Chapter 10 - Burger King

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Usman P.O.V

I woke up 5:10 for Fajr and decided to just go on my iPad. Then I rembered I'm going to burger king with Mumina. Well I said we will practice our lines at the beach but I'm going to take her to burger king.

It was time, I put on my best shirt and best shoes.

"Mate why are you wearing ypur best clothes?" said Omar.

"I'm just going to practice my lines with Mumina." said Omar.

"Yeah right!" he said.

"Junaids coming along init." I said.

"I am?" he said.

Then I nudge him.

"Oh yeah right so is Fatima." he said.

And he started to text her

Fatima P.O.V

Great, Usman and Mumina are meeting up again for their lines and Junaid just texed me saying I should go with Mumina because he is going with Usman.
"Lets go Mumina!" I said.
We walked all the way to the beach. We couldn't see so we put on our sunglasses and I saw them coming over.
"Hi." I said.
"Sup!" said Junaid.
Then there was an awkward silence, so I broke the awkward silence and said.
"Let's start then!"
Ok so Junaid you start." Mumina Said.
We did the scenes and they worked out really well. I think I did a reaply good posh accent
When we finished the script, Usman said.
"Do you guys wanna go Burger King?"
"Thanks but we just went yesterday."I said.
Then Mumina gives me look.
"Actually we'd love to." I said. I wasn't even that hungry. But we went anyway.
Mumina P.O.V
We went Burger King and got cheeseburgers, Junaid and Usman bought the burgers. I drawed in my book of sketches.
"What's that?" Usman asked.
"Nothing... So where's the burgers?" I asked.
"Right here"said Junaid.
We grabbed our burgers and chewed them. When we finished eating them we chatted for a while.
"So Fatima, do you wanna go prom with me?" Junaid said. Thinking the answer was gonna be yes.
"No." Said Fatima.
"Why not?" He said confused.
"Just because we are married doesn't mean I have to go prom with you, I'm going with my friends. It's the last night I'm spending with them before we go Uni ." She said.
"Whatever." He said looking a bit disappointed.
"Calm down I could fit in a dance with you!" She said.
"Good. " he said.
"You two are quite." She said.
"Oh I'm just listening to this little convo that you guys are having." I said.
"Init, Your basically telling everyone about your personal business." Usman said.
Then we both laughed, realised, then stopped.
"Should we go now?" Fatima said.
"Yes." Junaid said.
"Wait.Should we go speedboating?" Junaid asked.
"Oh yeah me and Usman learned how to use a speedboat." Junaid said.
"Just one ride." Said Fatima. Then they all looked at me.
"Then we better get a move on." I said. We went to this place which rented speedboats, canoes and all sorts. We rented two speedboats and when to the shore. They tied the boat to a pole. Fatima and Junaid went and left me and Junaid alone. I just stood there staring at the boat afraid to go on it.
"What's wrong?" He said.
"I'm afraid." I said.
"Do you trust me?" He said. In my head I was like boy don't you go all Aladdin on me.
"Yes" I said. Then he got my hand and helped me on to the boat.
"Hold on!" He said. Then the speedboat started, It whizzed through the ocean. I held on tight and I could've swore I saw two dolphins.
"Do you wanna get off?" He said.
"Not yet!" I said since I was enjoying it. Then he just stopped the ride in the middle of the ocean.
"Why did you stop it" I said.
"I saw a dolphin." He said.
"So did I." I said. Then it just popped up.
"Look." He said and he stroked the dolphin. "Your turn."
"What me?" I said.
"Yes, its easy put your hand out and stroke it's head like this." He said and put my hand on the dolphins head.
"Oh my gosh, it's so soft." I said. I couldn't believe I was actually communicating with Usman and touching a dolphin first time ever. After the dolphin went we rode back to the shore.
"What took you so long?" Said Fatima interested.
"A dolphin." I said.
"You saw a dolphin!" She said.
"Yes and I touched it." I said.
We went back to our rooms signed in with Miss and prayed. I also drawed this sketch of me and Usman looking at dolphins for some reason.

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