Chapter 16 -The special day! Part I

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Mumina P.O.V

I woke finding myself in the chair I was on watching the movie. We prayed Fajr since we we're awake at that time, The only thing thing I remembered yesterday was Zahra's loud snoring and sad part in the film. Everyone else was sleeping on the chairs except for Fatima, she probably woke up like always. Then I heared footsteps coming upstairs so I closed my eyes and pretended I was asleep. "I know you're awake Mumina you're blinking and you guys get up I've got breakfast. Did you forget what day it is?" Said Fatima and they all got up and ran for there breakfasts like monkeys running for the last banana in the universe. We are our breakfast silently and at the same paste but as always Zahra finished first and could go into the bathroom first. "Tough luck losers, the bathroom is mine now" she said with an evil smile.

"It is my house, well my Mum and Dad's but it's the same thing" Said Summiyah.

"Whatever" Said Zahra. She took hours in the bathroom, even Aisha finished her breakfast and she holds a world record for the slowest eater (Not really).

After Zahra came out the bathroom she had a towel on and around her hair. "My turn!" I said running into the bathroom. Summiyah would normally hold me back and go in herself but this time she didn't.
Fatima P.O.V

I told the girls about the proposal so when Mumina went into the bathroom. "Girls, Mumina knows she got proposed to but she doesn't know by who" I whispered.

"Don't ruin the suprise!" Said Summiyah to Zahra.

"Why would I ruin my bestfriend's second biggest day of her life. You know because her biggest day is-"

"We get!" Said Summiyah hugging her. Zahra has never said anything like that before. We chatted awhile waiting for Mumina to come out.

Mumina P.O.V

I came out the bathroom and the girls we're there waiting for me like I have something of their's.

After everyine got a shower Aisha got her make up kit amd started doing everyone's makeup. Fatima did Zahra's hair because she doesn't wear a headscarf. Her grandmother is full Indian so maybe thats why her hair is so long and thick. She dip dyed her hair brown. Fatima styled her hair into a loose bun with braids, flowers and she gave her a tiara. Fatima styled our hijabs and we put henna on.

Soon after we dressed in our abayas and long dresses. There was a knock on the door, it was Junaid and Omar but no Usman. I didn't get to tell him how I feel.

"Salaam alaykum" They said.

"Walaykum Salaam" We answered.

"The limo's waiting" said Junaid. We went outside and found a white stretched limo and the chauffer was waiting outside the door. He opened the door and welcomed us in, inside there was the most gorgeous,

good-looking girl ever. Then I realized the group was Junaid, Usman and the other girls. I walked up to them. "Salaam guys" I said.

"Salaam" They answered. They acted as if they knew nothing.

Mumina P.O.V

"Let's go and get the food" Said Zahra.

"Zahra we just ate in the limo" said Aisha.

"There's a chocolate fountain" Said Zahra hoping that we all would run after the food. But only Junaid, Omar,Usman, her and Fatima went over to the food table. Me, Summiyah and Aisha went over to our reserved table. It was well decorated, it had blue, red and pink flowers in the middle and it had plates and different sizes of spoons, forks and knives which made it look like a posh restaurant. We sat in our reserved seat and there was an instruction book of how to use the spoons, knives and forks. Fatima and Zahra came back they have probably already eaten the food they went to get because they came back with nothing. As soon as they sat down the lights went dark and someone put on moonlights and there was Miss Noble. She was wearing a long black dress and a nice black cardigan to go over. She said" Can everyone take a seat now, the waiters are coming round with the food and the show is about to begin. Then Summiyah said to us "I've got to go!"

"Where?" I asked.

"You'll see soon." She said. I guess she had to do something important so I was stuck with the rest of the girls. The waiters started coming round with a starter meal it was Vegatable soup. I didn't like vegetables that but Fatima made sure I ate them. For some reason, I ended up eating the vegetable soup. I did tell you she was like a big sister to everyone. Soon the speakers started blasting and everyone got up and started dancing to cha cha slide. We all danced like it was our last time together but the play is not at school. In fact it's on a Summer Holiday at a proper theatre and everyone is invited. I forgot what it was called, luckily it's before a holiday to England I was planning to go on inshallah. Then Macarena came on I did my best to do it but just ended up doing the locomotion. After Miss went in the microphone and said "Second meal coming so everyone please take a seat". We took a seat and thry brought round mac and cheese they even brought round dessert and wine but we just took the lemonade. Usman kept looking at all the time as if I was a bomb about to explode. I just ignored it but I could feel I was being watched. I ate the mac and cheese, it was delish but I did struggle with the cutlery. Then I ate the dessert it was chocolate icecream and ontop was Pineapple, apple and some strawberries. Zahra already finished her icecream. I'm not saying she's fat but she doesn't have a flat belly and I won't sfter eating all of this. Then Zahra asked me "Do you want that?"

"Well obviously I am eating it" I said.

"Oh, it's just brcause you're eating slow" She said.

"What evs" I said after she went over to annoy Summiyah then they started whispering and then the board lowered and it spelt Mumina.

I was so shocked and that was when Usman was walking towards me getting something out of his pockett. He was actually coming here, he then went on his knees. When he was down there I had no idea what he was doing did he drop something and am I being given a certificate or something. Then the spotlight came to me and everyone was staring. Usman opened a box and he said "Mumina will you marry me?"

When I heared those words out his mouth I got off my seat and quietly I said "Yes". Then he put the ring on my finger and everyone cheered. I still had my spoon from my dessert. Did that actually happen? He got up and said "I'm the one who went to your parents, I wanted to propose here." The spotlight was still on us. I was speechless and just sat back in my seat looking at the ring.

"I'll be back" he said. and walkes

"Suprise" said Summiyah, Fatima, Aisha and Zahra.

"Did that just happen?" I said.

"Yes!" they answered. I have some many thoughts in my head right now.

I had a sip of my drink and thought I would wake up but I didn't.

"Look I recorded the whole thing" said Fatima. I watched the video and then remembered what Junaid said he was probably giving me a hint.

Salaam Sorry I went on a school trip guys and I have been trying to make new chapters but some were deleted.

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