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it was friday and unfortunately it wasn't a holiday, me and jordan had been dating since like tuesday so we were going to walk to school with emma and andrew. i was so excited, jordan was so nice and sweet. yes he could be a dick to people sometimes but he was quite nice. i got dressed and jordan came to get me. we walked round to emma's house. "emma where's andrew" i asked, andrew was emma's boyfriend they do literally everything together. she shrugged, that made me gasp. "no way, you don't know where andrew is" i asked again. "yeah i get it, we're in love" she mimicked. "no all i'm saying is he could be dead in a ditch" i put on a weird voice, emma just shook her head as andrew walked in the room. "never mind andrews here" i announced to everyone. everyone kinda laughed a little. "right time to head to school then" i smiled. we all stood up and began walking. it wasn't that far, we were only walking to the bus stop. me and jordan were a little ahead of emma and andrew. i didn't know why we just were. i didn't like the bus that much and because we were freshman everyone on the bus hated us.

i was a bit concerned, yet i didn't tell anyone, about harvey. i hadn't seen him in school for the whole week, apart from monday. and i guess i wanted to know where he was and if he was okay. i walked onto the bus after jordan who picked where we sat. due to jordan's older brother being someone that everyone knows we got to sit with the seniors. "who's this" one of them asked jordan. "this is my girl" jordan smirked and he put his arm around me. then all of the senior proceeded to look and my boobs and high five jordan. it was disgusting and this is what i meant by jordan can be a dick. but he's secretly nice.

school was such a bore, nothing happened and i also still didn't see harvey. i didn't know where he had gone and i was a little worried but i wasn't gonna tell jordan that because he doesn't like harvey, like at all. i got home and decided i was going to try find harvey on like instagram or snapchat. i tried looking up his name but absolutely nothing came up, apart from some dude called adam mills who i had never heard of, but decided to investigate a little. i found out from both facebook and instagram that he very much likes alcohol and is married but it didn't say to who. he works somewhere close by that i don't think i've ever heard of and he has a lot of kids. it doesn't say much else but i guess that's enough info. it's not a lot but it's enough, for now.

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