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"Are you doing okay Lo?" Patton asked, giggling quietly.

Logan nodded, clutching the pommel tightly, "yes. I'm okay."

"You don't have to hold the saddle so tightly, you know." Patton laughed, "give Missy some rein and just relax. Use your stirrups to keep your balance."

Logan nodded again, taking a deep breath. He straightened up, letting Missy have more rein.

"This... is actually quite pleasant." Logan smiled, relaxing even more.

"I know right!" Patton giggled, "I love being out here. It's quiet and peaceful. Gives me time to think. It gets a little busy and loud at camp, but here in the forest, riding... that's where I want to be."

Logan didn't know what to say to that. He just stared at Patton, admiring the way the sun danced through the forest leafs onto Patton's skin.

"Sorry for rambling." Patton chuckled, looking off to the side, "I've just... never really had anyone my age to talk to."

"I haven't either honestly." Logan admitted, "no one wants to talk to the uncool kid."

"But you're so cool!" Patton smiled at the other.

Logan smiled back, "Thanks Patton."

Patton giggled, "Can you keep a secret?"

"Who would I have to tell it to?" Logan responded.

Patton giggled again, "fair enough. Meet me at the barn tonight. I wanna show you something."

"Alright." Logan nodded.

"Thanks Lo." Patton smiled, "we should be getting back now. Are you hungry?"

"Yes actually." Logan chuckled, "we rushed over here so fast we forgot to get breakfast."

"Whoops." Patton grimaced, "sorry. That's my fault. I got to excited."

"Its quite alright Patton," Logan smiled, "now we can eat together."

Patton blushed and nodded, giggling lightly, "okay. Let's go!"

Patton kicked Roman, who started trotting toward camp.

"Patt! Wait up!" Logan called.

Patton halted Roman, looking back at Logan, "Just click your tongue and give Missy a little kick."

Logan nodded, doing as Patton said. Missy kept going at a walk.

"Kick a little harder." Patton smiled, "don't worry about hurting her, it's hard to kick hard enough to do that."

Logan nodded, clicking and kicking Missy harder. Missy shot off at a gallop.

"Patton! Help!" Logan yelled, grabbing Missy's mane.

"Pull back on the reins and yell her woah!" Patton told him, kicking Roman into a gallop.

Logan grabbed the reins again, pulling back. Missy snorted and slowed down to a walk again. Logan breathed a sigh of relief, slumping over Missy's neck.

"Lo! Are you okay?" Patton rushed up, looking pale.

"I'm alive at least." Logan said, sitting up.

"I'm sorry." Patton sighed, "this was supposed to be fun-"

"It was fun." Logan chuckled, "You don't have to apologize."

Patton nodded, but stayed quiet. Logan sighed softly. They rode back to the barn, silence hanging in the air.

"You can head to the cafeteria." Patton said as they unmounted, "I'll catch up after I put the horses and tack away."

"Alright, do you want me to get anything for you?" Logan asked.

Patton shook his head, "no, I shouldn't be too long."

"Okay." Logan nodded, "I'll... see you there then."

Patton nodded, focused on taking off Roman's saddle. Logan sighed, walking out of the barn. He messed up.

"Logan!" Dice called as he walked into the cafeteria, "this food is like, a seven point five out of ten!"

"I'd wake up early for this coffee." Remy said, sipping his drink.

"Would you like to sit with us?" Dee gave an unsettling smile.

"Um, no thanks, I'm waiting for someone." Logan told them, walking back to get some food.

The boy went to sit at a table with a view of the door and waited. And waited. He finished his food, even though he was eating slowly, but Patton still hadn't shown up.

Logan noticed Thomas sitting a few tables away. Maybe he knew where Patton was.

"Hey Logan." Thomas smiled, as Logan walked up to him, "Have you seen Patt anywhere?"

Logan sighed, "I was about to ask you the same thing."

"Oh." Thomas said, "did anything happen on the ride?"

"I accidentally sent Missy into a gallop." Logan told him, "Patton seemed worried after, but we both ended up okay. He said he'd meet me here."

"Its not your fault." Thomas gave him a soft smile, "Patton has had some... bad experiences with galloping. He probably just needs a little time."

Logan nodded, "okay."

Thomas patted Logan's shoulder, "you're the first human Patton has ever gushed about, you know."

Logan blushed, "um, well-"

Thomas laughed, "don't worry about it. I'm just glad he has a friend."

Logan nodded, looking down.

"You know, Patton usually likes to hang out in the barn." Thomas smiled.

Logan smiled back, "alright, I'll check there. Thank you."

"No problem Lo." Thomas waved as Logan walked out to the barn again.

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