Chapter 6- Suprise Trip

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Mumina P.O.V

When we got to school, we got assembled on to the coach.
Miss Baxton said " Everyone got into groups of 8."
And thats when a big sister arranged our group, Fatima.
"Ok so, I was thinking that we should go in a group with Junaid and his two friends Usman and Omar." said Fatima. So we did get in a group with Junaid and his mates and because there is four seats on the on each row, Fatima sorted us in: Imagine the names are the seats

Junaid Fatima Aisha Zahra
Summiyah Mumina Usman Omar

I just kept on talking to Summiyah, imagining the boys weren't there. Until they were watching someone of their phone and laughing. Now its hard to pretend they're not there. The whole time I didn't look near Usmans side. I just looked out the window and talked to Summiyah. This went on and on and on, until Layla, our class mate, started to sing Little Mix move. Of course the girls joined in I did sing, but quietly, I barely mouthed
We then saw a big theme park, then someone shouted "WONDERWORLD!!!"
Everyone cheered and then Miss Noble Says which teacher goes with which group and we were with her.
She also said "Okay class for the next two hours every ride here is for FREE!!!"
Everyone cheered. As soon as the teachers signed in, our group ran to the scariest ride Dark Death. As soon as we got on,the ride started. It was like a Viking boat and man was it scary. Me and Summiyah held on to each other the whtime and screamed. Then the cart stopped, I thought it was over but then it went BACKWARDS!!! We all screamed I think I even heard Junaid scream. We freaked out when we saw a skeleton with a giant hammer. I closed my eyes and before I knew it the ride was over.
"Open your eyes , the ride's over" I heard Zahra say.
"That ride was so scary" said Fatima bringing along Junaid.
"What should we go on next?" Said Omar.
"That roller coaster" said Junaid pointing to the biggest one.
"Nah we should go on that last." Said Usman.
"Let's go on that roller coaster." Said Zahra
"Which one?" said Fatima.
"That medium sized one there." said Summiyah pointing to The Empire which is the name of the ride.
We all agreed and went there it was perfect, four seats a row. I sat next to Summiyah Zahra and Aisha and Fatima sat with the boys but she was at the end with her husband next to her. Then the ride started, it went slow at first and then came the loop I screamed for that one. And then it stopped but there wasn't a place to get out off the ride, which meant only one thing. We were going backwards. We screamed so loud, I could even hear the boys scream.
When we got of the ride we started talking about how petrifing it was. We decided to take a break and bought candy.
"Whats your favourite kind of candy? Mines Rock" Said Fatima.
"Sherbet" said Summiyah.
"Halal mashmallows" said Omar.
"Candyfloss" said Aisha.
"Toffee" said Junaid.
"Bubble gum because I love chewing gum" said Zahra.
"Licorice." I said.
"Same" said Usman.
Fatima nudged me.
"Can I talk to you?" she asked.
"Yes." I said.
She took me to a bench and said.
"Mumina do you like Usman."
"Yes but I not going to tell him." I said
"No, because I will" she said.
"Fatima please don't" I said.
"But you two are so alike" she said.
"There is probably a million other guys who are muslim, like the colour blue, who is kind and likes the same candy as me." I said.

"Yes thats true, but how do you know you won't find another like him." and with that she walked away.
I thought about it: what if he doesn't think of me that way? Or maybe he's just friendly to me because he probably likes one of my friends. Now I'm freaking out, I saw Fatima go to a different bench and say something to Junaid. So I walked over.

Fatima P.O.V

I told Junaid "Ask Usman who he likes later."
"Why?" he said.
"One of my friends like him." I said.
"I already know who he likes, he said Summiyah" he said.
"Oh ok." I said.
Then I saw Mumina coming over.
"Whats up you two?" She said.
I changed the subject and said.
"Nothing let's go over, to the others."

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