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T.W.: brief homophobia

"Patton, are you dressing Virgil in a suit?" Logan asked, adjusting his own tie.

Patton shrugged and smiled, "We're going to court, we gotta look nice!"

Logan rolled his eyes and kissed the side of his husband's head.

"Oh! Can you make sure the twins get breakfast?" Patton asked, "pancakes are on the counter!"

Logan nodded. He went to the boys room. Logan was about to knock on the slightly open door when he heard sniffling.

"I, I don't wanna go back Ree." Roman cried into his twins shirt, "I don't wanna see her again!"

"Dont worry Ro! If she tries to hurt us I'll beat her brains in!" Remus yelled.

Logan sighed, fully opening the door, "are you two alright?"

Roman nodded, quickly rubbing away tears, "I'm okay!"

"I'm hungry!" Remus said.

Logan smiled softly, "there's pancakes in the kitchen. Come on."

The twins jumped down from their bed, each taking one of Logan's hands. Logan's smile faded slightly when he thought about what Roman had said. How bad was this woman?

~~time skip ~~

Patton and Logan walked into the courthouse with the kids. Virgil was sleepily clinging on to Patton's shirt while the twins held tightly to Logan.

"Roman! Remus! There you are!" An elderly woman ran up to them, "I've been worried sick these past few weeks!"

"They've been gone for months and-" Patton said, only to be interrupted.

"-Past few months. Same difference." The lady waved it off, "Ro, do you want to come give your grandmother a hug?"

Roman shook his head, hiding behind Logan. Remus, however, stepped forward.

"Go away you evil old hag! We don't like you!" Remus yelled, quite loudly.

"Remus!" Logan scolded.

"Why you little cretin!" The lady raised her hand.

Remus flinched back, running behind Logan again.

"That's enough." Patton said, his voice uncharacteristically firm, "if you'll excuse us, we need to meet with the support dogs."

The lady huffed, "fine. But just so you... gays... know, by the end of the day, those kids will be mine!"

The lady walked off in a hurry. Virgil whimpered and buried his face in Patton's shirt.

"Hey, it's okay Virge," Patton tried to sooth the boy, "do you wanna go pet some doggies?"

Virgil nodded. Roman looked up at Logan.

"Why are there dogs here?" He asked.

"Well, the people here thought you might be scared because you're so young." Logan explained, "so they bring in specially trained dogs to make people feel less scared."

"I'm not scared!" Remus puffed his chest.

"So you don't wanna pet a dog?" Patton chuckled.

"Well... I didn't say that!" Remus pouted.

Patton laughed, giving Virgil a small hug, "come on kiddos, we don't wanna be late."

~~time skip ~~

The trial was over. The court deamed the grandmother guilty of child abuse and neglect and revoked her title of legal guardian. Apparently, some of the jury and the judge had seen what happened outside. The court also decided that Patton and Logan could foster the boys until everything was in order for adoption.

Roman and Remus hadn't let go of their golden retriever support dog since the trial ended. The dog, Percy, was patient, though they did have to get home.

"Maybe we should get a support dog." Patton thought out loud as the twins said goodbye to the dog, "not just for the boys either, but for the camp too."

"That could be a good idea." Logan nodded, "we should bring it up to Picani."

The twins walked over, unusually quiet.

"What's wrong kiddos?" Patton asked quietly.

The twins still stayed quiet, but Logan could see the small smirk forming on their faces. Suddenly, they burst out in giggles and hugged their foster parents.

"You little pranksters!" Patton laughed, hugging Roman back as best he could with Virgil in between them.

Logan chuckled and ruffled Remus's hair, "Why don't we all go home now?"

"Piggy back ride?" Remus asked, reaching up.

Roman gasped, "me too!"

Logan rolled his eyes. He picked up Roman and put the child on his shoulders while Remus climbed on his back. Patton was struggling to contain his laughter, and Virgil giggling and clapping wasn't helping either.

In the end, everything worked out.

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