You might wanna get rid of those first," She said gesturing to his ears and tail.

He did as he was told.
She grabbed the rest of her things and shut the door with a click.
They made it to floor level and on their way out, she threw her keys on the front desk.
"Never liked this place anyway," She muttered with what seemed like a sad tone.

Wally looked over, but her face was void of emotion. They made it to her car, dumping everything in the trunk.
It was a nice black sleek mustang. She must have gotten that from her night job. "Hop in Kid," She said, getting in the driver's seat.
He smirked, hopping in the passenger's side. "Hey! Do you think you could teach me to drive?  No one back at home will." He started to ramble after that. She chuckled and together they both headed to her new home.

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