Chapter 21 - Graduation/Titanic

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Mumina P.O.V

Today was the day I was going to graduate and we also have our play today. After the play I got told that we would have a graduation party. I got up, prayed, put on my best, professional abaya ans then headed downstairs for breakfast. On the dining table the, there was a letter of Baba. It said:
Dear my little Princess Mumina,
You're not my little princess anymore since you're getting married and all. Well just incase you think I have no graduation present for you, I do but you will get it on you wedding day.
Love Abi.

My dad is the best I just hope he will get me something better than that ordinary yoyo on my pretend birthday (childhood memories). I had breakfast and Amina came down.

"Big day huh" she said and I nodded.

"Just make dua" she said.

"You think I won't. I'll make dua when I get to school, before my name is called out and before the play" I said.

"Good. Oh yeah I need to give you you're present" she said and gave me a gift inside a little box.

"Don't open it before you graduate, you can only wear it after you get your diploma"

"Wear it?" I asked and she just answered

"I've said too much already" and she left and went upstairs to get ready for uni.


It was time for for graduation. I had to where graduaton robes and it was hard putting the hat on. Some people including Zahra had a speech. I guess she got picked to do a speech because of her very loud voice. Zahra kept practicing her speech. When it was time she went on the stage and did that smile just to make herself look cuter.

"How can she walk on that stage like a thousand people aren't watching her?" asked Aisha.

"She doesn't get stage fright" I said.

Zahra actually said an inspirational speech, knowing her it's very weird. Her speech was:
"We all know school is boring especially highschool. I was going to skip uni and just finish highschool today. I thought I was going to miss pranking teachers. Especially middle school. I was such a troublesome and I didn't want to leave because I had to grow up. I have grown up, well a little, and I have high hopes for the future. When I was little I looked at moviestars and I said how do they get famous. Now I learned that education sometimes is fun and full of humour when you look on the bright side".

Everyone laughed the whole time and at the end they clapped for her. That's how serious she has ever been with education. She came over as everyone was clapping and we congratulated her.

"Well done, I didn't know you cared about education?" Said Fatima.

"Shut up, of course I don't" she said.

"It sounded like you did" I said.

"I have my ways of making people think of me in a certain way" she said.

"Yeah right" said Summiyah.

"Everyone its time, get in a line" said Miss Wilson. We all got in a queue and walked on stage. Out of the people I know, Junaid was first. Then Fatima, Omar, Zahra, Aisha and then me.

"Mumina Kazmi" They said and gave me my diploma. They wanted me to shake Mr Welks's hand but I just shook my head and then shook the lady's hand. Sir must've looked confused but I will shake any man's hand. I saw my family there they looked so happy. To embarrass me Amina made a poster saying:Well Done! Mumina aka daddy's little princess!

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