Chapter 17 - The Special Day! Part II

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Soon people came up to me saying
"That was sooo cute!" and "When are you getting married?"
Luckily Zahra pushed them back like a bodyguard with her non-flat belly. As we chatted about what happened, like he said, Usman came over. Then the other girls got up and Summiyah said "Girls lets go and dance!"
I know she did that on purpose so that I can be alone with Usman.
"What are you up to?" he said.
"Nothing" I said looking at my ring.
"So tommorow inshallah I was planning to go to your house. You know to plan the wedding" he said.
"Yeah. I'll tell my Mom." I said, I acted as if he didn't just propose to me and now I'm basically engaged to him.
"Thank you" I said.
"For what?" He said.
"For when you found me last time, I didn't thank you" I said.
"Well you're welcome. Anyway I wanted to propose to you on that day you got angry at me" He said.
"Did you? Well I'm sorry I was shocked." I said in a jokingly way and then we both laughed.
"Oh I forgot to give you this" He said and gave me my sketchbook.
"Thanks, so you had it all along " I said.
"Yep and to be honest you're a good artist." He said.
"Its just a hobby" I said.
We chatted for awhile and then Fatima pulled me away.
"Do you mind if I steal your Fiancé?" She said.
"Nope not at all." He said and then she grabbed me and took me to the dance floor with the others.
"Awwww thats so cute, you're talking with him again" said Aisha and then I shrugged my shoulders. Then 'Rather Be' came on and then Summiyah grabbed me and then we danced. The song made a tear come out of my eyes, it reminded me that all of us will be splitting up and then the others came and made a circle. Fatima cried, something about her old friend Nabia so we all went round her and hugged her. Then something really cute happened, Junaid took her in his arms and hugged her.
It's almost time to go but it's that emotional song, Titanic, everyone look my way. I did start crying on Summiyah everyone did. Fatima, Summiyah and Aisha cried so much and I could have swore I saw a teardrop from that tough girl Zahra.
"Awww Zahra" said Summiyah sniffing.
"What?" She said trying to hold her tears back.
"You don't have to hold it back just express your emotions, I mean look at me" said Aisha. Then as I thought, she was crying and I gave her a tissue. I knew it would be emotional so I brought tissues.
It was time to leave and before we left, Zahra made sure she brought along some food and Fatima came back from her sweetheart she had tears all over her and a tissue in her hand so I hugged her.
"The limo is waiting, oh and Mumina close your eyes." Said Summiyah and as told I did.
She brought me to the limo and then she said "now open those eyes of yours". I did and the limo was decorated with flowers and it had congrats. I wasn't even married yet but they're making such a big deal of it plus this is probably just a dream so I asked Summiyah "Pinch me" she didn't but Zahra did.
"Owwww" I said.
"You asked to be pinched" Said Zahra.
"I was joking." I said.
"Let's go inside!" Said Summiyah. We went inside and it was just us and our clothes were in a bag.
"The limo is dropping you guys off. First Mumina" Said Summiyah. As the limo drove, we ate some of the cake. When the limo got to my house I said bye to the rest and then rushed into the house making the door go bang.
"Mumina, what's wrong" said Amina shocked.
"I'm engaged." I said. Then Hooya came out the kitchen to see what the commotion is all about. "To who?" She said.
"They guy who came here last time and he's the one who found me, remember." I said all in one go.
"Oh yes I remember. Now I'm mother of two brides" Said Hooya dancing, I have never seen her dance and then she realised then stopped.
"When is it?" Said Amina.
"I don't know, he said he will come tommorow inshallah to discuss the wedding." I said.
I went upstairs to my room ,exhausted , after a day full of suprises. I looked in sketchbook and looked in the page where I drew that sketch of me and Usman. He wrote a comment and it said "I feel the same way about you Mumina, please forgive me". Well I already forgave him, I prayed the salats I missed and thanked Allah, then went to sleep.

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