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Patton and Dee watched Logan chase Virgil around the paddock. It had been a few weeks since they started training. Remus and Dee were inseparable and Dee seemed to be in a much better mood.

Virgil and Logan, however, were still earning each others trust. Logan was scared Virgil would never trust him and Virgil was too wary of tack and people.

"Ugh, this is impossible!" Logan fell back against the dirt, dropping the saddle blanket next to him.

Virgil walked up to him and nudged his cheek.

"Its going to take time Lo." Patton chuckled, "Virgil's scared, and we don't know what his life was like before this."

"I know." Logan sighed, "it was so easy for Dee and Remus though."

Dee rolled his eyes, "Remus is a completely different horse than Virgil."

The rebellious horse tossed his head in agreement.

Logan sighed again,  "that's true."

"Don't give up Lo, if anyone can train Virge it's you." Patton smiled.

Logan gave him a small smile back, "thanks Patt."

"No problem Logy." Patton giggled, "It's starting to get late, why don't we put the horses away for the night?"

"Sounds good, I'll meet you two there." Dee said, riding off toward the barn.

Logan got up with a sigh, walking over to Patton.

"You're doing great Lo." Patton said with a small smile.

Logan shrugged, adjusting the saddle blanket under his arm, "I just wish Virge wasn't so jumpy."

"Me too." Patton sighed, "but we can try again tomorrow."

Logan smiled, "yeah."

"Come on, let's get the horses settled then we can get some dinner." Patton said.

Logan nodded and went to grab Virgil.  He petted the horses nose.

"What are we going to do with you?" Logan asked, "I know you're brave enough to handle the tack."

Virgil snorted, stomping his hoof. Logan glanced behind him, seeing no one there.

"Maybe we don't need tack." Logan said.

The boy climbed on the fence and, after grabbing a fistful of Virgil's mane, pulled himself onto Virgil's back. The horse snorted, but stood still. Logan smiled brightly.

"I knew you were able to be ridden." Logan pet Virgil's neck as the horse tossed his head.

Logan clicked and kicked Virgil to a walk. Virgil snorted, but started walking. Logan had to admit, it was a lot harder to balance without tack.


The boy jumped, falling off Virgil and spooking him slightly.

"Ow." Logan winced, sitting up.

"Woah, that looked like it hurt." Remy said, leaning on the fence.

"If give that fall an eight out of ten." Dice shrugged.

Logan rolled his eyes, standing up to calm Virgil, "what brings you two here?"

"The other activities are B. O. R. E. I. N. G." Remy complained.

"And I care because?" Logan asked, leading Virgil out of the paddock.

"We wanna ride horses." Dice sighed.

"Then talk to Patton." Logan told them, "He's the one who leads trail rides."

"He's also your boyfriend." Remy teased with a smirk.

"And Dice is yours, your point?" Logan asked.

The two boys flushed red. Logan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Follow me to the barn, Patton should be there." Logan said.

"Lo!" Patton giggled once Logan and Virgil entered the barn.

"Hi Patt." Logan smiled, kissing his boyfriend.

Patton smirked into the kiss, pulling Logan closer.

"Gross." Dice wrinkled his nose.

"Don't act like we haven't done the same thing babe." Remy smirked, draping himself over Dice's shoulders.

"Whatever." Dice turned his head to kiss Remy's cheek.

Patton chuckled and pulled away from the kiss. He turned to the other two boys.

"Hi kiddos, what brings you here?" Patton asked as Logan went to put Virgil away.

"We were wondering where to sign up for trail rides." Remy answered.

Patton giggled, "Just show up tomorrow around noon. You can take a look around the barn today if you want."

"Perfect." Dice smiled.

Remy wandered up to Emile, who gently gazed back from his stall.

The boy smirked, "I like this one."

"That's Emile. He's an old retired therapy horse." Patton explained, "he was rescued by Dr. Picani and given to my dad to help here."

"Your dad?" Dice raised an eyebrow.

"The owner of the camp." Logan chimed in.

"Oh-woah!" Dice said as he saw Ra, "He's the most beautiful horse I've ever seen!"

Roman gave an indignant snort from his stall.

Patton laughed, "That's Ra. He's one of the oldest and biggest horses in the barn."

"He's beautiful." Dice sighed.

"Hey!" Remy whined, "I'm your boyfriend! "

Dice smirked and kissed Remy's lips, "I know."

Logan smiled and hugged Patton from behind, whispering, "Why don't we go get some dinner?"

Patton nodded and gave Logan a quick kiss, "sounds wonderful."

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