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"harvey what did you do" i asked him, concerned about why he had bruises on his knuckles. "calm down" he told me, i was still anxious that he was punching a wall or something. "i...i attacked someone" he informed me "what" i asked. "this kid that i share a room with, he was being picked on and this morning i went to his school and" he paused for a moment "and i attacked him, it was like all the things my dad ever did to me, all the hurt and anger just took over and i couldn't stop" he looked at me, he had tears in his eyes. i felt so bad, i just hugged him. "i'm just scared it's going to happen again"

me and harvey had parted ways after lunch. he wanted to be alone but we would see each other in detention. last period i had gym then maths which was just horrible. i loved gym but maths was terrible. i got ready for gym regardless and went to the gym hall. we were split into teams and played capture the flag, i didn't like this game that much but it kept me active and i wasn't that mad. i was waiting for the right time to run when coach beckett called my name. i ran over to him "yes sir" i asked, i was trying to stay on his good side. "mr sander's wants to see you, get changed and go to his office" he told me, i nodded and ran inside.

once i was dressed, i took my bag and headed to mr sanders office, he was the head of my year. i arrived and saw harvey walk out. "right and i'll see you after school" mr sanders said, harvey nodded and began walking in my direction. he gave me a little smile as we walked past each other. "miss baker, in you come" he told me. i mentally eye rolled and walked in. i took a seat "so i got a report from miss wixx that you received a detention for after school, for not paying attention" he told me, i nodded "i just wanted to remind you that misbehaviours in this school are taken very seriously and if there is another detention this week then we will have to phone home" he informed me. "but from your record your a well behaved student and you should have no problem" he smiled, i nodded. "now off you head to maths and i'll see you after school" he smiled, i nodded and headed off.

i was only waiting around for about 10 minutes before the bell rang and i was allowed into maths. i sat up the back and didn't really pay attention, i never did in maths. i had to go to detention and i was like super sad that i had to miss basketball practice. but i was glad i got to see harvey, i was scared for him. he was such a nice guy and everyone just picked on him. "oh look it's you" andrew smirked as he nudged past him. "mr murphy that's another detention for you young man" mr sanders told him. i wonder if he knew about harvey, as far as i was aware nobody knew but maybe he does. "right silence until 4pm" mr sanders said as he sat at his computer. i wasn't even going to try and get harvey's attention because then it could end up in me getting another detention and my mom and dad having to find out.

once the hour of detention was over i walked out and chased after harvey. he was always the first out of class and i never was. i wasn't running but i was speed walking. "harvey" i said as i got closer to him. he stopped and turned around, i stopped just in time. "yes" he asked me, he seemed a little mad. "are you okay" i asked him. "i just need to get home" he told me. we both started walking "i'll walk with you" i stated. "no, it's okay" he told me. we walked out the building and i saw what i could only assume as lily. "harvey hurry up" lily shouted a little. "i have to go" he told me. "what? harvey?" i asked. "stop i'm in enough trouble as it is" harvey stated. i stopped as he walked off to lily's car.

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