interview #20 @danicariley

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1 what's one Wattpad goal?

To have my books published as Editors Choice.

2 what's your favorite snack?

Hawaiian Pizza

3 are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment?

It makes me happy to discover new votes and comments on my work! And as for myfollowers, I love them dearly, they make my heart flourish with love.

4 what's your schedule regarding your writing?

My writing schedule is usually during the week in my free time. On weekends Iwould publish a new chapter after proof editing.

5 what's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

Never give up. Always follow your heart on what you want to accomplish and don'tsecond guess, I've learned that it makes one doubt their work.

6 how would you spend a rainy day?

If stormy weather, I'd cuddle beneath the blankets and chill with a good book. Ona normal rainy day, that's when I'm at the beach.

7 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask?

Nora Roberts is my favorite author and as for advice, I'd ask how to structure agood book in terms of making it bestselling worthy.

8 what's your favorite movie?


9 what's your favorite holiday and why?

Easter, because I love stuffing my face with a buck load of chocolate!

10 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

Some Type Of Love, by Charlie Puth

11 How would you celebrate a publishing deal?

I'd celebrate by gathering my family members for a great barbecue and crazy dancing.

request time!

My book Staying With Her evolves around a contrasting age group between two lonely people. One of which is a mother struggling to provide for her baby after the loss of her husband and the other, a Casanova officer who has no interest in expanding his life.

The two finds hope when encountered in a predicament, lighting up their future. The book is a short story that provides a new meaning to constricting love and lust.

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