Chapter 3- Break

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Mumina P.O.V

Breaktime one of the times in school where I can hangout with my friends. We went to our favourite spot, the bench under the cherry blossom tree.

Forgetting about everything that happened earlier, I say "What are you girls wearing to prom inshallah?"

Zahra responds "a blue abaya."

"A beige Maxi dress." said Fatima

"Green abaya." Aisha said.

" White abaya." said Summiyah.

"Well I haven't bought mine yet." I said

"That means we've got shopping to do." said Summiyah.

And thats when I saw Usman and Junaid approaching this way so I started talking to my friends.

"When should we go shopping?" I said.

"Tommorow? Inshallah." asked Summiyah.

"Yes" I said.

And when they got here Junaid said to Fatima. "Hello habiti."

"Hello love." she responded. Then us girls started making kissing and sick noises to wind them up but Fatima just rolled her eyes at us. Did I mention Fatima's husband is Junaid (also the best friend of Usman). Sometimes when we go to Fatima's we find them watching sports, so we go into Fatima's bedroom and girl talk or watch tv. So Usman then asks me "So Mumina do want to meet up at the library today afterschool inshallah around half four to practice our lines."

And then I answer "Oh...right..., yeah why not."

"Ok then. Lets go man." He says.

When they leave Summiyah says

"You're nervous aren't you?"

"No I'm not." I said and she says.

"Girl I know you, whenever you are are nervous you go. Oh... Right..."

"Do I?" I asked and then everyone nods. I tried to change the the subject so I said "what have we got after break?"

Aisha replies " I asked Miss and she said we've got music, not learning just singing for fun and stuff."

"Well that will be fun won't it?" I said.

Thats when the bell rang.

"Lets go." said Fatima.

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