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i didn't mind babysitting mostly because i loved kids. id always wanted them i just wasn't all too ready for them just yet. maybe one day. maybe with harvey. i was talking with this girl called lia, she was the one who answered the door. she was really nice and was actually very smart for her age. "do you know where lily went" she asked me. "she went to get harvey" i told her. she went a little quiet "what's wrong" i asked, a little curious. "nothing" she said as she walked away. "she's alright" a boy said as he sat beside me. "it's just harvey, he's been acting different lately" the boy informed me "how" i asked him, very curious as to what harvey had been doing. "he's just been more angry, more upset, more emotional" the boy said. "speaking of" he stood up and looked out the window. "there he is" he smiled, i stood up just as harvey came bursting in the door.

"don't turn your back on me" lily yelled. "ugh what" harvey raised his voice as he turned around. "i need an explanation" lily asked him, still shouting a little. "it were an accident" he screamed. "no harvey an accident is when you fall over or say something you're not supposed to" lily screamed back as him "beating a boy until he's unconscious" i was a bit taken aback by that. harvey had never had a violent bone in his body, he'd even explained the me when he did beat someone up that he felt terrible after. but beating someone until they're unconscious is something different, way different. "no save the excuses" lily shouted, sounding very angry. i had zoned out and wasn't sure what harvey had said. "you're grounded for 2 weeks,  i'll drop you off at school and pick you up so you can't go gallivanting off with those friends of yours" lily screamed. "fine" harvey yelled as he stormed away.

i knocked on harvey's door and he opened it. "what" he asked me, anger in his voice. "i need to speak with you" i told him, i walked in and sat on the bed he wasn't laying on. "fine" he said through gritted teeth. he put his phone down and sat up to face me. "i just want to apologise, i feel like some of this may be my fault" i apologised again, he nodded. "it's not your fault" he told me, "are you sure" i asked him, concerned he wouldn't actually tell her. "yeah" he smiled a little, i was glad to see him smiling. "so what is this about" i asked him, he looked down. i noticed him picking the skin around his nails, he told me he only does that when he's nervous. "it's about my dad" he told me, "i have to go testify against him" he stood up and grabbed a bit of paper from one of his drawers. it was from the court, stating that harvey had to testify next week against his dad. "isn't this good, at least he'll be put away" i smiled at him.

there was a few moments of silence before harvey sat back down "what if i don't say the right things" he looked at me, sadness in his eyes. "what if they don't believe me" he asked me, "what if my dad gets let free and i have to go live with him again" he asked me again. "look, i know it's scary but if you just tell the truth it will be okay" i gave him a hug. "i promise, and i'll even coming with you" i said to him. "thanks" he hugged me back, "i'm sorry i got so mad at you" he apologised. "hey" i pulled away from the hug so i could look at him. "don't ever apologise to me again, this" i said, waving the bit of paper in the air "this is real shit, shit that you can be mad about" i smiled. he smiled back a little "thanks" he said and slowly started leaning in.

"harvey" someone abruptly opened the door, it was the boy from earlier. "lily is wondering if you want to talk, she's in her office" harvey nodded, the boy soon left. "i better go" he smiled "but it was optional" i told him. "that's what you think" he laughed a little and walked me to the door. "well, i'll see you next week if not before" he smiled, we both leaned in and almost kissed but turned it into a hug. "bye" he smiled "bye" i smiled back as i left. i felt happy, me and harvey almost kissed like twice which was great because i really liked him.

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