Chapter 12 - A Broken Heart

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Layla P.O.V
The next day
I've noticed that Mumina and Usman have been getting quite close and I think this is my shot to get back at Mumina. Usman will break Mumina's heart like how she broke mine. Which is simply easy I know what I'm doing today. I overheard Usman saying they will be at a cafe shop just round the corner, near the beach and that's when I will strike. I planned every little detail.
Usman P.O.V
Today I'm ready to make a big step, I'm going to propose to her. Yesterday I admitted my feelings for her and she told me that she felt the same way so this morning I went to the nearest jewelry shop and bought a 190 dollar ring. My feelings have grew for Mumina these past few days and we're going back tommorow.
Mumina P.O.V
My friends are kind of jealous so they said that they're coming with me to the cafè. We walked to the cafè and there was Usman with Junaid and Omar. I even spotted Layla she was giving me the evil eye. We talked and bought coffee and ate scones, we basically partied in the cafè. Us girls went into the restroom.

Layla P.O.V
The girls went into the restroom and that was my cue. The trick is to get this boy called Alex to rob my purse and then I ask Usman for help. He helps me and then I kiss him. I know it's haram for him to kiss a girl if he's not married to her but that will make it even worse. So It began Alex then stole my purse and I ran to Usman and said "Please help me he stole my purse"And expectedly he ran after the guy and then got my purse back. As I go to get my purse back, I pucker up. And then everyone claps.

Mumina P.O.V
I heard clapping so I went to see what was all the commotion and I found Layla kissing Usman so I just ran out the cafè crying and My friends ran after me."Mumina wait!" I heard Usman say but didn't care to look back. I ran back into the room and cried on my pillow. It had tears and snot on it but I didn't even care. Then the door opened and Summiyah came in. " Mumina... Someone really important just called on Skype and she wants to talk to you. It was Amina.
"Amina! Can I talk to her alone please?" I said.
"Yeah sure take your time." Summiyah said.
"Sis are you alright you look like a monster with that eyeliner down your cheeks." She said trying to humor me.
I laughed a little and told her everything that has happened to me.
Usman P.O.V
I can't believe what just happened. I was about to propose to someone, then all of a sudden a girl gets robbed I helped her and then she kisses me. I ran after her but she was already in the girls room. So I turned back and then Junaid brings me her sketchbook and her shell necklace. "Dude look what I found."
"Her sketchbook, I took it back with me to the rooms and I know it's bad because it's her personal business but I looked at her sketches. One especially caught my eye, it was one of a girl and a boy hanging out with dolphins. She also wrote something down:
Ever since I was a little girl I loved watching
princess movies like Cinderella, Snow White
and etc. They all had Prince Charming's I
always wondered who my Prince Charming
Is but I think I found him.

And the the was a photo labelled me and her with the dolphins. I felt bad but it wasn't my fault that girl just came up to me and then kissed me.

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