Chapter 9 - Prom shopping

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Mumina P.O.V

At first I woke up at 4:00 am and prayed Fajr then went back to bed and then I woke up with the girls at all four corners of my bed. "What?!?" I said.
"Prom shopping!!!" they said.
"Fine I'll get ready." I got up and did my normal morning routine and dressed in my yellow summer dress with a white cardigan and white flats. First we informed miss that we are going to explore the Miami beach. Together we went to have breakfast at Cafe I got scones and my favorite type of hot chocolate and then we went shopping. We went into the mall and we found an indian shop. "Lets go into this shop." said Fatima. We agreed and I found a peach abaya.
"What do you think of this one?" I said.
"Yes, but I found one that you will love." said Summiyah. I took a look at it and fell in love with it. It was a baby blue abaya with silky sleeves and the sequins where really nice. "This is definetly the one." I said.
"Your right." Aisha said.
"Its so like you" Zahra said.
"I can picture you in it" Fatima said.
"Now I'm jealous." Summiyah said. I checked the price tag and it was 54 dollars and 99 cents.
"I think I'll get this one." I said.
So I bought the abaya so we went to the shoe shop. We went into this shoe shop and called Shoe Maddness. It had all types of shoes Heels, flats, trainers and boots. "Lets look for heels that will go well with the abaya." said Summiyah.
I found these really high heels the colour blue. "I like these." I said.
"Yeah the colour matches with the abaya. Try them on." said Summiyah. So I did and they were too big.
"They're too big." I said.
"Yeah they are. Excuse me can have size 5 of these shoes." said Zahra.
"Sure." said the woman putting shoes on the shelves. The woman brought back the pair of shoes. So I tried them on and they fitted perfectly. "We'll take these" said Zahra.
"How much are they?" asked Summiyah.
"30 dollars." she said.
So I bought the shoes and Summiyah had a bag that would go with the abaya and shoes. So we walked to a fish and chips shop and got our self lunch. And ate it at the beach. "Their fishes don't taste nice." Zahra said.
"What would you do if they heard you?" said Summiyah.
"I'd say the fish said it." she said. And we all laughed. Zahra has such a good sense of humour. After lunch we just chatted and got our feet wet. And when it got dark. We went to get supper at Burger King and then we just walked backto our rooms and Miss ticked our names. She did that just incase we get lost. I prayed the salats I missed and read the quran until my phone vibrated. It was a text it said "Meet at the beach tommorow to practice lines." It might be Usman because he's the only I'm going to be practicing lines with. I texted back ok then added him to my contacts. Since I don't hace his number. I watched on my laptop for a few minutes and then went to bed.

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