Chapter 22- When is the Wedding?

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Amina P.O.V

The wedding is tommorow inshallah and I still need to sort out the transport to Miami. At first I made Wudu, went to pray Fajr and then went downstairs to have breakfast.


I sat down and decided to go on my friends website for transport to Miami. She said that I could get a special discount as a wedding gift and for Mumina's wedding gift she's giving me a discount for that too. Speaking of Mumina she was coming downstairs.

"Mumina! Can you come and help me?"

"Yes Madam" she said sarcastically and sat next to me.

"You know Zaeem's family own a company so he's kind of rich, mashallah" I said.

"Yeah..." she said.

"Well for the wedding our family and friends will take his private jet to Miami" I said.

"Seriously" she cried.

"Don't I look serious?" I said to her showing her my serious face and we both laughed.

"Well then that's the transport sorted. You know, tommorow I'm going to wear Hooya's weddig necklace and the golden shoes. Hooya said it's been in our family for years, she believes it brings luck for the future" she said. That's when I got confused, Hooya said that we only wear the shoes and jewelry for our own wedding not someone else's.

"I can't wait to get married. Tommorow it will be official that my name will be Mumina, Mohammed, Abdullah, Kazmi, Ali" and she said the last name proud- WAIT WHAT! Did she just say that she is getting married tommorow?"

So I asked her because she only told mr once the date and I believe for it to have been July the 6th.

"Mumina. When are you getting married?" she looked at me as if I was mental and then she finally answered "June the 6th"

That's when I felt I couldn't breath. She looked confused and I was speechless so instaed of talkimg I gave her the examples of my wedding invites that was on the table. She looked at it, gasped and then dropped it. It was an awkward silence for five seconds which were to me five hours and I then I finally said "Ok we need to fix this. So one of us will have to cancel our wedding and do it another day and I'm sorry but it has to be you" I said.

"What?!?! No, Hooya and Baba habe already paied for everything" she yelled.

"Well that's the same for me so I don't know what" I said.

And that started a huge arguement and Hooya came to stop it.

"What is happening here?" said Hooya.

"H-Hooya our w..w..weddings are on the same day" I managed to say whilst crying.

"I knew there was something wromg with these two invites" said Hooya holding up both our invites.

"Listen girls, you two can sort this out together. It hurts me seeing you two fighting like this. You girls are closer than twins, you two are the only ones who get eachother" said Hooya I could tell she was about to cry even Mumina so we went up to her and gave her a hug. We both put our heads on her legs and she stroked our hair. It was just like how it was when we were younger and had an arguement. Most of the time it was about sharing. Then the craziest idea just popped in my head and I quickly sat up.

"I have an idea!"

"What?" said Mumina she looked a mess her face was really wet.

"Have you ever thought about having a joint wedding?" I asked Mumina.

"No... Wait if I have a joint wedding that means I can share the moment wih the most important person to me" she said.

"I'm sorry Mumina but you can't marry your own father" said Baba

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