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it was my first day at school since i moved in with lily. luckily nobody went to this school everyone went to elementary or middle school. i walked into homeroom and saw madison, she smiled at me and i kind of just ignored her. i took the seat closes to me and sat down. i didn't want to talk about anything, not in front of everybody else. i didn't want people to know, they thought i was weird and quiet and i didn't really care if they did think that. i'd rather let them think that than actually know the truth.

at the end of school i waited around for lily, she'd told me she was going to pick me up. i was sitting on a bench and jordan and andrew came up behind me and pushed me off. i sighed as my head hit against the floor. "oi, you get away from him" i heard someone shout as a car pulled up. i was guessing it was lily. andrew and jordan looked around and scoffed before walking off. lily came running over and helped me up. "are you okay" she asked me, i sighed and nodded. i got into her car and she drove away to her house.

we got to her house and i got out the car and took my schoolbag to my bedroom. "playtime" lily shouted and i just lay on my bed. "come on harvey, time to socialise" lily said, i sighed a little and rolled out of bed before walking to the living room, sitting on the windowsill as i always did. "harvey, can i speak with you for a minute" lily smiled as she tapped me on the shoulder. i nodded and followed lily out and into her office that she had that she worked in.

"harvey, i am a little concerned about you, you don't seem to be talking to anyone" lily said, i just looked at the floor. "now normally people from your background start talking within the first few days of arriving" she told me, i didn't really care but i sat there listening. "i'm just concerned about you" she said sounding worried. i nodded "i know there's not many people your age here but i heard you're good with kids" lily smiled. "just try" she smiled. i was allowed back out of the room. as always i went and sat back down on the windowsill, i heard lily sigh as she watched me but i didn't care, i didn't fit in here. i didn't fit in anywhere. it felt like my entire life was spent at that windowsill, it basically was until one day.

i heard a knock at the door but ignored it. i was guessing it was one of lily's friends or even one of the kids friends. "harvey" lily said, i turned around and saw her standing with two police men. "hey harvey" one of the smiled, walking up to me. "i'm officer cruz and that's my partner officer wood" he said as he pointed to the other police man. "we just wanted to see if you could come down to the police station with us and answer some questions" he said, i nodded and followed them out to their police car. i sat in the back while they spoke with lily. i wonder what they were talking about, but before i could think of anything they came back to the police car. "it's okay harvey, we won't keep you long" officer wood smiled. i anxiously looked out the window as we drove past various houses.

we got to the station and i was escorted into an interrogation room, that's when i started panicking. "harvey" someone said as they walked in, it wasn't either of the two officers i had already met. "i'm detective baker" he said as he sat down. "i'm just here to ask you some questions about your dad" he said, even by the mention of him it got me more agitated. "now before i start i do have to tell you that i am taking notes, is that okay with you" he asked me, i nodded. i'd already got recorded talking to madisons dad. "now i know you had a talk with my brother, officer baker at his home earlier this month so that doesn't mean leave out details, i want every detail" the detective said, "i know it will be hard but i promise in the end it will be okay" he assured me, i nodded.

"can you tell me what happened" detective baker asked. i waited for a few minutes to get more comfortable in talking "it's okay, take your time" detective baker smiled. i eventually got round to talking, "my dad, he abuses me and my siblings" i said, trying not to think about it or else i would become angry and upset and i didn't want to cry right now. "and those injury's" he stated, referring to my burst lip and black eye. "who gave you those, did they hit you" he asked me. "m...my dad" i uttered while nodding. "has your dad ever hit you before" he asked me, i slowly nodded my head. keeping my eyes focused on the table. "does he hit you with an open or closed fist" detective baker asked me, i felt tears rush today my eyes but held them back. i shrugged a little "both, depends on the day" i said quite quietly. "was their any instruments used? a knife? a gun? a shoe?" he asked me, i nodded. "a...a belt" i muttered.

"okay harvey, that's all for today but we will need to see you back here within the next few days" he informed me, i nodded. we both left the room and i got dropped off back at lily's house. i went back to sitting on the windowsill.

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