Chapter 18 - Meeting his Family

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Mumina P.O.V

I woke up quite late today maybe because I couldn't sleep after what happened yesterday. I slept til 12:00pm so I had to pray Fajr, sunrise and Zohar. First I took a shower I went downstairs, said Salaam to everyone, had breakfast and watched a bit of tv. Amina came and said to me "So who's getting married first"
"Me!" I said.
"I got proposed to first" she said.
"Yeah but-" Then the phone rang I went to get it and said "Hello, Salaam alaykum"
"Walaykum Salaam, where is your mother" The woman said. It must be one of mom's friends or an aunty that I don't know.
"I'll give the phone to her" I said and I knocked on my mom's door.
"Come in" Hooya said.
"Hooya theres someone on the phone for you" I said as I went in and gave it to her. I went back downstairs and Amina was waiting for me.
"As I was saying, when are you getting married" she said.
"I don't know, we haven't planned it yet" I said.
"Anyway when we find out our wedding dates inshallah, do you wanna go Bride shopping together!" She said squealing.
"Ok, What do you wanna watch?" I said grabbing the remote.
"I dunno maybe let's watch a movie" she said.
"What movie, how about mean girls?" I asked.
"We're too old for that movie" She said.
"But I still love it" I said.
Then Isa came downstairs. "Are you two getting married?" He asked us.
"Yes" we both answered.
"Ewwwwwww, I heard we are having dinner at some guy names Usman's house." He said.
"He's not some guy, he's my fiancé and your future brother-in-law." I said proudly.
"What are yous watching?" He said.
"Something that you can't" I said.
"Don't be mean Mumina, he could probably watch. It's like a pre-teen or teen movie isn't it" Said Amina.
"Yeah it's a girly movie." I said.
"Ewww, I'm not watching a girly movie" he said and I raised my eyebrows at Amina.
After watching Mean Girls, My mom told us to put on our best clothes. Her, Zaynab and my Dad were already dressed. Dad drove us all to Usman's house, it was nice white painted house with proper glass stained windows and a really nice patio. He's living the life isn't he. We rang the doorbell and a short middle-aged woman about the same age as my mom opened the door.
"Salaam alaykum" The woman said.
"Walaykum Salaam" We said. She motioned us in the house was creatively decorated. Flower vases her and there, Family photos in cute frames and the light must be a chandelier. It reminded me of the play. I've still been practicing but without Usman plus I've been really busy this week. It's really easy for me to memorise words and it's easy for me to learn the Quran quicker. Usman's mom lead us into the living room and Usman and some other men were sat waiting. They looked scary two of them had grey hair which probably meant one of them might be his dad and the other his old relative.
"Salaam alaykum" we said and dad went to join them.
"Walaykum Salaam. " The men said. I was going to sit next to Usman but his brother went inbetween us."Save it for after the wedding" he said.
"I'm Abdullah, my four children Amina, Mumina, Zaynab and Isa. One is married and doesn't live with us and my beautiful wife Hajar.
"So I'm Dawud Usman's father, his mother Gazala, his uncle her Sawud,his older brother Harun and Amira who is-" Said Usman's dad and pointing to Usman's mother
"Amira the guests are here!" Said the man and a girl with a pink hijab, maxi skirt, top, white cardi and sandles.
"Salaam alaykum" Amira said.
"Walaykum Salaam" we answered.
"Amira is a wedding planner and she is going to help you two plan your wedding." Said Dawud. We went into the dining room and Amina came along to look at wedding things for herself aswell. "What is the theme of the wedding?" She asked.
"Well it's Pakistani and Somali since our cultures are different" I said.
"Yeah we could have like a Pakistani and Somali buffet table." Usman said.
"What about the theme colour?" She asked.
"Aqua blue?" I asked Usman.
"I was thinking turquoise, let's flip a coin I'm heads" he said. Amina and Amira stared at us like we were some kind of weirdos. The coin landed on tails.
"Aqua blue it is then" Said Amira writing in her notebook.
She asked us more questions and these were our answeres.
Food- Somali and Pakistani food
Colour- Aqua blue
Flowers - Cake and all sorts but when it came to this question: "Where will the wedding be held?" I looked at him, he looked at me and as if we told each other what to say with our eyes, we both said "Miami".
"Miami! Do you know how much it will cost to get people there?" Amira said.
"Most of my family live in Miami, we used to live there" Usman said.
"What about Mumina's family?" Asked Amira.
"Leave that to me." Said Amina. I knew she had an idea.
"Ok then!" Everything is sorted well kind of you two need to go shopping for dresses and suits." Said Amira.
"Good!" I said. Then Hooya came over and said "It's time to leave come on"
"Okay Hooya" I said. We got in the car and said goodbye to the Usman's family. When they went inside, I could see Usman out the window and he drew something on the window since it was really warm inside that house. It was a love heart and it had Mumina and Usman inside. It's so amazing how you think boys are annoying but your true love is not annoying at all, not perfect but the one for you.

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