Chapter 14 - The truth

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Mumina P.O.V
Today I woke up feeling refreshed, I prayed Fajr but my twisted ankle was hurting badly. I went back to bed and then woke up again to get ready for school I did my simple morning routine and went downstairs said salaam to everyone and had oatmeal for breakfast. My ankle was still hurting and Hooya then said "Are you sure you want to go school?"
"Yes Hooya, I'm fine." I answered. She looked quite worried. And then Summiyah came with Junaid, Fatima and Usman.
"It's because of your twisted ankle nobody wants you to walk a long way with a twisted ankle." Said Summiyah. I sat in the middle of Fatima and Summiyah. "Did you do your homework?" Asked Fatima.
"Oh the play I'm not doing it anymore especially with this twisted ankle." I said. I think Usman was listening to us but pretended to be listening to the radio. We finally got and surprisingly something was weird. People came up to me giving me flowers chocolates get well soon cards and one of them even had 35 dollars inside. "Mumina! Over here!" Said Aisha and Zahra. They we're waving at me and they had presents in they're arms. "Are those for me?" I asked. Sarcastically Zahra said "No they're for a monkey we met at the zoo."
"Of course they're for you" said Aisha passing me the presents. There was a lot of presents so Junaid put it in the back of his car. We into The spare room and just spent time on our laptops. After that it was break and I went with Summiyah to find Miss in the drama hall and we did. "Miss. Can I talk to you?" I said.
"Yes, and I'm sorry about you ankle." She said.
"That's what I'm here to talk to you about. I can't do the play miss my ankle hurts." I said.
"Mumina, you have never dropped out of doing a play I remeber you breaking your arm but you still did that Peter Pan play. I think this is more than just your twisted ankle." She said. Man did she know me.
"Ok I have a slight problem with Usman and I don't think I will be able to do the play since I'm mad at him." I said.
"Well keep practicing your lines I think we can sort something out." She said.
"Ok thanks miss." I said. We went outside for break and went to Fatima and the others.
"What happened?" Asked Fatima.
"She said she will sort something out." I said.
"Ok, anyway who wants to hangout today?" Said Aisha.
"Yeah let's got to the Chinese buffet." Said Summiyah.
"The one near the Mall has the best noodles." Said Zahra. So we agreed that we will go to the Chineese buffet near the Mall. After school I went home and Amina said that I have a present. I found her sitting on the couch watching Tv.
"Salaam alaykum Amina, where's everyone else?" I asked.
"Wa laykum salaam and everyone is not here. Oh and someone is coming to visit so you're staying upstairs" She said.
And then the door knocks and it's Hooya, Baba Isa and Zaynab. I said Sallam and everything but they kept saying I have to go upstairs because of someone coming to visit. But I told them that I'm going to a buffet with my friends and then Hooya said "Take Zaynab with you and Isa is going to a sleepover, Ibrahim and Khadija are coming aswell."
I got ready and helped Zaynab get ready, Isa was already at his friends house. So I called Fatima and told them that I'm coming and Zaynab is coming aswell. We went to the Mall and found my friends and Aisha's little sister, she's the same age as Zaynab.
Amina P.O.V
Mumina has gone to the buffet and I texted Fatima to tell her the truth. Whilst she is at the Mall with her friends Usman is here asking for a blessing to marry Mumina. His Mom, Dad and Sister we're there aswell. "So you are the young man that found my daughter" said Baba.
"Yes sir. And I'm asking for a blessing so that I can marry your daughter." he said.
"Well I accept and so does Hajr (Hooya) but does the girl herself know." said Baba.
"I have a better way of proposing to her." Said Usman.
"Ok then we will just tell her somebody wants to marry her and she will find out on Thursday." Said Hooya. Everyone shook hands with Usman and then they went home.
Fatima P.O.V
When were enjoying our crackers I remembered that I have to tell Mumina what happened because Usman is asking for a blessing today. "Mumina, Watch this you may not like it but you have to know the truth. Somebody recorded everything that actually happened." I said. She hesitated before she clicked play. She had a very weird face when she saw the actual truth.
"So will you forgive the guy?" I asked.
"Yes." She said. She actually looked really happy.
Mumina P.O.V
That's it I'm not dropping out of this play, Layla played a trick on me and Usman. That's why I'm here on my bed think about what to do. Then Amina walks in. "Guess what that somebody came and asked for your hand in marriage but you won't find our who it is till the day of the prom." Said Amina.
"But I going to forgive Usman and I think I am in love with Usman" I said.
"That is a problem." She said but she was smiling don't tell me she against me aswell.

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