interview #2 @TwistedSisters29

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1 What's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

Never quit writing! It seems like such an obvious thing, but it's really easy to put writing on the backburner. Sometimes life gets in the way and sometimes it makes it difficult to find the time to write, but definitely make the time. If it's something you love and enjoy like we do, it's worth setting even fifteen minutes aside for it. And don't give up even when haters, discouragers, or even dang writer's block tries to set up barriers to stop you. NEVER GIVE UP!

2 How would you enjoy a rainy day?

Honestly I'd probably be trying to catch up on housework, but if I have the time and a babysitter then I'd much rather be at the coffee shop with my music, laptop, and thoughts. It's a great time to enjoy a hot cup of coffee (with all the fun flavors in it of course) and get my ideas down and into a story.

3 What's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

I love the variation. There are so many amazing stories and it's such a wide platform. Although there's plenty of negativity, Wattpad is also extremely encouraging for writers and readers alike. There's always something for me to check out or someone for me to follow or talk to. It's that sort of connection and community that makes me feel welcomed to share my writing, ideas, and comments. I love that!

4 Are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment?

Definitely! It's always fun when people comment on my work or page and it's super exciting to see new votes and follows. If I have these then that means I'm doing something right and that's very encouraging.

5 What is one Wattpad goal?

Honestly, probably to get more people to read my stories. It's extremely encouraging when people like, comment, or follow one of my stories but at the end of the day I just want to know people are reading them and enjoying what I've poured my heart and soul into. I want them to walk away from my stories feeling like they really connected with the characters and felt their emotions and trials, their joy and their pain.

6 What is your favorite snack?

I enjoy a wide variety of snacks, but beef jerky or turkey sticks are probably my most consistent favorite. Lately I've really been enjoying pumpkin yogurt ('tis the season with Fall just around the corner).

7 What's your dream vacation?

Gosh this is a tough one! I would have to say probably going to New Zealand, Iceland, or Italy would be a dream vacation. Although, Russia has always been a place that has interested me due to the history regarding the last tsar and his family. That whole situation had a lot of crazy drama of an intense historical value and would provide me with a lot of crazy writing ideas.

8 What's your schedule regarding your writing?

My writing schedule is all over the place. I try to sneak writing in when I'm between jobs during the day; otherwise my hubby is very patient and puts up with me sneaking in an hour or two of writing in the evening. Honestly I try to squeeze in writing whenever I have a few moments to put toward it.

9 What is a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

I have so many artists and songs that I enjoy! Breaking Benjamin has always withstood the test of time for me and really helped me in keeping my writing passionate and intense with a good energetic vibe. I have been hooked on Andy Grammar's Don't Give Up On Me as of lately too though. It's just so powerful and really moves me when I write (or just listen to it in general).

10 If you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

This is way too hard to limit my decision down to just ONE celeb so I hope authors count because they're famous celebs in my world. There are so many to choose from, but probably the authors of the Beyond Series. They just call themselves Kit Rocha, but the two lovely ladies behind the name have thrown together such an intense series that have left me awestruck. Also, I would love to hang out with Lylah James of the Tainted Heart Series. I would love to invite these ladies to my favorite coffee shop and just sit down with them and chat. The writer in me just wants to be able to have a fun conversation on the struggles of writing, along with the joys. I want to hear what inspires and moves them, along with listening to what tips they'd have for me. It just sounds very entertaining and enjoyable. It'd just be fun!

11 What is your favorite holiday and why?

I wouldn't say I specifically have ONE favorite holiday, but if I had to choose I would say Thanksgiving. The idea behind that holiday I really do find warm and captivating. It's a good time of the year to get together with family and just simply be thankful for them. Not to mention the food is amazing! I really do love pumpkin stuff! A well-made pumpkin cheesecake can just leave me speechless. Plus with all of the family together it makes for a wonderful game day!

Request time

But enough for questions, let's talk books. I was just checking out my In The Safety Of A Lie the other day and realized how quickly it sucks you in. I mean, who doesn't enjoy a good page-turning romance thriller with a forbidden love, sexy characters, and danger around every corner? Well, this book has it all. I dare you to start it and see if you can set it down. I can guarantee it's worth the time.

 I can guarantee it's worth the time

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