Chapter 13- Mumina gone missing

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Mumina P.O.V
It's the day we're going back to Seattle and I just can't wait to get home I also need to tell Miss that I'm not doing the play and Layla deserves it (NOT!!!). So I woke up and packed my clothes and no one mention anything about what happened yesterday. All everyone talked about was going home and missing Miami. I can't even find my sketchbook, it's lost and the last time I had it was in that café.
"I can't find my sketchbook. Have any of you guys got it?" I asked. And they either said no or shrugged their shoulders. I can't believe it's gone. "Can you guys help me find it?" I asked.
"Yeah." Said Summiyah. We went back to the same café and asked the staff but she said " There was a boy here and I asked him if this book was his, then he said he knew who's it was." What if Usman took it and read all my private stuff. I don't even care it's got memories in it. So I said "let's just go it doesn't matter and we're leaving soon."
"Let's go then" said Summiyah. So we went back to the rooms and finished packing and then we saw the coach. I read my quran all the way to the airport.
Fatima P.O.V
When we got back home I asked Junaid to tell me what actually happened and he said" well this girl got her purse robbed then she asked Usman to help her, after Usman helped her she just kissed her and that's when you girls came out of the ladies restroom
"Really?" I said
"Walahi" he said.
"Alright then I'll wait for tommorow and then tell Mumina." I said and then we went to bed.
Mumina P.O.V
I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I was really moody,I prayed Fajr and decided to stay up. I went out for a walk for some reason.
A few hours later.
Amina P.O.V
I wonder where Mumina is Hooya didn't see her this morning for breakfast. I called her but she didn't answer, her phone must be off. But that's not like her she always has her phone charged. So that's when I decided to call her friends because it was 4:39 she might've been out with her friends or something. So I called Summiyah. "Hi Summiyah" I said.
"Oh hi Amina is Mumina alright." She said. I was suprised because I thought she was with them.
"But wait isn't Mumina with you?" I asked.
"No I thought she was I'll because she didn't come to school today." She said. And then I started to panic.
"She wasn't here this morning either, come over Summiyah!" I said.
"Ok" she said. I told Hooya and when the girls even Junaid and some other guy, I think he's the one Mumina likes because he looked worried and kept asking questions like where was she last night and things like that. We searched and still couldn't find her. So Hooya called the cops, they asked how she looked like and all that.
"Ok Ma'am do you have a photo of her or something."They asked. Hooya passed them a photo of her in the cupboard.
Mumina P.O.V
I don't know where I am, I think I'm lost and my phone has no charge it looked like a cliff or something. I let my emotions get the best of me. Now look where it got me and I hurt my foot I shouted help but no one could help me. So I turned to Allah I made dua for Allah. And soon I heard a voice "Mumina!" It was someone looking for me. "So then I called" Help!" For whoever it was to come and find me. That's when I could her the voice closer and it was the second to last person I wanted to see, Usman. "Mumina! I've finally found you!" He said. I couldn't even speak. "Are you hurt?" He asked.I just nodded. He wrapped a bandage round my foot and then guess what he just carried me in a bridal way. But I still didn't say a word. He took to his car where the Junaid and Fatima we're waiting. "Mumina! What is wrong with you why did you scare me like that."She looked relieved and then she hugged me and I still didn't say a word, I guess I was afraid since it was dark and I thought I would have to stay in there for ages. I kept quiet the whole ride I was tired, hungry, thirsty and my foot hurt bad. When I got home everyone crowded round me and Hooya made me chai and a whole plate full of food of course I ate it and after I just prayed to Allah so glad that I was found. So I went to bed, maybe I'll be better tommorow inshallah all.
Amina P.O.V
We finally found Mumina and Hooya thanked Usman. I guess he really likes Mumina so I decided that I will talk with that dude. I grabbed him aside and said "So you're the famous Usman my sister has been talking about all the time." I said.
"I guess I am" He answered looking quite happy. So I opened up to him and said
"Do you really love Mumina?" I asked him.
"Yes I realised that spending time with her in Miami." He answered.
"Ok listen kid if you want to win her heart first you ask my parents for a blessing, get her friends to tell her what really happened, I know what happened because I have been in the same situation and the guy took the wrong path, you shouldn't take the wrong path. Then propose to her somewhere special." I said.

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