Chapter- 7 My sisters future husband

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Mumina P.O.V
"Salaam alaykum." I said.
"Walaykum Salaam." Everyone answered.
Then I spotted my big brother Ibrahim, his wife Khadija and my big sister Amina. I was kind of confused because she's meant to be at Uni.
"Mumina there's a man who wants to marry Amina so make sure the kids stay upstairs because his parents are coming aswell." My Mom Said.
"Ok Hooya but I have to pack for the trip to Miami tommorow." I said.
"You're going Miami!" Said Amina.
"Yes for two days with school." I said.
"What evs." She said.
That just proved that she was jealous of me, she was always jealous of me.
"Don't worry you'll probably go somewhere better on your honeymoon." I said cheekily.
"Shut up!" She said.
I guess she was embarrassed.
Then there was a knock on the door.
"Ok they're here Khadija bring the food to the table, Ami go upstairs and prepare and all that,wear your best abaya and Mumina open the door for them." Mom Said.
" Ok Hooya." I said.
So I went to open the door and found a tall guy and another man, quite old and a woman wearing a nice yellow hijab. And guess who else was at the door Omar, Usman's mate.
"Salaam alaykum." I said
"Walaykum Salaam." They said.
I invited them in and showed them into the living room and then the woman said.
"So you must Amina, my son showed me the photo of you."
"Actually I'm Mumina, Amina is my big sister." I said.
"Salaam alaykum." My mom said.
"Walaykum Salaam." They answered.
"Mumina, Can you please go and get your sister." My mom said.
"Yes Hooya." I said.
I went upstairs to get Amina and passed by the room the kids we're playing in just to check on them and it was my nephew Suliman Zaynab and Isa, well he a was busy on the ipad. I continued to go and fetch Amina. She was in her old Prom clothes it was a nice pink abaya.
"Ami they're waiting for you, nice dress." I said.
"Thanks, goodness I'm nervous." She said.
"By the way what's that guys name?" I said
"Zaeem" she said.
"Nice name, his brother is in my school." I said.
"Then you've got someone you could get married to." She said.
"Actually I have a crush on his mate Usman." I said.
I always told her anything without hesitation.
"Ooh does he know, answer that later , let's go". She said.
We walked downstairs together, and Zaeem couldn't keep his eyes of Ami.
"Salaam alaykum." She said.
"Walaykum Salaam" everyone said.
"Sit down Amina." Mom said.
We then talked until my phone rang, it was Fatima.
"Sorry one minute." I said.
And I went to the kitchen.
"Did you forget, you have to meet Usman to practice your lines." She said.
If you have noticed she has been trying to get me and Usman together, she is a matchmaker.
"Can you and Junaid come aswell and say that yous needed to practice your lines, I need moral support." I said.
"I'll be right there so come on put your shoes on and grab your script bye." She said.
"Bye." I said.
Then hung up.
"Hooya I have to meet up with Fatima, it's kind of urgent." I Said.
"Ok then come straight back" she said.
"Salaam alaykum" I said to everyone.
"Walaykum Salaam
"Salaam alaykum." I said.
"Walaykum Salaam." Everyone answered.
I put my shoes and my bag on and then ran to the local library. I spotted Usman sitting near the fountain waiting, but no Fatima or Junaid.
I cleared my throat and then
"Usman!" I shouted
He turned around and saw me.
We said our hi's awkwardly.
I sat at the fountain looking everyway for Fatima.
"So let's get started." He said.
It actually turned out well, until the script said Rose and Jack kiss, we didn't get up to that part in today's first rehearsal.
There was an awkward silence and breaking the awkward silence he said
"Let's just skip that part."
"Since we're finished. Do you wanna grab a coffee Starbucks isn't far from here just round the corner." Said Usman.
"Yes why not." I said.
We walked to Starbucks without talking to each other until we got in the line.
"What are you getting?" He said.
"Vanilla hot chocolate with chocolate cream." I said.
"Alright." He said.
When it was our turn he ordered two. Great now he likes the same hot chocolate as me at least I think. When we turned around guess who we saw sitting at the nearest table having a cup of coffee. Fatima and Juniad.
"Hi guys!" She said.
And they Invited us over to sit with them. Now I have a feeling that Fatima meant to not go to the library. What that girl does to me?
"I thought you two we're at the library practicing your lines." She said.
"We were but we finished and decided to get hot chocolate." Usman said.
We chatted for a few minutes and I sketched it my sketch book.
"Oh okay, I'm going to the restroom" said Fatima
That was just our code for we need to talk.
"I'll go aswell." I said.
When we walked there she said.
"Your welcome."
"What do you mean your welcome?" I said.
"Well if I didn't say I would meet you guys there you wouldn't go, you would just make an excuse. I'm not stupid Mumina. Look now you guys are having hot chocolate together. She said.
"Okay maybe I owe you one." I said.
"Let's go then!" She said.
Usman P.O.V
"Hi boys!" Said Summiyah. Junaid nudges me. Oh great she's here too, now both of my crushes are in the same coffee shop, Mumina and Summiyah. I have had a crush on them for ages but I don't know which one I really like.
"Where's the girls? Or is it just you two." She said.
"They're in the restroom." I said.
"I'll wait for them here then." She said sitting next to me also where Mumina was sitting.

Fatima P.O.V
"We're back" I said.
And that's when I spotted Summiyah sitting next to Usman. Maybe Junaid was right, maybe Usman does like Summiyah. I thought Junaid probably mixed the names but he might be right.
"Summiyah!" Said Mumina.
She turned round and got up to hug Mumina.
Poor girl doesn't know what's happening, Usman is probably falling in love with the wrong girl. At least I think so.
"Hi Fatima."
"Hi Summiayh. One minute Habiti we've got girl talk to do." I said.
"Bye Honey." He said.
And the girls made those funny noises again to wind me up. We walked outside and Mumina told us about Amina getting engaged and how Omar is at her house right now. We all laughed at that one. Then her Phone gets a text.
"It's Hooya she said its time to see if they engaged or not. I'll go and get my stuff."

Mumina P.O.V
Today has actually been a great day my sister is engaged, It looks like Usman kind of likes me and I'm going Miami beach with school tomorrow.

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