Chapter 19 -Shopping for the wedding!

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Mumina P.O.V

Today in was another school day, when I arrived at school people who have never said hi to me are talking to me because of that proposal. Today is also the day I have to go shopping with Summiyah, Fatima, Aisha, Zahra, Amina and Amira. I have to go shopping with with eight people. Me and Amina are going to pick wedding dresses and bridesmaid dresses and we need to look at the cakes and if we're we might get a taste of some of the cake. Next week I'm going shopping with my mom, Usman's mom, Amina and Amira to buy Somali dresses we'll be shopping for two dresses because of me and Amina. There was posters for the play but it had the wrong date it. It said it was on the last day aka graduation day. I also saw letters around the school there was even one on my locker and it said "All Titanic cast please come to the drama hall at 8:30." It was already 8:32 so I got Aisha and Fatima so that we can go together. We rushed down the corriders to get to the drama hall. When we got their everyone was sat waiting for us.

"Sorry Miss we just only saw the letter" Said Fatima.

"Girls take a seat" Said Miss so we took a seat and then she said "Okay so you know how we were going to do the the play in the theatre." Said Miss.

"Yes" we said intrigued like she was going to say were going to the opera house in Australia instead of the theatre here.

"Well the theatre have another play that day so we're going to have to do the play here" She said.

"In the Summer holidays?" asked Junaid.

"No after your graduation assembly you get changed into your costumes and come straight here!"

"Yes Miss" we said and then went back to where we were. Great that means I have to start practicing a lot because the play is just in two days. "Anyway you guys can do another rehearsal here and tommorow just to get it right" Miss said. We did a rehearsal and none of us forgot the lines. It came up to that part where I had to kiss Usman. "Miss we can't kiss" Usman said.

"What" she said.

"It's not allowed to kiss someone who you're not married to " I said.

"Well I guess we could miss that part out" Miss said. I thought she would exaggerate or something but that's all she said.

Afterschool me, Summiyah, Aisha, Zahra and Fatima met up with Amina and Amira at the mall. I had a lot of spending money and we haven't even planned the date yet but Amira brought along her notepad.

"Amira these are my friends Summiyah, Aisha, Zahra and Fatima and you guys this is Amira,Usman's older sister" I said. They got to know eachother a bit.

"So where should we go first" asked Summiyah.

"There is a bakery shop that sells good wedding cakes just outside the mall, I think we should go there first" said Amira.

"Sure" I said and we went off to that bakery. When we arrived at the bakery it was decorated with posters to do with baking and there was cakes everywhere.

"Hi James we're here for the wedding cake" said Amira

"You already picked it out?" I asked Amira but she didn't answer. The James guy brings three pieces of cake with a photo of how it fully looks like.

"Try the cake" said Amira.

I tried the first one which was a three tiered cake the colour aqua blue decorated with seashells and starfishes and even seaweed. The bride and groim were sitting on the cake with their feet in the pretend sand. I tried it and it tasted like victoria sponge, there was jam inside.

"Well?" asked Zahra I could tell she wanted a taste.

"Its good and before you say anything here" I said giving her the cake.

She tried it and then started being judgemental and said "Hmm, this cake needs more flavour, decoration and taste"

"Zahra!" said Fatima.

"What I'm only telling the truth"

"Yeah right"

"Can I try the next cake?" I asked.

"Sure" said James in a sweet voice but I could tell he's had enough of us, especiaaly Zahra. I tried the cake and gave some to Zahra.

"Now this is my kind of cake" said the judgmental girl aka Zahra.

The cake, if I'm honest, tasted better than the other one and looked better.

"Mmm this one is great, I think I'll go with this one. Now we just have to see whoch one Usman likes" I said.

"Don't worry, James can I take a bit home for the groom" said Amira.

"Yes" We took the slices with us and left the bakery.

"On to the dresses" said Summiyah walking directly towards a shop selling wedding dresses, shoes and jewelry.

"Summiyah I'm not buying anything yet" I said.

"Can we just have a look ,you can get some accsessories?" said Summiyah.

"Ok, afterall we did come to buy stuff" I said.

"Yes, lets go" she said. I don't understand how that girl can run in heels, I tried with short heels but I broke the heel. When we entered the shop. We headed to  where the shoes are. "May I help you girls?" said a woman as she welcomed us in.

"We're looking for high heels" said Summiayah.

"Actually flats instead, heels are too hard to walk in" I said to the woman who welcomed us in.

"Ok, what size?"

"size five" I said.

"Ok I'll be right back" said the woman.

"I'm look for jewelry that would match your dress" said Amira.

"I thought you haven't bought one yet" asked Fatima.

"I showed her a photo of my dream dress" I said.

"You guys and your silly dreams" said Zahra. Then the woman came back with a pair of nice plain flats with a bit of heel.

Amina P.O.V

I feel so jealous I have not planned one bit of my wedding . I guess my little sister is going to get married before me. My marriage is probably next year inshallah or something. Tommorow inshallah I will call Zaeem.

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