Chapter 1- and Chapter 2

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Mumina P.O.V


"Salaam Hooya, Salaam Abu" I said to my Mom and Dad and they greeted me back.

I waited for Isa to say it to me because I'm six years older than him. But he didn't say anything.

"Say Salaam to your sister Isa" Hooya said gently.

"Salaam" Isa said but he looked like he didn't mean it.

"Salaam" I answered back.

"Are you going school like that" he said sniggering.

I was wearing my spotty Pjs and my hair was a mess. "Of course not, I just wanted to say salaam to Hooya and Abu. Any ways I'm going to get changed."

I went up and changed into a white top, black maxi skirt a black leather jacket and a black pashmina hijab.

Just as I was about to pray fajr, I remembered I prayed fajr this morning at 3:30. So then I just put mascara and eyeliner on and went back downstairs to have breakfast.

"Whats for breakfast Hooya?" I asked.

"Pancakes" she answered as she sweeped her hair out of her face. She was wearing a black abaya with golden sequins on her hijab was on her shoulders. Hooya gives me a plate of pancakes, little Zaynab bursts in. "Salaam alaykum everyone"

"Wa laykum Salaam." Everyone answers back.

"What are you making Hooya. Ooh pancakes yum."

Zaynab is five but with a big mouth. I guess all five year olds are full with energy and talk too much.

As we all finish our pancakes, there's a knock on the door. Hooya quickly puts her hijab on her head and I go answer the door. It's Summiyah, She was wearing the same as me, we looked a bit like twins.

"Salaam everyone" she said in a jolly voice. "

Wa laykum salaam" everyone answered. Then Zaynab runs up to her and hugs her.

"Teddy bear!" She always called Summiyah teddy bear.

"Hi Zaynab" she answered. "Anyway look at the time" she said looking at her wrist with no watch on it.

We said Salaam to everyone and then we started our journey to school.

When we got closer to the school, we saw the gang standing there waiting for us. Aisha, Fatima and Zahra. One of us are already married and that's Fatima she's also the very loud one. She's a Pakistani Plus she's the oldest out of us she's already eighteen. Aisha is the quite one, the one who doen't wear make up but she's still beautiful and Zahra's the erm...mad one you could say.

"Girls!!" Summiyah said and we went to hug them. You know what I mean. After the GCSE's we only got to enjoy and all that. But today we were doing Drama all of our grade. Just then we see Usman Saed walking past with his mates. I may or may not have a crush on him.(Which basically means I do.) Most girls were staring at him. " Girls come on enough staring at Usman especially you Mumina." Said Summiyah.

"I was not, was I? That's when they all laughed.

"Come on sisters let's get to class, I wonder what we'll be doing today.." Said Zahra. So then we all walked to class together. When we got to drama class, I saw Usman again but lowered my gaze to look modesty.

Mumina P.O.V

"Okay so class I know we said after GCSE's we won't be learning anything but we called you in because we are going to do a special play." Said Miss Wilson.

Then the girls stared at me knowing I love drama. Well I am quite a drama queen, when we got our results I got a high level for drama.

"The special play we'll be doing is Titanic." Said Miss Wilson. And that's when everyone starts talking and going yessssss. TITANIC!!!

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