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i was all dressed and ready and i was in the bathroom helping harry and megan brush their teeth. "harvey" i heard the angry voice of my dad boom through the house. "in the bathroom" i called back and harry and megan went running out, i began brushing my own teeth. "car, now" i heard my dad yell at harry and megan. i knew he was in a pissed mood. i finished brushing my teeth and put my tooth brush away, i turned around to be met with my dad. "did you pack their lunches" i nodded, "gym stuff" i shook my head. "i didn't know who had it and who didn't" i replied. "well then when the school phones and asks why they haven't had it for months, i will say it's all our fault" he poked me a little. "okay fine, you do that" i replied with a sassy tone. i felt his hand grab my head and pushed it to the side, he smacked my head off the sink and it hurt like fuck. "don't talk to me like that" i nodded and lay on the ground as i bled onto the white floor.

i cleaned myself and the bathroom up quickly before i walked out to my dads car. i had to sit in the front because all the other seats were taken by everyone else. my dad grabbed my hood and shoved it over my head, to cover the bruise. "keep that up" i nodded and he drove to my school. i got out the car and walked to homeroom, i hated homeroom. i sat in front of a dickhead who hates me and i never even did anything to him. i sat there not doing anything, i didn't have anything to do it's not like i had homework which i would usually do. i felt jordan, the dickhead behind me, kick my chair. i just took a deep breath and ignored him. i finally heard the bell ring and quickly picked up my bag and left.

i was one of the first people into english and instantly took my seat, i put my head on the desk and felt like sleeping. "okay and harvey you can work with girls in front of you" mr smith said , i sat up and shook my head. "what" he asked, i just shook his head again, i didn't want to work but i didn't want to get in trouble. "you're going to work with the girls" mr smith almost yelled, i just sighed and brought a chair round to the table and the girls all gathered at one side of the table, i sat at the opposite and started drawing something.

i went to biology and slept, we had a cover teacher and i couldn't care less, i was so tired and so confused. the bell woke me up and i grabbed my bag but the teacher told me to sit back down, she got us in trouble for doing nothing but we were soon let go. jordan's friends had waited for him and i just went round them. "harvey" andrew, one of jordan's friend said as we were walking down the stairs. i just ignored them and kept walking "wow slow down there" he smirked a little as he stood in front of me and stopped me from moving. i tried moving either side but andrew stopped me. "look dude, we just wanna know what's up" he asked again.

we finally got outside and i was still trying to get past andrew. "stop tryna walk away man" andrew pushed me backwards. "leave me alone" i said very quietly and push him back. "oh tough boy" andrew smirked a little and pushed me on the ground. "dick" i muttered as i stood up and smacked andrew in the face. we started a small little fight, i kept kicking and punching him and he did the same to me. eventually some of his friends pulled him off me and i walked away, very mad.

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