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after a few weeks of being in school we'd all settled down and everyone had fallen into their cliques. i was sitting in homeroom, trying to do some homework i hadn't done the night before. i heard the door open and looked up to see harvey, he was the boy that sat behind me and he never talked. i just sighed and went back to my homework. homeroom was so boring, i like hardly had any friends in my homeroom, the only person i knew was jordan but he sat like 2 rows away from me.

i walked to first period which was english, we hadn't got a seating plan yet so i was fine, i got to sit with my besties. i sat down and we all started gossiping. "so i heard that jordan likes one of us" emma said, "i wonder who it could be" aleigh said sarcastically as they all turned to look at me. "what" i asked. "oh please, you two flirt like none stop" she replied, i just rolled my eyes and the teacher started. i paid a little attention to the teacher as i always did, i still maintained quite a high grade but that's just because i'm naturally smart. "okay so we're going to do a group poster on our first thoughts of the shinning" he said. he began handing out all the paper and everything we needed.

"okay and harvey you can work with girls in front of you" i turned around to see a harvey sitting alone. he shook his head and i felt a bit offended. "what" mr smith asked. harvey just shook his head again. i'd never seen him do that. "you're going to work with the girls" mr smith almost yelled, harvey sighed and rolled his eyes and brought a chair round and we all gathered at one side of the table, he sat at the opposite. he continued to do whatever he was doing and we just got on with our poster.

after english i had biology, which was worse, this time instead of sitting in front of harvey. i sat beside him. whenever we did anything i had to work with him and he wouldn't ever speak or like even try, it was really annoying. i sat down and got out my jotter, i sighed as harvey sat down. luckily jordan was in front of me and often turned around to talk to me, he didn't care about getting in trouble. i looked round at harvey but he had his hood up and his head on the desk, there was something about him that i wanted to know why he was the way he was. i guessed it was just me being curious.

me and jordan got to talk a lot during class because we had a sub. harvey just slept, i literally heard him snore a little, it was sorta cute but i never really see his face, he always has his hood up or looking down. it was finally break and the three of us were held back for not doing anything. i didn't really care but luckily we were let out after about 5 minutes. "harvey" andrew, one of jordan's friend said as we were walking down the stairs. harvey just ignored them and kept walking "wow slow down there" he smirked a little as he stood in front of him and stopped him from moving. he tried moving side to side but andrew still stopped him. "look dude, we just wanna know what's up" he asked again.

we finally got outside and harvey was still there. "stop tryna walk away man" andrew pushed him backwards. "leave me alone" harvey said very quietly and pushed him back. "oh tough boy" andrew smirked a little and pushed him on the ground. "dick" harvey muttered as he stood up and smacked andrew in the face. they started a small little fight and i just stood there and cuddled into jordan's chest. some of andrew's friends just pulled him away and harvey stormed away.

i was so thankful that my mom came to pick me up early because i had a doctors appointment. i couldn't stand school, it was so difficult and i hated it. it took learning and discovering new things and turned it into something horrible and disgusting. there was only like 2 things that i liked about school which was; the weird shit that happens and jordan, he was like the light of my life and i loved him more than words can explain.

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